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主題:77/偉人的故事/一位美國總統-林肯的仁慈 含原文總篇數 1
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作者: 做個素食英雄吧
發表日期:2017/03/08 23:27:33
文章編號:231984   推文人氣指標: (0)

-- A U.S. PRESENT --

The Compassionate Lincoln

By Brother Initiate Vegan Sky Master Li, Taipei  Center, Formosa

(The U.S.A  News Team)



   On February 12, 1809, a baby was born on a desolate Kentucky farm. His name was Abraham Lincoln, and he was destined to be a great American President. All his life, Lincoln hated to see people being abused, therefore, he eventually abolished slavery, freeing innumerable black slaves. His compassion even extended to animals. Once as a child, when his father was about to shoot a deer, Abraham deliberately startled the animal so it escaped the bullet. He explained to his furious father that perhaps God loved deer as much as He loves people.


 Later in adult life, he saw a man whipping a horse on the road. Immediately he talked to the man and convinced him not to whip the horse again. He also disliked hunting and fishing; he couldn't even bear to harm tiny creatures. We have much to learn from his benevolence.

 When the American Civil War ended, Confederate soldiers surrendered to the Union Government. Many Unionists wanted to hang them, however, President Lincoln refused to harm them. He stressed his feelings about fairness to the Southern soldiers saying, "None need expect me to take any part in hanging or killing them. He even pardoned soldiers who had deserted from Union forces and were facing the death penalty.

 Though Lincoln followed no particular religion, his great mercy and love beneffited countless numbers of people. He once said: "We are walking on the path of justice and peace; I am sure God will stand on our side. As we read about the life of this great person, what will forever linger in our hearts is his aspiration for a world full of love.






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