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上一篇:剩食計畫—拯救10萬噸食材,餵飽6萬人!    下一篇:我們只有一個地球,不該把它視為理所當然!
主題:牛津大學最新研究:全球改吃素 每年可救800萬命 含原文總篇數 1
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作者: 林凱菲
發表日期:2016/03/23 16:49:53
文章編號:230780   推文人氣指標: (0)

中央社新聞》研究:全球改吃素 每年可救800萬命
路透社報導,研究人員指出,這篇發表於美國學術期刊「國家科學院學報」(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences)的研究報告,率先評估全球改採蔬食飲食對健康與氣候變遷造成的影響。

「我們所吃的食物大大影響個人健康與全球環境。」牛津馬丁未來食物計畫(Oxford Martin Programme on the Future of Food)成員斯普林曼(Marco Springmann)說,飲食失衡對全球造成更多健康負擔,且我們的食物系統排放超過1/4的溫室氣體。




A vegetarian world would be healthier, cooler and richer: scientists
Reuters - ‎Mar 21, 2016‎
BARCELONA (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - By eating less meat and more fruit and vegetables, the world could avoid several million deaths per year by 2050, cut planet-warming emissions substantially, and save billions of dollars annually in healthcare ...

Vegan Eating Would Slash Food's Global Warming Emissions: Study

NBCNews.com - ‎Mar 21, 2016‎
... to estimate both the health and climate change impacts of a global move towards a more plant-based diet, they said. "We do not expect everybody to become vegan," said lead author Marco Springmann of the Oxford Martin Program on the Future of Food.

Earth would be healthier and richer if we all became vegetarian

Daily Mail - ‎22 hours ago‎
The research was carried out by a team lead by Marco Springmann from the Oxford Martin Programme on the Future of Food. The Oxford University researchers modelled the effects of four different diets by mid-century. This included a 'business as usual' ...


Eating Less Meat And More Fruit Could Save Lives -- And The Planet

Huffington Post - ‎Mar 21, 2016‎
Marco Springmann, a research fellow at the Oxford Martin Programme on the Future of Food and the study's co-author, said the strikingly different estimates reflect a number of different scenarios — for example, a scenario where people simply eat less ...

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上一篇:剩食計畫—拯救10萬噸食材,餵飽6萬人!    下一篇:我們只有一個地球,不該把它視為理所當然!

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