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主題: 李嘉誠投資純素起司漢堡食品
作者: 做個素食英雄吧
文 章 編 號: 第 228687 篇
發 表 日 期: 2014/11/19 14:30:01
閱 讀 次 數: 1510
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Li Ka-shing turns up heat on food investment with vegan cheeseburger

Staff Reporter 2014-11-18

Li Ka-shing turns up heat on food investment with vegan cheeseburger
"Li Ka-shing, Hong Kong business magnate and the richest man in Asia,
tried his latest technological investment–the vegan cheeseburger–in
Hong Kong recently. Li reportedly exclaimed, "Impossible!" after he
tasted the burger."

如果所有富豪都富而好禮且推廣素食 地球的未來會更光明漂亮

本報記者 2014年11月18日



素食芝士漢堡,最近在香港。 據報導,李感嘆道,“不可能!” 之後,他嚐到了漢堡。




截至4月16日,李,長江實業集團的創始人,美元31.9十億身家。 他先後投資3.5億美元在啟動企業和這些資金的大部分去食品技術。

李的風險投資基金的地平線創投最近投資不可能的食品,其中研究和開發以植物蛋白素食主義者的肉和奶製品。 公司目前擁有的風險投資籌集7500萬美元,其中包括來自李,比爾·蓋茨和谷歌風險投資基金。

不可能的食品帕特里克·布朗,斯坦福大學的生物學家和醫師的創始人說,素食主義者芝士漢堡是由100%純天然,素食食材。 菜單中含有較多的蛋白質,鐵和多種維生素,比普通芝士漢堡,是不含膽固醇。







A vegan cheeseburger has attracted investment from billionaires Bill Gates and Li Ka-shing, attracted US$75 million in venture capital, reports the website of Guangzhou's 21st Century Business Herald.

Li Ka-shing, Hong Kong business magnate and the richest man in Asia, tried his latest technological investment–the vegan cheeseburger–in Hong Kong recently. Li reportedly exclaimed, "Impossible!" after he tasted the burger.

The burger, produced by US food science company Impossible Foods, is one of Li's most recent investments in food technology following JustMayo, the egg-free mayonnaise now sold in Hong Kong's Great Supermarket. JustMayo is a product of San Francisco-based Hampton Creek.

As of April 16, Li, the founder of Cheung Kong Holdings, had a net worth of US$31.9 billion. He has invested about US$350 million on startup businesses and a major portion of these funds go to food technology.

Li's venture capital fund Horizon Ventures recently invested in Impossible Foods, which researches and develops vegan meat and dairy products with vegetable protein. The company now has raised US$75 million in venture capital, including funds from Li, Bill Gates and Google Ventures.

The founder of Impossible Foods Patrick Brown, a Stanford University biologist and physician, said the vegan cheeseburger is made of 100% natural, vegetarian ingredients. The menu contains more protein, iron and vitamins than regular cheeseburgers and is cholesterol free.

The vegan "meat" is mainly made with substances derived from spinach, wheat and soybean, and the company is working on diversifying its taste and texture with different plants, Brown said.

The beef-flavored vegan cheeseburger is expected to hit the US market in 2015. It is believed that the company will be working with Horizon Ventures to open a production line in Asia.


Li Ka-shing 李嘉誠

Horizon Ventures 維港投資

Cheung Kong Holdings 長江實業

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