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主題: Top 20 Vegetarian Restaurants
作者: 做個素食英雄吧
文 章 編 號: 第 227781 篇
發 表 日 期: 2014/06/15 17:46:46
閱 讀 次 數: 742
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Top 20 Vegetarian Restaurants In Los Angeles
L.A. is a conscious city, that for some years now, has unanimously voted in favour of “Meatless Monday” and thus becoming the biggest city in the country, to welcome - encouraging its citizens to at least once a week; be vegetarian.FACT - globally, 70% of freshwater use, is diverted for the process of irrigation-intensive agriculture and around 30% of the total Global Warming Effect can be attributed to the food system.With these facts, has the city, evolved and at present offers a wide range of great vegan diners, that will please all palates. Following are 20 vegan spots that are at the top of their business, ranging from PIZZA to THAI foods. Enjoy!!
TIP - The following culinary info is NOT recommended for hungry readers, it can be a bit of a torture for those empty stomachs.

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