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上一篇:CNN專訪美國前總統柯林頓,減重的秘密(2010/09/21    下一篇:飲咖啡與茶,可能導致缺鐵性貧血
主題:今年最振奮人心的蔬食新聞!前美國總統柯林頓嘗試成為蔬食主義者 含原文總篇數 1
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作者: 林凱菲
發表日期:2010/09/19 8:07:46
文章編號:218357   推文人氣指標: (3)


Clinton: Working to stay healthy for his grandchildren

On a mission to keep off the weight he lost this summer for daughter Chelsea's wedding, President Bill Clinton is experimenting with a low-cholesterol, vegetarian diet.

Clinton, apparently eager to fit some exercise into his busy schedule, walked across Time Square on Thursday evening for an interview with Yahoo! News and The Huffington Post. Clinton is in New York gearing up for the Clinton Global Initiative's (CGI) Annual Meeting.


In this part of the interview, President Clinton explains the way potential grandchildren motivate him to stick to the diet, and shares one of his favorite moments from Chelsea's recent wedding to Marc Mezvinksky:




Former president says sticking to veggies has allowed him to drop more than 20 pounds.
When it came to walking her down the aisle, Chelsea Clinton wanted her father, former President Bill Clinton, to not only look good, but also be in the best of health. She instructed him to lose 15 pounds, something he did with gusto — he lost 20 pounds — by dropping the junk food and embracing an all-plant diet.
But Chelsea's wedding wasn't the main reason for going the veggie route. As he explained to Yahoo! in a recent video interview, future grandchildren are a big motivator for embracing a healthier lifestyle.
"I'm trying to be one of those experimenters," Clinton says. "Since 1986, several hundred people who have tried essentially a plant-based diet — not ingesting any cholesterol from any source — have seen their bodies start to heal themselves; break up the arterial blockage, break up the calcium deposits around the heart. 82 percent of people who have done this have had the result, so I want to see if I can be one of them."
The former president, who has had massive heart issues since 2004, plans on following the diet for a few more months and then evaluating where to go from there. Let's hope he sticks with it.

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小溪有影響力的名人吃素 的確是好事 (不論這個人的真面目到底是啥) 最近我忘了在哪裡看到查理王子呼籲環保的新聞 沒什麼人理他吧 如果是黛安娜王妃 效果就不一樣2010/09/20 14:06:13
小提琴獨行俠+鋼琴新好男孩+生理學小帥哥受女兒影響吧!這是好事2010/09/20 11:09:58
小品人好開心,一位重量級人物要嘗試吃素,而且我還很喜歡柯林頓, 柯林頓在政治上或公益上都做得很不錯.2010/09/19 10:16:36
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