研究:氣候變化將成頭號經濟風險The Economic Risks of Climate Change《改變飲食的氣候效益》(Climate Benefits of Changing Diet)
Changing diets and climate change
Meat the hidden culprit of climate change
香港素食協會的評估,一位肉食者消耗的資源可以養活20~50位的素食者。根據芝加哥大學地球物理系教授Gidon Eshel和Pamela Martin說:一人一天吃一餐素可減少4.1公斤「二氧化碳」等於180棵樹1天的二氧化碳吸收量。
我們吃一餐素不吃肉,馬上等於種了180-360棵樹。荷蘭環境評估委員會的研究報告《改變飲食的氣候效益》(Climate Benefits of Changing Diet)發現:在2050年之前,人類為遏止氣候變遷所必須花費的成本高達40兆美元,若全球都改採有機存蔬飲食,可降低整整八成費用。所以少肉蔬食可以有效的遏止暖化,降低暖化成本。 有識之士認為,地球的危機,已經在倒數計時,我們沒有時間猶豫,若超過無法挽回的臨界點,暖化失控,後果將不堪設想。很多科學證據顯示,想要讓地球快點降溫,最好的減碳方法,就是停止肉食、改成蔬食!
全世界20多國和全美50州於每年3月20日聯合舉辦「世界無肉日(Meatout Day)」,主題訂定為「改變你的飲食,改變世界!」「無肉日」活動早已在不少國家推動,例如美國由許多醫學院發起,呼籲國民一週吃一天素食。
一項由美國前財政部長保爾森主導的關注氣候變化的風險商業項目(Risky Business)週二發佈研究報告稱,未來20年氣候變化可能給美國帶來數十億的經濟損失。2014年06月26日訊,記者蘇蕙綜合報導)一項關注氣候變化的風險商業項目(Risky Business)的最新研究報告出爐,其分析氣候變化對經濟領域的影響,敦促美國企業將氣候變化風險作為新一輪經濟危機看待。該項目由美國前財政部長保爾森、前紐約市長彭博及對沖基金億萬富翁斯蒂爾共同創建。
該報告就氣候變化可能對美國經濟造成的風險是由Rhodium Group和Risk Management Solutions兩家公司共同完成的。前者是一家分析全球破壞性趨勢的經濟研究公司,後者則是世界上最大的災難風險管理公司,主要為再保險和投資管理公司服務。
該項目的贊助商包括布隆博格慈善基金會(Bloomberg Philanthropies)、保爾森機構(the Office of Hank Paulson)、斯科爾全球性威脅基金(Skoll Global Threats Fund)和斯蒂爾名下的TomKat慈善基金(TomKat Charitable Trust)。
項目發起人之一、曾在2008年金融危機期間出任小布什政府財政部長的保爾森(Henry Paulson)日前在《紐約時報》撰文稱,他認為全球氣候變化的過程中正在醞釀幾乎足以摧毀銀行體系、引發美國大衰退的壓力。保爾森文章中說:「回顧2008年金融危機期間的黑暗日子,很容易看到金融危機和當前我們面臨的氣候變化帶來的挑戰,兩者如此雷同。」文章說,如同2008年的巨額債務一樣,目前溫室氣體排放也正在威脅著人類生存的環境。政府當時鼓勵人們為購買住房過度舉債,現在鼓勵碳燃料的過度使用。當時的金融專家和現在是氣候科學家一樣,力求理解他們眼前所發生的事情,並儘可能模擬未來發生的情況。
不分黨派 著重氣候變化帶來的經濟風險
保爾森表示:「(風險商業項目)的重點是,大家都認同氣候變化將成為一個巨大的經濟風險,在這個問題上不存在黨派色彩。」保爾森對危機管理的能力,幾乎無人可及,在被提名為財政部長前,是華爾街的風雲人物,曾擔任投資銀行高盛集團的主席和行政總監。該項目的另一個關鍵成員是退休基金管理人、億萬富翁斯蒂爾(Tom Steyer),他是促成風險管理項目的推手之一。斯蒂爾向來對環境保護非常關注,他是民主黨競選資金的重要來源之一。
另一風險商業項目的委員會成員佩奇(Gregory Page),是世界上最大的私人控股公司、最大的動物營養品和農產品製造商——嘉吉公司的執行主席(CEO)。佩奇則向來支持共和黨。佩奇在接受外媒採訪時說,他同意出任風險商業委員會委員,是因為該組織關注的是優秀科學家對環境變化進行評估並列出可能導致的一系列影響,而非提供潛在的解決方案,後者可能會對團隊的人造成極大的分歧。佩奇表示,他理解人們對氣候變化風險的分歧,但在農業部門,長期氣候變化的威脅不容忽視。風險商業項目研究出很多有用的、詳細的數據,但並沒有推出任何解決方案或是政治議程,這是他和嘉吉公司參與該項目的原因
研究動機 環保議題 ●碳計算 ●溫室氣體 ●少肉蔬食與環保 健康議題
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“A Matter of Two Celsius Degree,” a documentary appealing to deep concerns over the global warming crisis, features extreme weather patterns around the world and illustrates what people can do
in order to reduce global warming. In the film, harmful gas emission is believed to be a contributing factor in these underestimated weather patterns. According to the 2006 United Nations report
Livestock’s Long Shadow, it is claimed that 18 percent of global greenhouse gases are caused by animal agriculture. Yet, the December 2009 issue of the “World Watch magazine” maintains that
livestock-rearing generates more greenhouse gases than transportation and is one of the major causes of global warming. It is reasonable to infer that Food and Agriculture Organization of the
United Nations (UNFAO) apparently undervalued the greenhouse gases emission from livestock-rearing.
