¡i¯À¹²Ä16¹D¡j¯À¹½¹¡u±m¦â¸²y¡v¢x¯À¹½¹¡u±m¦â绣²y¡v¢xSteamed Colorful Balls
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¡i¯À¹²Ä16¹D¡j¯À¹½¹¡u±m¦â绣²y¡v¢xSteamed Colorful Balls
1. 将红¡B«C¡B黄¤TÏú´Ô¤À别å开¡B¥h¬ó¦Z¬~净¡A¤Á¤p¤B¡AµM¦Z¦U¦Û办¤W¢°¤p°Í¤Ó ¥Õ¯»«Ý¥Î¡C
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vegetarian meat paste, red bell pepper, green pepper, yellow bell pepper, string Chinese celery, minced ginger, cornstarch
salt, shiitake mushroom powder, white pepper, light sesame
oil, cornstarch solution
1. Halve the three color peppers open and discard the seeds, then rince well and dice. Seperate in three bowls and add 1T cornstarch in each bowl to mix well with the peppers.
2. Add 1T of light sesame oil to vegetarian meat paste along with minced ginger added. Mix well and squeeze into small balls. Roll around in peppers to make diffrent color balls. Repeat to finish all and steam in steamer over medium heat for about 15 minutes and remove to serving plate.
3. Discard leaves from Chinese celery string and rinse well, then mince. Heat a little oil in wok and stir-fry minced celery until fragrant. Pour in 200cc of water and bring to a boil over high heat. Then add slat, shiitake mushroom powder and pepper to taste. Thicken with cornstarch solution and drizzle with light sesame oil, then drizzle over the steamed three color balls.