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 ²M®üµL¤W®v 2000.05.16 ¥H­^»y¶}¥Ü©óÁú°ê¥Ã¦P


You need telepathy wisdom in order to help me, otherwise, just stay clear. It just makes more trouble, more confusion, and more effort for me. I have to double the work and triple the work sometimes when you just try to be a busybody and not really help. Just try to join in to look busy, to look good, to look helpful, but it’s not truly helpful. To help somebody, you have to have a clear head of what that person wants, not what you want. Not that you want to help, but if that person needs help or not, and in which way he needs help. That’s very difficult to find somebody who knows this.



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²M®üµL¤W®v 1986.07.08 ¥H¤¤¤åÁ¿©óºÖº¸¼¯¨F¥x¥_


Master being used to living without a home and sleeping outside every day. Everything in the universe is my home. The sky is my mosquito net, the stars are my lamps, the sky and the earth are my temples. There is a great Buddha in our hearts. In this largest temple, we perform morning and evening prayers every day and worship the Buddha inside, but no one knows. …Because at the beginning of the world, there was no universe, no good or bad, no Buddhism, no Catholicism, no Sakyamuni Buddha, and no Jesus Christ. When we communicate with this realm where there is no good, no bad, and no religion, What other religion? Who was doing morning and evening classes at that time? Who do you worship?



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                         ~ ²M®üµL¤W®v ~


So most of us are too serious. We play the game of life and learn the lessons in our worldly so-called drama too seriously. And many people cannot laugh and they dare not cry sometimes for fear of other people taking advantage of their emotions.


If we raise ourselves above the coarse level of emotion to the finer level of perfect emotion, then emotion becomes a good tool for us. At that time, we dare to laugh and we dare to cry with perfect harmony. And we have no artificial restraints about our feelings anymore. We just know exactly how to react emotionally at the right moment, which brings relief to us and brings joy, or maybe relief to other people. 



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#²M®üµL¤W®v #Æ[­µªkªù #µL¤W®v¹qµø¥x #ÆF©Ê±Ð²z #Vegan



       ²M®üµL¤W®v 2022.09.29 ¥H­^»y¹q¸Ü¶}¥Ü


if you die too early and your level’s still low. That’s one thing. Another thing that’s more important, is that you have to live longer because you practice spiritually, you bless this world. Master Power blesses this world through you. And the longer you practice, the higher you rise up, the more blessing you can have for the world and the more you can save your five, six, seven, nine generations. Because, this world is very good for practicing, if you’re lucky to find a good Master to teach you an enlightening method and lift you up to the highest possible level.



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²M®üµL¤W®v 1988.09.24-27 ¥H¤¤¤åÁ¿©óºÖº¸¼¯¨F¦è´òÁI¥|  


This world really has nothing worth clinging to so we should hasten to practice spiritually. Every moment, every minute, is precious because we never know how much time is left for us to practice. It’s just like an airplane with a limited amount of fuel. For example, for a flight from the local airport to New York a fixed quantity of fuel is pumped into the plane. And if the pilot doesn’t head straight for New York but wastes his fuel circling above the airport putting on a show, later when the fuel is exhausted, the plane will drop.



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 ²M®üÆÓ¤W师¥H­^¤å讲¤_­^国伦´° 1999.06.09



¡iDirect Contact with God Leads to Ultimate Oneness¡j


God has no form even though Hes can manifest in physical and metaphysical forms so that we can identify ourselves with Hirm, talk to Hirm and even complain to Hirm; we can also hear Hiers advice and become wiser so as to better take care of our daily problems. And that's how we become saintly and wise people.


In the old times, people became wise men or women because of direct communication with God, or through direct teaching from the Most High. 


So in the beginning when we first come to know God, Hes might appear to us as Light or talk to us in human language or as intuition in our minds. 


But later on Hes will raise us higher and higher until we become one with Hirm. And that's when we can declare, "I and my Father are one" the same way our Lord Jesus reached God. 


Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, London, UK, June 9, 1999

(Originally in English) Videotape #662

♥️ Most Loving Master, we receive Your message with such relief and joy. 


We have been thinking of You so much over this past week and asking for it to be God's will that Master is safe and sound. 


All of us wish Master a very speedy and complete recovery and that You are truly comfortable and have a peaceful environment. 


May Master be protected at all times by God Almighty and all Glorious Heavens. 🙏🙏🙏 💕


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