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主題:我們現在的文化是膚淺的 含原文總篇數 1
原       文
作者: 墨水心
發表日期:2008/07/23 19:23:54
文章編號:202782   推文人氣指標: (0)

 ((英漢對照)) 吳奚真               書名:英語散文集錦


Our Culture Is Superficial Today         我們現在的文化是膚淺的。

HUMAN conduct and belief now undergoing trans-formations profounder and more disturbing than any since the traditional religion of wealth and philosophy *put an end to the traditional religion of the Greeks. It is the age of Socrates again: our moral life is threatened, and our intellectual life is quickened and enlarged by the disin- tegration of ancient customs and beliefs. Everything is new and experimental in our ideas and our actions; nothing is established or certain any more.


Our culture is superficial today, and our knowledge dangerous, because we are rich in mechanisms and poor in purposes. The balance of mind which once  *came of a warm religious faith is gone; science has taken from us the supernatural bases of our morality, and all the world seems consumed in a disorderly individualism that reflects the chaotic fragmentation of our character.


We move about the earth with unprecedented speed; but we do not know , and * have no thought, where we are going, or whether we shall find any happiness there for knowledge, which has made us drunk with our power. And we shall not be saved without wisdom.


人類的行為和信仰現在經歷著一些變化,那些變化的深遠和令人因擾的程度,超越了自從財富和哲學的出現結束了希臘人的傳統宗教以來所曾發生的任何變化。現在我們又回到了蘇格拉底的時代; 我們的道德生活瀕臨危險,我們的智力生活則由於古老的習俗與信仰的崩解而加緊並擴大起來。在我們的思想和我們的行為之中,每件事情都是新的和試驗性的; 沒有一樣事情依然是確定不移的。























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上一篇:社工!你知道社工在做些什麼嗎?    下一篇:有「機」的電信局…

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