聯合利華:最初計劃起訴「Just Mayo」供應商Hampton Creek,作為Hellmann的蛋黃醬母公司決定進入無蛋的蛋黃醬的市場領域。Danone: The French dairy giant purchased non-dairy dairy business WhiteWave.
聯合利華一改航線,在起訴純素蛋黃醬Hampton Creek公司濫用“蛋黃醬”這一詞失敗後,也開始銷售自己公司的純素蛋黃醬了。而現在,聯合利華剛剛投資了一項由瓦格甯根大學開創的,名為“創新剪切細胞”的技術,這一技術能夠將蔬菜蛋白轉變為一層層的,多纖維的結構,就和牛肉的味道和口感一樣。這一項研究將會給市場帶來更多的肉類替代品。
這項研究的領導教授Atze Jan van der Groot告訴荷蘭NOS廣播公司:
上個月,楓葉食品公司(Maple Leaf Foods),一家加拿大的肉類包裝公司,購買下了美國的純素公司Lightlife。不過你並不需要等待這些商品在中國上市。你可以現在就做出善良的抉擇,從菜單上撤下動物制品,給MFA憫惜動物的微信公衆號回複“食譜”獲取大量的純素營養美食吧! May 19, 2017
Unilever Taiwan Limited 聯合利華股份有限公司
當糧食危機議題興起,身為一個vegan,將對選購素食產品感到更自豪!據統計,在美國強調植物性食品的新產品上市量,從2013∼2016年,短短4年內成長3倍多,2017年6月國際食品及食品配料展覽會收錄亮點產品也幾乎與植物蛋白脫不了關係,2017年5月29日獲比爾蓋茲投資的 BeyondMeat 公司更成功讓素肉躍上一般超市通路。
認識素肉新科技 高營養高像真度
美國矽谷早於2015年發展「食物2.0」素肉,打破素肉定義,甚至李嘉誠都有參與投資。當你以為這「植物肉」不過是坊間早期使用的「素肉」時,這些植物雞肉、植物漢堡扒味道已極速提升,當中,Beyond Meat更於去年中研發出最新植物漢堡扒「Beyond Burger」。它在美國各大超巿被擺放於肉類區域,給予消費者相當大的衝擊,引來搶購潮。它不單賣相與真正牛肉漢堡扒相似,其蛋白質含量高達每塊20克,比傳統漢堡扒肉高,卻其實只來自碗豆,而鐵質更是牛肉的雙倍。更利用紅菜頭的顏色,配合蛋白質中的胺基酸加糖製造的化學反應,成功模仿真正肉扒烹煮過程中,慢慢變色及散發香氣的效果,解決長久以來,大家對素食「無味、沒趣、不吸引」的註腳。
這類型的科技素肉亦陸續引入香港,除了在高級超巿及健康食品店中有售外,亦越來越多餐廳、以至酒店開始使用。有份引入此食材的Green Monday,其旗下的綠色生活概念店Green Common當然是先頭部隊,率先利用Beyond Burger製作漢堡包,配合新鮮蔬菜、番茄、素芝士及牛油果等,味道與賣相皆吸引。而富豪酒店亦成為全港第一間推出適合純素主義者菜式的酒店集團,同樣用上植物肉,在酒店旗下中菜廳及咖啡室製作純素及不含五辛的菜式,由中式的雪裡紅植物牛崧釀茄子、欖豉脆脆植物雞、到西式肉丸潛艇三文治等,極富趣味又不失營養及味道。雖然成本比起一般素肉高,但同時亦是消費者信心保證,經營者及大廚值得考慮選用。
2016-12-31 由 畜牧大集網 發表于美食
2016年Biomin營養論壇舉行的一周,泰森食品宣布入股植物蛋白公司Beyond Meat5%的股份,Beyond Meat是Beyond Burger仿肉漢堡的製造商。巧合的是,倫敦帝國學院教授David Hughes博士在此次活動中,發表了演講「驅動蛋白質經濟:前所未有的挑戰和機遇」,講述了以植物蛋白質替代物對動物農業的真正威脅。
Beef, for example, has long been 「the bullseye of the target for many campaigners」 and the effort has successfully resulted in the decline of beef consumption due to negative PR surroundingfood safety, environmental concerns and health risks (cancer, cholesterol, etc.). This sentiment created a significant opportunity for Beyond Meat to raise $180 million to develop the Beyond Burger, with backers such as General Mills, the Humane Society of America and Bill Gates.
