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討論區/醫療保健 文章

主題: 蘋果今天報素食
作者: 舉起夢想的翅膀×擁抱希望的星空=許下星願
文 章 編 號: 第 164086 篇
發 表 日 期: 2006/01/18 22:56:59
閱 讀 次 數: 977
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Plant foods linked to better blood pressure.

People who fill up on vegetables,whole grains and fruit tend to have healthier blood pressure levels than their more carnivorous peers, according to an international study published.

The findings say researcher, bolster recommendations that adults eat more plant-basted food for the sake of their cardiovascular health.

The study found that among nearly 4700 middle-aged adults in four countries,those who ate more vegetable protein-from grains, vegetables, beans and fruit-tended to have lower blood pressure.

Even a small increase in the proportion of calories derived from vegetable protein translated into a dip in blood pressure, according to findings publish in the Archives of Internal Medicine.

The study included 4680 adults ages 40 to59 from the UK, US, China and Japan. Ruters





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