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現在位置:討論區 / 素食好書/影片 / Re:天哪,這部片一定要有中文版的才好~~~~

討論區/素食好書/影片 文章

主題: Re:天哪,這部片一定要有中文版的才好~~~~
作者: Bro
文 章 編 號: 第 185708 篇
發 表 日 期: 2007/02/05 10:32:57
閱 讀 次 數: 870
此篇文章 回應: 185606 (Bro)
推文人氣: (0)


A fictionalized thriller inspired by Eric Schlosser's bestselling nonfiction expose of junk food companies. The story of fast food is the story of postwar America. Though created by a handful of mavericks, the fast food industry has triggered the homogenization of our society. Fast food has hastened the malling of our landscape, widened the chasm between rich and poor, fueled an epidemic of obesity, and propelled the juggernaut of American cultural imperialism abroad. Schlosser's myth-shattering survey stretches from the California subdivisions where the business was born to the industrial corridor along the New Jersey Turnpike where many of fast food's flavors are concocted. Along the way, he unearths a trove of fascinating, unsettling truths--from the unholy alliance between fast food and Hollywood to the seismic changes the industry has wrought in food production, popular culture, and even real estate.

※此文原作者於2007/02/05 10:33:59修改過。

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