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上一篇:美國創作男歌手Jason Mraz是崇尚生食的素食者。    下一篇:腹肌女孩Jennifer勤重訓,近幾年更力行吃素及有機食物
主題:Australian actor連恩漢斯沃 Liam Hem 含原文總篇數 1
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作者: 做個素食英雄吧
發表日期:2015/10/23 9:35:30
文章編號:230172   推文人氣指標: (0)

連恩漢斯沃 Liam Hemsworth 成為一位Vegan 5 個月!
Liam Hemsworth (born 13 January 1990) is an Australian actor. 

Liam Hemsworth gave an interview to Men's Fitness magazine and spoke

about his veganism.“I constantly get questions like, ‘How do you get your protein?’

 and ‘How do you feel?’ And most of the people who ask you this are not healthy people,”

 said Hemsworth about the reaction to his veganism. 
“But there are no negatives to eating like this. I feel nothing but positive, 

mentally and physically. I love it. I feel like it also has a kind of a domino effect on the rest of my life.”

READ MORE: www.worldanimalnews.com 他認為,要多吃蔬菜多以植物為基礎的東西:)

Liam Hemsworth Is Vegan and Loving It   OCTOBER 22, 2015 CATEGORIES: EATS,

HEALTHY LIVING, VEGAN Liam Hemsworth gave an interview to Men’s

Fitness magazine and let readers in the fact that he leads a vegan lifestyle and has

even convinced his big brother to eat more veggies.
“I constantly get questions like, ‘How do you get your protein?’ and ‘How do you feel?’

And most of the people who ask you this are not healthy people,” said 

Hemsworth of the feedback he’s been getting since making the switch five months ago. “

It always makes me so confused, because I’m like, ‘What are you eating?’ 
Whatever you’re eating, it’s not right…’ But there are no negatives to eating like this.

I feel nothing but positive, mentally and physically. I love it. I feel 
like it also has a kind of a domino effect on the rest of my life.”
When asked what led to his change in eating habits, the Hunger Games star who

was once a carnivore said his “own health, and after all the information I gathered 
about the mistreatment of animals” led the way. After, like Usher before him, seeing

a doctor that recommended a blood type diet full of meat, he quickly realized 
that was not the way to go.
“About six months ago I went and saw a nutritionist to do a blood-diet analysis. He

basically told me, based on my blood type and all the other different little tests 
they do, that red meat was good for me, and I should eat a lot more red meat and

various other foods. So I started doing that, and the more red meat I ate, the worse I 
felt,” told Hemsworth to the magazine.
It also helped to have some support from vegan friends like long-time plant-based

diet advocate Woody Harrelson.
“I have a lot of friends who are vegan,” he said. “Woody Harrelson was actually

one of the original reasons I became vegan, because he’s been vegan for, I don’t 
know, 30 years or something. So, with the facts I was gathering, and then just how

I was physically feeling, I felt like I had to do something different, so I adopted 
this vegan-diet lifestyle.”
Hemsworth’s ex-fiancee, Miley Cyrus, also recently admitted she’s

vegan but the actor didn’t mention if they ever talked about the subject when they were together. 
His brother though, Chris Hemsworth, aka Thor, took some of his advice and is eating more veggies.
“Chris is obviously extremely healthy and has played Thor and has had to work out a lot over

the past few years. Through talking to me, he’s somewhat adapting, I 
think, to eating more vegetables and more plant-based stuff,” he added.
As if he needed anything else to make him even more of an eligible bachelor,

Hemsworth also talked about how much he loves his rescue dog — and how animal rescue is 
important to him.
“I got her about a year ago,” he said of his adopted dog, Tani. “She’s the perfect dog.

I’m a big advocate of pet rescue. Especially in California. If you’re 
going to get a dog, get a rescue.”
Seriously, move over, Miss Piggy, we want to date meet Liam Hemsworth now! Via Men’s Fitness

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