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討論區/醫療保健 文章

主題: Re:吃素怎ㄇ可能沒營養呢?
作者: 隨緣katie
文 章 編 號: 第 101804 篇
發 表 日 期: 2004/03/24 4:01:03
閱 讀 次 數: 758
此篇文章 回應: 101716 (我是靖雯)
回應此篇的文章: 101952
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yes yes, true i agreed with 美雪, 吃素 will not make u lose weight, its depends your diet everyday,

lots of people asked me if im very skiny because im a vegetraian, is not true, because im now in england i eat lots of potato, noodle, chips, cheese and chocolate, the weather is cold.

therefore, i dont lose weight at all but even put on weight. :)

but u have to eat green leafs, starch (potato, rice, noodle or bread), milk, egg, vegatable meat and fruit everyday to make yourself balance of food.

then we have more 營養 than other people ga.


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