例如,牛肉長期以來一直是「許多運動者的靶心目標」,由於食品安全問題、環境問題和健康風險(癌症,膽固醇等),已經成功地導致牛肉消費的下降 。這種情緒為仿肉帶來了巨大的機會,如今仿肉漢堡的發展資金已上升至1.8億美元,支持者眾,如General Mills、美國人道協會和比爾·蓋茨。
Additional examples of animal product companies dipping in to meatless territory in 2016:
· Unilever: After originally planning to sue 「Just Mayo」 purveyor Hampton Creek, the parent company of Hellmann’s mayonnaise decided to get into the eggless mayo game instead.
· 法國達能集團:法國奶業巨頭購買了無奶製品企業WhiteWave。
Why are investors clamoring to get on the protein-alternative bandwagon? Is it a bellwether of things to come? The answer is yes, with hopes to profit from evolving consumer behavior and an aim to stay in touch with upcoming innovations in food science.
Hughes identified the trends that will allow plant-based foods to gain market share:
· Most consumers purchase food based the cuisine they are in the mood for rather than the protein (「Let’s have Chinese」 vs. 「Beef, it’s what’s for dinner」).
· 大多數消費者根據他們的心情而不是蛋白質購買食物。
· Millennials don』t eat three meals a day, choose convenience and are willing to pay a premium for specialty products.
· 黃金時代出生的人不是每日三餐,他們以方便為主,並願意為特殊產品支付溢價。
· In general, older consumers eat less meat.
· 一般來說,年齡大的消費者吃肉少。
· The 「green bar」 is rising: Health and sustainability attributes are as important as taste.
· 「綠色酒吧」正在上升:健康和可持續性屬性與味道一樣重要。
· Meat-free products, such as 「fishless tuna,」 are already merchandised next to animal proteins.
· 無肉產品,如「無魚金槍魚」,已經在動物蛋白旁邊銷售。
· 「Flexitarian diets」 are based on taste and options.
· 以素食為主偶爾吃點肉的人基於味覺來選擇食物。
Hughes urges the animal ag industry not to underestimate the major forces with a vested interest in reducing animal protein consumption.
休斯敦促動物行業不要低估對減少動物蛋白消耗具有既得利益的主要力量。· Most consumers purchase food based the cuisine they are in the mood for rather than the protein (「Let’s have Chinese」 vs. 「Beef, it’s what’s for dinner」).

釋 天 唐 ♥❄✡純素生活✟創造和平🎂 卍Swastika 🌍Be Vegan,Make Peace🌍 ✡ Veganism Is Paradise♥素食主義是天堂✡ 敬愛尊貴的 聖德 佛菩薩~您好~您的來信敬悉感恩 ,謝謝! 上帝與您時刻同在^_^㊗主內福佑 平安喜樂 ☼Remember God★環保♻️愛寰宇 銀河系 金星🌍 ★如果全世界都吃素,戰爭與飢荒將停止, ★讓愛與和平從我們心裡開始。 建設性的言語開創肯定的未來。 ♥藥師佛 釋 天 唐 祈禱佛光無暗。 無上正等正覺庇益一切眾生,如來身意供養天。 淨化布施為一種修行、布施貢獻不求回報、 無私付出使知識長進、擇友正念光榮棟樑、 尊貴敬愛鈞座佛菩薩∼護宥 環保 愛素 不殺生。 Please Save Our One Earth.The Heart of ASIA亞洲之心
V 细胞增生 地球癌症的新希望
The International vegan flag has launched
A team of designers have created a new International vegan flag that shows our love as vegans to the Earth, and our battle to a create better and cleaner world.
How it all began
In 2017 Gad Hakimi, a senior designer in a hi-tech company who graduated from Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, collected materials from many of the vegan associations around the world. Gad examined what form of branding would encompass the entire concept of veganism. The result was clear – we needed a flag.
Speaking to Tivonews, Gad explained how the idea came to him:
“I wanted to give from myself and my abilities to promote veganism. I have created a vegan superhero comic. The one thing I lacked was a flag, which will guide the character, his identity and his colours. I have searched the web for a flag and found nothing, besides a few sketches which were designed unprofessionally and were not promoted. They didn’t follow the basic rules of creating a flag. I have then decided to design a flag by myself, the same way like the rainbow flag of the LGBT movement. The flag will be identified with all the vegans, first as a concept, and then as mainstream.”
The International vegan flag has launched
Photo: Robert Gipson
Designing the flag
Every important movement in history has a powerful and memorable flag, but until now vegans have only used symbols which can vary from country to country. Gad analysed many guidelines for creating a flag, and on May 16th 2017 he was joined by a fellow activists, who are members of the Vegan Flag Facebook group, to polish the final design.
