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主題: Good Book:Even Vegans Die
作者: 做個素食英雄吧
文 章 編 號: 第 232402 篇
發 表 日 期: 2017/07/25 7:06:35
閱 讀 次 數: 662
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師兄師姐早安  美好吉祥的一天^_^
:) ❤️❤ 💕 💜❤️💛🌹
Thanks very much for sharing.🎁
Warm Regards,☺️
❤️❤ 💕 💜❤️💛🌹

Even Vegans Die: A Practical Guide to Caregiving, Acceptance, and Protecting Your Legacy of Compassion: Carol J. Adams, Patti Breitman, Virginia Messina, Michael Greger: 9781590565537: Amazon.com: Books


和平曙光分享了 Vegan Outreach 的相片

"Even Vegans Die is a quick, captivating read and I highly encourage all animal advocates to read it—both young or old, vegan or non-vegan!" - Jack Norris


Good Book:Even Vegans Die

June 26, 2017

By Jack Norris, Registered Dietitian, Executive Director

Longtime vegan activists, Carol J. Adams, Patti Breitman, and Ginny Messina, MPH, RD, have written a fascinating book, Even Vegans Die.

The title and cover are meant to parody the New York Times bestseller How Not to Die, by Michael Greger, MD—Dr. Greger even writes the foreword to Even Vegans Die!

The chapters When You Have a Terminal Illness and Protecting Your Legacy of Kindness are filled with invaluable tips that many of us haven’t considered and which will make our deaths much easier for our loved ones.

For example, have you taken the time to set up plans for the care of your companion animals once you’re gone? If not, you should read this book! Even if you’re not sick, you never know what might happen and you want to make sure your animal friends will be well cared for. Even Vegans Die will get you started.

Important topics that Even Vegans Die addresses are fat-shaming and health-shaming in the vegan movement. In the chapter, How Shame and Blame Affect Our Health and Our Advocacy, the authors describe how people often don’t feel welcome in our movement because they don’t fit the stereotype many of us are trying to present of a vegan diet leading to weight loss.

And if someone’s unlucky enough to get an illness like cancer, heart disease, or type 2 diabetes—they’ll have an extra burden of feeling like they’ve let the animals down. An excerpt:

A constricted and restrictive view of who is allowed to speak for animals reduces the impact of our vegan community. The shame and blame that often accompany obesity or chronic disease has the unfortunate result of turning animal activists into non-activists.

Even Vegans Die has inspired me—and others at Vegan Outreach—to portray veganism as welcoming to people of all shapes and sizes and we’re in the process of doing more of that in our materials.

When the beloved activist, Lisa Shapiro, passed away from cancer two years ago, I made a Facebook post in memoriam. A fellow vegan asked how Lisa could have gotten cancer if she was vegan. This person wasn’t being purposefully insensitive—she was serious.

I explained that evidence shows vegans have about a 15-20% lower risk of cancer than meat-eaters due to our diet, but, as Even Vegans Die points out, a vegan diet cannot guarantee that you won’t get a chronic disease. No one should feel shame when they get sick.

Even Vegans Die recommends that people follow mainstream medical advice on getting health screenings—advice I also heed as I recently had my first colonoscopy and am glad I did.

Even Vegans Die is a quick, captivating read and I highly encourage all animal advocates to read it—both young or old, vegan or non-vegan!


生命不是活給別人看的,生命就是一 朵花,靜靜地開,悄悄地落。愛情不是尋找共同點,而是學會尊重 不同點。緩,可以三思;退,可以遠禍;捨, 可以養福;靜,可以益壽。人生如行路,一路艱辛,一路風景。 你的目光所及,就是你的人生境界。是誰把光陰剪成了煙花,一瞬間,看 盡繁華。是誰把思念翻起了浪花,一 轉身,浪跡天涯。最好的地方,是沒去過的地方。最好 的時光,是回不來的時光。全世界都在說放棄的時候,希望在低 語:再來一次。不為做過的事而懊悔。我只是遺憾, 有些事,有機會卻沒有去做。有些話,說不出,則予以輕描。有些 事,揮不去,便賦以淡寫。無論這個世界對你怎樣,都請你一如 既往的努力、勇敢、充滿希望。慢慢的都會遠,漸漸的都會淡,擁有 時,好好珍惜,離開了,默默祝福, 人生的旅途,沒有人是應該要陪你走 到最後。原諒,不過是將遺憾悄悄掩埋;忘 記,才是最深刻徹底的寬容。人生是一場一個人的旅程,無人可替 代。總有人離開,總有人到來。生活真的很簡單,別總是強迫自己。 人生如圓,終點亦是起點。不貪,慾念就少;不嗔,心就易平; 不求,就常知足。遇上了,請珍惜; 別過了,道珍重。就算你改變不了世界,也要忠於自 己

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