有雞先定有蛋先?植物蛋出現將改變傳統觀念。生產商Hampton Creek Foods眼見一般雞蛋生產過程不人道,母雞困於又窄又黑的雞籠,被迫進食大量穀物,銳意以高科技抽取植物中有用成份,取代真雞蛋,顛覆傳統的飲食習
慣。有關的理念獲長實主席李嘉誠賞識,其私人投資公司維港投資更向Hampton Creek注資近一億二千萬港元。
San Francisco,加利福尼亞 - 2014年2月17日
此次融資是由主導先生李嘉誠的視野經營企業,其中包括來自傑里楊和AME雲創投,阿里和哈迪Partovi,谷歌的傑西卡·鮑威爾,斯科特·班尼斯特,和灰帕特爾參與。 早期投資者科斯拉風險投資公司,聯合基金,以及吉泰勒
和湯姆Steyers'鷹崖也參加了會議。 漢普頓小河共收到3000萬美元的資金,以日期。
漢普頓河將利用這筆資金加速其在北美的快速增長,擴大其業務至亞洲,尋求戰略合作夥伴關係,並發展他們的團隊。 漢普頓河已經建立了一個獨特的技術平台,使生產更健康的食物以較低的成本,從傳統的雞蛋的安全和可
持續的選擇。 在過去90天內,該公司已與6財富500強企業,包括一些最大的食品生產商和零售商在全球簽署了合作協議。
“技術使大家有更多的選擇,以改善我們的未來。 為了跟上為日益增長的全球人口的所有需求,我們需要更高效,更環保,而且有更多的優質和負擔得起的選擇,說:“先生李嘉誠。
不健康的地方我們的目標一直是建立一個公司,帶來了健康和負擔得起的食物給大家,無處不在解決一個問題指實際解決問題對大多數人 - 不只是鄉親能夠支付5.99美元的有機雞蛋。我們很高興能有這樣的世界級投資者與我
漢普頓溪的任務是把健康的和負擔得起的食物給大家,無處不在。 該公司收到的最好的最新消息2013大獎由科普為他們的“植物為基礎的蛋。”漢普頓溪的合作夥伴包括美國慈善協會和全球病毒,致力於解決世界上最緊迫的
傳染病威脅的組織。 喬希Tetrick,富布賴特學者和前大學橄欖球運動員,共同創辦了漢普頓河在2011年居住滿7年在撒哈拉以南非洲地區正在與利比里亞總統和聯合國,以及其他舉措之後。
新聞聯絡人:摩根奧利維拉, moliveira@hamptoncreekfoods.com ,(415)515-8078
Bringing Healthier and Affordable Food to Everyone, Everywhere
SAN FRANCISCO, California – February 17, 2014 – Hampton Creek,™ a technology company pioneering in food, announced today that it has completed a $23 million Series B financing round.
The financing was led by Mr. Li Ka-shing’s Horizons Ventures and includes participation from Jerry Yang and AME Cloud Ventures, Ali and Hadi Partovi, Jessica Powell of Google, Scott Banister, and
Ash Patel. Early investors Khosla Ventures, Collaborative Fund, and Kat Taylor and Tom Steyers’ Eagle Cliff also participated. Hampton Creek has received a total of $30 million in funding to date.
Hampton Creek will use the funds to accelerate its rapid growth in North America, expand its operations to Asia, pursue strategic partnerships, and grow their team. Hampton Creek has built a unique
technology platform to enable the production of healthier food at a lower cost, starting with the safe and sustainable option of the conventional chicken egg. In the last 90 days, the company has
signed partnership agreements with 6 Fortune 500 companies, including some of the largest food manufactures and retailers in the world.
“Technology enables everyone to have more options to better our future together. To keep up with all the demands for the growing global population, we need to be more efficient, more
environmentally friendly, and have more quality and affordable choices,” said Mr. Li Ka-shing.
CEO and founder Josh Tetrick said, "We live in a time where the unhealthy choice is dirt cheap and convenient. And the healthy choice is pricey and inconvenient. When my Dad walks the grocery
aisles to buy mayo or chocolate-chip cookies or eggs, the inputs that make them possible often come from bizarrely unhealthy places. Our goal has always been to build a company that brings
healthier and affordable food to everyone, everywhere. Solving a problem means actually solving the problem for most people – not just the folks that can afford to pay $5.99 for organic eggs. We’
re thrilled to have such world-class investors joining forces with us.”
The mission of Hampton Creek is to bring healthy and affordable food to everyone, everywhere. The company received the Best of What’s New 2013 Grand Award by Popular Science for their “plant-
based egg.” Hampton Creek’s partners include The Humane Society of the United States and Global Viral, an organization dedicated to addressing the world's most pressing infectious disease
threats. Josh Tetrick, a Fulbright Scholar and former college football player, co-founded Hampton Creek in 2011 after spending seven years working in Sub-Saharan Africa with the President of
Liberia and the United Nations, among other initiatives.
Press Contact: Morgan Oliveira, moliveira@hamptoncreekfoods.com, (415) 515-8078
「植物蛋」上市 風味不輸雞蛋