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討論區/料理與食材 文章

主題: How to cook 南瓜?
作者: BHV
文 章 編 號: 第 61042 篇
發 表 日 期: 2003/05/29 22:53:15
閱 讀 次 數: 773
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We have planted several 南瓜 this Spring in our vegi garden and we will harvest lots of 南瓜 this year!! I only know one way to cook it - Peel the skins; cut them into small cubes; add vegi oyster sauce, and a little bit of water. Cook them until soft. Do you know any other 南瓜 recipes? Any desert (like a pie) or soup recipes are welcome too. Thanks!

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Re:How to cook 南瓜? (作者:隨緣.)
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