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主題: 新加坡純素創新「漂浮食品」純植物性旦世界食品創新獎
作者: 做個素食英雄吧
文 章 編 號: 第 235440 篇
發 表 日 期: 2022/05/24 22:01:26
閱 讀 次 數: 214
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焦點新聞  2022-05-23




Singapore vegan food tech company receives world food innovation award with its plant-based egg product.

Vegan startup Float Foods has won the “Best Health or Wellness Food” award at the International Food and Drink Event 2022 held in London, United Kingdom. The awarded product “OnlyEg White” is the world’s first 100% plant-based egg-white substitute offering the equivalent protein content of its animal-person-based counterpart. The company plans its commercial launch in 2022 and will also debut other mouth-watering vegan products, OnlyEg Shreds and OnlyEg Patties. Vinita Choolani, founder and CEO of Float Foods, said, “The award ….affirms our ‘Food as Medicine’ ethos that has been the core of our endeavors since day one.” Congratulations, Float Foods, on your recognized nutritious and tasty vegan egg product. In Divine inspiration, may marvelous plant-based foods soon replace all animal-person-based products as veganism becomes the new norm in our world.


焦點新聞  2022-05-22




Over two million animal-people’s lives saved during Veganuary.

The Veganuary global campaign held in January 2022, where participants pledged to go vegan for one month, attracted many more people this year. More than 629,000 individuals representing 228 countries and territories enrolled and thus helped protect over 2.16 million animal-persons from being slaughtered during those 31 days. Altogether, 36% of non-vegans who joined the challenge intend to stay plant-based, while 74% of the participants who didn’t remain vegan have a goal of permanently reducing their animal-people-based product consumption by at least half. Strong incentives cited for maintaining the diet included the ease of being vegan and health benefits experienced, such as increased energy, clearer skin, improved mood and achieving a preferred body weight. Bravo, Veganuary organizers, for encouraging and affecting long-term change by equipping everyone with useful tips, delectable plant-based recipes and friendly support. In God’s Guidance, may all noble vegan initiatives succeed. 


焦點新聞  2022-05-21




German Development Minister advises her fellow citizens to reduce meat consumption.

Recently, Her Excellency Svenja Schulze, Germany’s Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, spoke on the news station Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland, warning that food security will be affected if animal-person livestock raising is not reduced and agriculture doesn’t become sustainable. “It would help the grain supply in developing and emerging countries in the medium and long-term if we in the rich countries would eat less animal products,” stated Her Excellency. She also said that a 30% reduction in pork production in Germany would free up 1 million hectares of land to grow 5 million metric tons of grain. Thank you, Your Excellency Svenja Schulze, for making the citizens of Germany aware that avoiding consumption of animal-people-based products benefits us all. We pray that people everywhere will recognize the need to quickly change to plant-based eating to ensure food security for all, in Heaven’s guidance.

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