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主題:美國知名女演員流行歌天后 麥莉·希拉Miley Cyrus 含原文總篇數 2
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作者: 做個素食英雄吧
發表日期:2017/07/13 16:38:21
文章編號:232371   推文人氣指標: (0)

果我們都吃素   人人會成聖賢    大家會更聰明 保護 小動物 生靈~

If you don't like animals being hurt and killed, stop paying people to

 hurt and kill them.


麥莉·希拉 是一位基督徒,並於2005年在一座美國南方浸信會教堂接受浸禮。

美國知名女演員 / 流行歌天后 麥莉·希拉 (Miley Cyrus)

Miley Ray Cyrus,1992年11月23日-),美國著名女演員及創作歌手,






約兩天前(7月10日) 在IG上公布她最新的刺青...😮

【國際VEGAN 認證標章】
還跟了一句:Vegan For Life💚

這該是本週最潮最酷的八卦了吧! XD

看來麥莉會把這個 VEGAN認證標章給炒紅~💯
掀起一波 "自行純素認證" 的刺青熱潮 ~😍

麥莉·希拉 (Miley Cyrus) 的IG Instagram



11 Instagram Pics That Prove Miley Cyrus Is Vegan AF

1. That time when she proved veg food is da bomb. 
2. That other time when she proved veg food is da bomb.
3. She chills with the illest vegan clique.
4. LOL.
5. She rocks some sick vegan apparel. (Yo Miley, Y U NO wear MFA gear?!?!)
6. “I'd eat dirt before an animal.” 👏
7. #WeMissTheOldMiley
8. DONE.
9. Her pig, named Pig, is the cutest.
11. And FTW!
Miley, you’re the IG Queen of Veg.





She loves her dogs … … and cat. 

She’s also super anti-fur … … and don’t even get her started on hunting!


There is no doubt that she slays animal rights, but with over 40 MILLION Instagram followers, Miley’s the most veganly vegan of us all!


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釋天唐祈福 感恩佩服∼外國十二時尚素食明星

作者: 做個素食英雄吧
發表日期:2017/07/16 10:55:15
文章編號:232379 篇  此篇回應:第 232371 篇 推文人氣指標: (0)

Cosmos Vegan Heaven釋天唐祈福 感恩佩服∼外國十二時尚素食明星
❤Remember✞God㊗️World Vegan🌈World Peace🌹PLS Be Green✴MercyFor Beings❄愛動物保護地球🍀💜🌴您有愛❣您不去殺生🌻愛生靈慈悲為生


nail art ideas to try this summer 2017


12 Famous Vegan Women And Their Reasoning Behind The Lifestyle  

 AUG 17, 2016  

Veganism is so hot right now, and there are plenty of ethical, health-related and environmental reasons to partake in it, even if it's for just a little while.

Recently Bey and Jay did a little vegan stint, but other celebs are adopting the lifestyle full-time.Here's a little run-down of some famous vegans and their reasoning for eschewing brie.

Natalie Portman

Natalie Portman Vegan | Elle UK August 2016


As well as caring about animals and stuff, Natalie Portman maintains a plant-based diet because of her gorgeous skin, 'I'm vegan and I drink a lot of water.

If I have dairy I immediately break out.'

Leona Lewis

X Factor winner Leona is an out-and-out animal lover who refuses to wear any by-products.

Leona Lewis ✔ @leonalewis

Power to the Animals 🐮🐷🐔🐣

11:00 AM - 29 Oct 2014

  209 209 Retweets   641 641 likes

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Ellie Goulding

Ellie Goulding Vegan | Elle UK August 2016


Another Brit singer to go vegan is health-nut Goulding.

She said, 'I went vegan a few months ago. I feel leaner and healthier.'

Ellen DeGeneres

The chat-show host is a vocal vegan. She even had a vegan wedding; here's Ellen talking about it.

Thandie Newton

The actress had quite a realisation here:

 FollowThandie Newton ✔ @thandienewton

while expressing my milk realised that the equivalent for cows is my milk going to the mouths of people who murder and eat my family #VEGAN


Ellen Page Vegan | Elle UK August 2016


Page has been vegan for a while and is pretty outspoken about it, 'Why are vegans made fun of while the inhumane factory farming process regards animals and the natural world merely as commodities to be exploited for profit?'