In addition, based on the reports from Hong Kong Vegetarian Society, the resource consumption of a meat-eater can feed 20 to 50 vegetarians. Furthermore, according to Eshel and Martin, two
professors in geophysical sciences at the University of Chicago, one vegan meal for a person can reduce the carbon emission of 4.1 kilograms, which is equal to the carbon consumption of 180 trees a
day. It is implied that if we eat one to two vegan meals per day, we automatically help the growth of 180 to 360 trees. Other than that, “Climate benefits of Changing Diet, ” a research study by
PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, pointed out that a global transition to a low meat-diet as recommended for health reasons would reduce the mitigation costs to achieve a 450 ppm
CO2-eq. stabilisation target by about 50% in 2050. And it is reported that vegetarian diet could cut climate change mitigation costs by 70 to 80 percent. Many scientific evidences also have shown
that in order to reduce global warming and cut down carbon emissions, one of the best ways is to give up eating meat and go vegetarian.In addition, based on the reports from Hong Kong Vegetarian
Society, the resource consumption of a meat-eater can feed 20 to 50 vegetarians. Furthermore, according to Eshel and Martin, two professors in geophysical sciences at the University of Chicago, one
vegan meal for a person can reduce the carbon emission of 4.1 kilograms, which is equal to the carbon consumption of 180 trees a day.
It is implied that if we eat one to two vegan meals per day, we automatically help the growth of 180 to 360 trees. Other than that, “Climate benefits of Changing Diet, ” a research study by
PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, pointed out that a global transition to a low meat-diet as recommended for health reasons would reduce the mitigation costs to achieve a 450 ppm
CO2-eq. stabilisation target by about 50% in 2050. And it is reported that vegetarian diet could cut climate change mitigation costs by 70 to 80 percent. Many scientific evidences also have shown
that in order to reduce global warming and cut down carbon emissions, one of the best ways is to give up eating meat and go vegetarian. In addition, based on the reports from Hong Kong Vegetarian
Society, the resource consumption of a meat-eater can feed 20 to 50 vegetarians. Furthermore, according to Eshel and Martin, two professors in geophysical sciences at the University of Chicago, one
vegan meal for a person can reduce the carbon emission of 4.1 kilograms, which is equal to the carbon consumption of 180 trees a day. It is implied that if we eat one to two vegan meals per day, we
automatically help the growth of 180 to 360 trees.
Other than that, “Climate benefits of Changing Diet, ” a research study by PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, pointed out that a global transition to a low meat-diet as
recommended for health reasons would reduce the mitigation costs to achieve a 450 ppm CO2-eq. stabilisation target by about 50% in 2050. And it is reported that vegetarian diet could cut climate
change mitigation costs by 70 to 80 percent. Many scientific evidences also have shown that in order to reduce global warming and cut down carbon emissions, one of the best ways is to give up
eating meat and go vegetarian.
“Meatout Day,” a campaign co-held on March 20th by 20 countries and across the U.S., spread the message of compassion with the theme “Change Your Diet – Change the World!” in the Meatout
2009 General Report. This campaign has been actively promoted in many nations. In the States, many medical schools have campaigned for going vegan once a week.
The founder of Meat Free Monday, Mr. Xiao-huan Su
In Taiwan, environmental activists also voted for this anti-meat campaign and set up “Meat Free Monday” to give an impetus to this event.
Vegan diet day in Neihu Vocational High School
In Taiwan, to help school kids form the habit of healthy eating and carbon emission reduction, the Ministry of Education encourages schools to choose one day as Meatout Day. Many schools then
invited the staff and volunteers from “Vegan New Life” to promote the anti-meat campaign. In addition, vegan dishes are provided as lunch so as to step up the campaign.
During our preparation for carrying out the Cyberfair project, we have gained growing understanding about the essential links between (1) vegan diets and health and (2) vegan diets and
environmental protection. These all together motivate us to center our project on promoting “Less Meat, More Veg, and Save the Earth.”
Vegan Diet: An Eco-friendly Choice