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討論區/料理與食材 文章

主題: Re:Re:酪梨~~怎麼吃???
作者: 相逢在七夕
文 章 編 號: 第 69114 篇
發 表 日 期: 2003/07/26 4:13:44
閱 讀 次 數: 809
此篇文章 回應: 69110 (快樂點燈人)
回應此篇的文章: 69283
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Here's what I usually do with avocados:

1) Seaweed Roll: instead of putting rice, just put the sliced avocado on a seaweed/nori sheet, spread some mayonaise (for vegans, eggless mayo would do) and simply roll up and enjoy. Other vegetables such as asparagus, cucumber, or alphafa sprouts would go well together.

2) Guacamole Dip (Mexican)


4 avocados -- seed,peel

2 TB lemon juice

1 clove garlic -- crushed (optional)

1 tomato -- finely chopped

1/4 c onion -- finely chopped (optional)

1/4 ts ground cumin

4 dr hot pepper sauce

: Tortilla chips

Using a fork, coarsely mash avocado with lemon juice and garlic (optional). Stir in remaining ingredient to blend. Serve with tortilla chips.

3) Salad:

Any fresh greens, sliced tomatos, sliced bell peppers, sliced avocado with balsamic vinegar and olive oil will make a simple yet tasty salad.


>【 在 penghome 的大作中提到: 】






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Re:別吃髮菜了!!!!! (作者:相逢在七夕)
Re:圓滿 (作者:快樂點燈人)


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