Arianna Grande

Ariana Grande Vegan | Elle UK August 2016


The miniature melody-maker does it for her love of critters, saying, 'I love animals more than I love most people, not kidding. But I am a firm believer in eating a full plant-based, whole food diet that can expand your life length and make you an all-around happier person.'


The mysterious Australian songwriter tweeted in 2014 that she was going 'fully vegan' after years of vegetarianism.

12 May 14

Hector Rocha @HectorRochas

@Sia miss seeing your lovely face. Come and visit me at #graciasmadre #xoxo


sia ✔ @Sia

@HectorRochas I will! I'm fully vegan now!

5:11 PM - 12 May 2014

  41 41 Retweets   106 106 likes

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Rooney & Kate Mara

Rooney & Kate Mara Vegan | Elle UK August 2016


After getting some flack about her weight Rooney revealed her veganism, 'Of course I eat. I eat a lot…I love to eat. But I'm a vegan.'

Her sister Kate said of her choice, 'Every time we sit down to eat, we have a choice.

By choosing more meat-free meals, we're saying 'yes' to better health, 'yes' to a better environment, and 'yes' to better treatment of animals.

Being vegan has been so good for me.

I've never felt better ... I was a meat eater for a long time, and I would have made different choices in my diet if I had known the facts about factory farming.

I now feel it's my moral obligation, and I'm very passionate about educating people on making better, more humane choices when it comes to the food we eat.'

Evanna Lynch

Evanna Lynch Vegan | Elle UK August 2016


Our favourite ethereal witch said this in a speech recently, 'killing and eating animals is a betrayal of our own core humanity,' adding, 'killing an innocent goes against our nature.'

Miley Cyrus

Our favourite good-girl-gone-politcal-and-raunchy is into ingesting all things green after she had an encounter with her fish

So there you go, 12 reasons to feel guilty about loving sausage rolls…





消費者對肉類逐漸失去興趣,甚至也撼動傳統香腸產業,推出各式素食香腸產品。德國一家183年歷史的知名肉品企業,為了與時俱進,推出各式素食德國肉排 (Schnitzels)、素火腿、素香腸 以及 大豆蛋白素肝腸 (傳統是以豬肝製造)~🤘

德國素食協會估計,十年前,每100人當中,吃素的可能連一個都沒有 (less than one in a 100),而現在,每10人就有1人放棄吃肉。~😘



因此德國環保署相關機構當中,目前已全面停止供應肉類和海鮮,"以樹立良好典範,素食對環境最友善" 德國環保署發言人 妮娜•威登 (Nina Wettern) 說。~😍

彭博社記者在一間名叫 Sattgruen (意思:飽和綠色) 的素食餐廳,採訪一名顧客,他表示說是為了環保以及畜牧業的原因,而到此用餐。

他補充:"我想要透過我自己的消費者選擇權,為氣候變遷的現況,盡一點心力" ~
Photo courtesy of Deutsche Welle
VEGUE 唯素主義


Germans Are Losing Their Taste for Pork


Agnieszka De Sousa


Tino Andresen

2017年7月12日 上午7:00 [GMT+8] 2017年7月12日 下午6:48 [GMT+8]

  • Pork eating at 11-year low among Germans, EU’s top consumers

  • Healthier diets, more refugees spur long slide in meat demand


The nation that gave the world Bratwurst and hot dogs is cutting back on its favorite pork sausages and larding up plates with more veggie concoctions instead.

Germans last year consumed the smallest amount of pig meat since at least 2005, and the drop will continue in 2017, according to Agriculture Market Information Co. in Bonn. In Europe’s largest hog-producing and pork-eating nation, ham and sausage demand has dropped for at least three straight years.

Pork still accounts for more than half the meat eaten in the continent’s top economy, but it’s losing market share to poultry and beef and competing more with vegetarian options at shops and restaurants. The shift reflects changing German attitudes about healthier diets and climate-friendly, sustainable food production. There’s also been an influx of refugees who don’t eat pork.

“While there continues to be a lot of appetite for pork dishes, we adapt our menu,” said Christoph Wagemann, the head of procurement and controlling at the 167-year-old Zum Schluessel beer hall in Dusseldorf’s old town, which now serves a vegan “chili con soja” along with traditional meat sausages. “Bigger groups will always have vegetarians or vegans.”

