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主題: 2017 PETA三位純素神力女超人
作者: 做個素食英雄吧
文 章 編 號: 第 232384 篇
發 表 日 期: 2017/07/18 3:23:07
閱 讀 次 數: 646
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Kind Regares, Have a nice day.
God Bless You forever.

2017 PETA三位純素神力女超人


 PETA亚洲善待动物组织  │ 动物权益在中国


Three ‘Wonder Women’ Are Crowned PETA’s ‘Sexiest Vegan Celebrities’

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

501 Front St., Norfolk, VA 23510757-622-PETA (7382)757-622-0457 (fax)

PETA is a nonprofit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) corporation (tax ID number 52-1218336).



Three ‘Wonder Women’ Are Crowned PETA’s ‘Sexiest Vegan Celebrities’

PETA has declared 2017 the Year of the Vegan Wonder Women in its annual Sexiest Vegan Celebrity contest, handing the title to Ruby Rose, Jenna Dewan Tatum, and Maggie Q in the contest’s first three-way, all-women win. Other contenders included Kate McKinnon, Colin Kaepernick, Swizz Beatz, Ricky Gervais, and Chloë Grace Moretz.


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This year, Orange Is the New Black and John Wick: Chapter 2 star Rose—who previously called meat “revolting”—encouraged her 1.3 million Twitter followers to fight climate change by going vegan, writing, “We can be the change.” She also invited  her 11.3 million Instagram followers to fall in love with her rescued dogs.



World of Dance host Tatum, who previously starred in a sexy vegan fashion campaign for PETA, told the Los Angeles Times last year, “I certainly encourage veganism, not just for our health, but for the environment and also for the ethical and moral reasons.”



Designated Survivor star Maggie Q hit the streets to stick up for animals this year, not only leading a PETA protest against Canada Goose’s coyote-fur coats but also coming out to support the Toronto woman who was arrested for giving water to dehydrated, slaughter-bound pigs. The actor previously starred as a nearly nude Mother Earth in a PETA ad that proclaimed, “Fight Climate Change With Diet Change.”


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Other top contenders this year included more wonder women and men, including Jessica Lange and Michelle Pfeiffer—who prove that vegan eating may be the key to eternal youth—as well as Bridget Malcolm, Ellie Goulding, Joaquin Phoenix, Craig Ferguson, Travis Barker, RZA, Peter Dinklage, and Waka Flocka Flame.


Past winners of PETA’s annual contest include Liam Hemsworth, Miley Cyrus, Jhené Aiko, Ellen Page, Jared Leto, Kristen Bell, Jessica Chastain, Kristen Wiig, Russell Brand, Carrie Underwood, Natalie Portman, Shania Twain, Leona Lewis, André 3000, Tobey Maguire, Russell Brand, and Alicia Silverstone.


Want to be sexy like these celebs? Go vegan!

These celebrities are attractive, inside and out. Join them and countless others by going vegan. It’s never been easier to make the switch, thanks to PETA’s vegan starter kit. Click below to order your free kit, and discover just how easy it is to go vegan today.


 VEGUE 唯素主義貼文

PETA (國際善待動物組織) 上週宣布2017年最性感的Vegan純素名人,

Ruby Rose (露比·蘿絲) ~😍
近期知名作品:電影 《限制級戰警:重返極限》(xXx: The Return of Xander Cage)
還說:“We can be the change.” (趨勢可以由我們主導)

Jenna Dewan Tatum (珍娜·戴溫) ~😍
近期知名作品:美劇《東區女巫》(Witches of East End)

Maggie Q ~😍
近期知名作品:美劇《指定倖存者》 (Designated Survivor)
影響力:與PETA攜手宣傳 “改變飲食,對抗氣候變遷”

Kate McKinnon (凱特・麥金儂) - 美國演員 / 周六夜現場
Colin Kaepernick (科林・卡佩尼克) - 美式足球員
Swizz Beatz - 美國饒舌歌手 / 2017作品 DMX - Bain Iz Back 
Ricky Gervais (瑞吉・葛文) - 英國演員
Chloë Grace Moretz (克蘿伊·摩蕾茲) - 美國演員/ 以超殺女成名



The Prayer Vegan Heaven 釋 天 唐 祈 福 ♥❄✡純素生活✟創造和平🎂 卍Swastika 🌍Be Vegan,Make Peace🌍 ✡ Veganism Is Paradise♥素食主義是天堂✡ 敬愛尊貴的 聖德 佛菩薩~您好~您的來信敬悉感恩 ,謝謝! 上帝與您時刻同在^_^㊗主內福佑 平安喜樂 ☼Remember God★環保♻️愛寰宇 銀河系 金星🌍 ★如果全世界都吃素,戰爭與飢荒將停止, ★讓愛與和平從我們心裡開始。 建設性的言語開創肯定的未來。 ♥藥師佛 釋 天 唐 祈禱佛光無暗。 無上正等正覺庇益一切眾生,如來身意供養天。 淨化布施為一種修行、布施貢獻不求回報、 無私付出使知識長進、擇友正念光榮棟樑、 尊貴敬愛鈞座佛菩薩∼護宥 環保 愛素 不殺生。 Please Save Our One Earth.The Heart of ASIA亞洲之心

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