Pork has a long history in Germany, which even boasts an entire museum dedicated to Currywurst -- a cheap Cold War-era sausage that mixes meat with spiced ketchup. Domestic sausages come in more than 1,500 regional varieties, a vast majority of which are made with pork, according to the German Butchers’ Association.

Eating Less

Total pork consumption in Germany has plunged 10 percent since 2011, to about 2 million tons last year, according to data compiled by researcher Euromonitor International. Over the same period, demand has increased in neighboring Poland, France and Austria.

On average, Germans ate about 36.2 kilograms of pork each last year, down from 40.1 kilos in 2011 and the lowest since AMI began tracking the data. The decline was so steep that it exceeds the increases for poultry and beef, which means overall meat consumption in the country dropped to 60 kilos, the lowest since 2006. Germany is still the biggest market for pork in the European Union, but on a per-person basis, Austrians, Poles and Spaniards eat more, according to data provider Gro Intelligence.

With consumers less enamored with pork, even traditional sausage makers are offering veggie options. The 183-year-old Ruegenwalder Muehle Carl Mueller GmbH & Co. KGnow produces veggie schnitzels, hams and sausages such as a pea-protein Leberwurst, which is normally made of pig liver.

The family-owned company in Bad Zwischenahn, Lower Saxony, the heart of the German pig industry, says its meat sales fell 5 percent last year. But vegetarian and vegan products jumped by a third, accounting for 26 percent of total revenue. By the end of the decade, non-meat offerings should reach 40 percent, a company spokeswoman said. 

Food companies also are making more ready-to-cook meals such as curry that use more chicken or beef, which is crowding out pig meat, according to Justin Sherrard, animal-protein strategist at Rabobank in Utrecht.

These days, one in 10 Germans shuns meat, up from less than one in a 100 more than a decade ago, the German Vegetarian Union estimates. More than 200 vegan cookbooks were published in Germany last year, almost double a year earlier, the Berlin-based vegetarian association estimates. The domestic meat-substitute market has grown on average almost 25 percent in the past five years, according to Euromonitor.

Animal Welfare

The appeal of pork has been hurt by recent animal-welfare scandals and disclosures that farmers raise pigs in confined spaces of less than a square meter. Almost 60 million pigs are slaughtered annually in Germany, mainly in Lower Saxony and North Rhine-Westphalia, according to the government statistical office. There also are increased concerns about processed meat after the World Health Organization categorized ham, sausages and hot dogs as carcinogenic.

“Pork has a bad reputation in Germany,” Matthias Kohlmueller, a livestock-unit manager at AMI, said by phone from Berlin. “Consumption is not growing.”

Environmental issues also play a role. Livestock generates about 14 percent of human-made greenhouse-gas emissions, the United Nations’ Food & Agriculture Organization estimates. Germany’s Environment Ministry no longer serves meat and fish at its functions “to set a good example as vegetarian food is more climate-friendly,” said spokeswoman Nina Wettern.

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Another big influence on demand is the change in German demographics and eating habits after the arrival of about 1 million refugees. Most of the people who sought asylum came from Muslim countries where they don’t eat pork for religious reasons, including Syria and Afghanistan. That boosted sales of lamb, mutton and goat to an eight-year high in 2016, according to Euromonitor. More public canteens and schools have also been removing pork from menus.

There are attempts to address public concerns. German Agriculture Minister Christian Schmidt is seeking to establish a state animal-welfare label, including a premium degree. He has called for reinstating pork on school menus and has commissioned experts to make general proposals for “balanced daycare and school food.”

Meanwhile, in Dusseldorf, Peter Zodrow runs a vegan eatery that has seen its business boom. When he opened a decade ago, Zodrow was serving 50 guests a day and could hardly break even serving vegetable stews and curries. Today, the 48-year-old animal-welfare activist serves 1,000 customers daily at four branches in North Rhine-Westphalia.

One customer, Daniel Klager, 32, said he eats at the restaurant for ecological and animal-husbandry reasons. “I want to ease the climate situation a bit by my consumer choices,” he said at Zodrow’s eatery, called Sattgruen, which means “saturated green” in German.

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