Originally, some members of the group suggested that animals should be featured on the flag, with red colours featuring prominently in memorial of the slaughtered. However, the group eventually concluded that a vegan flag is not about animals. It’s about humans and animals being equal, and the new direction they took was a flag that shows our love as vegans to the Earth, and our battle to a create better and cleaner world in every aspect.
The International vegan flag is free for use by all
The creators of the International vegan flag have designed the flag as an open source, free enterprise to use and distribute, so everyone who wants to can use it for free as they see fit. From bumper stickers to fridge magnets, tea towels, bath towels, baby clothes, shopping bags, mouse mats and anywhere else your imagination takes you!

God Bless America. Well done.Together we are building a kinder future.
地球光工=沉默是金。 逆流順流 。有誰共鳴 。
The Great News certainly have inspired me to get through some of live's most difficult times of loss, injustice, and despairs. These songs are truly philosophically motivating and encouraging of never be defeated so easily; stand tall in the midst of adversities (correction).人生幾何?譬如朝露,不以成功失敗論英雄。我們是唯一決定貨幣價值的人。慨當以慷,憂思難忘。 何以解憂? 唯有觀音。 青青子衿,悠悠我心。 但為君故,沉吟至今。
WOW! Veganism in America Has Grown by 600 Percent Since 2014
by Joe Loria - June 27, 2017 |
WOW! Veganism in America Has Grown by 600 Percent Since 2014
Top Trends in Prepared Foods in 2017, an eye-opening report by research firm Global Data, found that Americans are switching to a vegan diet in record numbers.
The report found that 6 percent of the U.S. population now identifies as vegan, a 600 percent increase from 2014. “Go meat-free” and “ethical eating” were among six key trends explored in the report.
But veganism in the U.S. is more than a trend. In fact, it is part of a global dietary shift away from animal products.
Over the past decade, veganism has seen consistent growth as millennials—the world’s largest generation—purchase their own foods. Concerned about the environment, animal welfare, and their own health, this generation boasts more self-identifying vegetarians than any other, explains The New York Times.
NBC reports that Google searches for "vegan" increased by 33 percent from 2015 to 2016. This is slightly higher than the increase from 2014 to 2015.
What’s more, Mintel recently found the number of vegan products in Australia had increased by 92 percent since 2014, and Lux Research expects plant-based proteins to make up a third of the global protein market by 2054.
Fewer people buying meat, dairy, and eggs is great news for the billions of farmed animals who suffer immensely at factory farms.
Cows, pigs, and chickens raised and killed for food are just as smart and sensitive as the dogs and cats we adore at home. But at factory farms, they’re subjected to unimaginable cruelties: extreme confinement, brutal mutilations, and violent deaths.
Sounds horrifying, right? Watch.
Farm to Fridge - The Truth Behind Meat Production - YouTube
Join the millions who are taking a stand for animals, the environment, and their own health by switching to a vegan diet.
Ready to get started? Click here!

美國一名高齡98歲的男子葛雷默(Russ Gremel),靠著投資股票錢滾錢,把1000美元(3萬元台幣)變成了200萬美元(6000萬元台幣),成了人人稱羨的富翁,不過,令人感動的是,葛雷默不但沒有將財富拿去購買豪宅、名車等奢侈品,反而霸氣地將財產全部捐出去!根據外媒報導,葛雷默認為,民眾總是需要藥物,女性也相當喜愛購買化妝品,於是他在70年前,買進價值1000美元藥品連鎖店Walgreens的股票,並決定長期持有這筆投資,直至今日,他的股票價值已超過200萬美元。
Thanks a lot for sharing.分享了純素為什麼 VEGAN TALK 的影片。
小小年紀的她,已獲得許多相關榮譽獎項;並於八歲時,與知名農場動物庇護所Farm Sanctuary合作,推動校園「週一無肉」立法。
1. 歷史上的一刻,美國最權威營養機構宣布建議以純素食的飲食方式,滿足生命循環中所有階段的需求
2. 美國農業部禁止雞蛋公司聲稱雞蛋健康的廣告
6月6日 10:48
十歲的吉恩希斯是名純素者(Vegan),同時也是動物權倡議者。小小年紀的她,已獲得許多相關榮譽獎項;並於八歲時,與知名農場動物庇護所Farm Sanctuary合作,推動校園「週一無肉」立法。
吉恩希斯亦為記錄片《純素:日常生活故事 》(Vegan: Everyday Stories)主角之一;她近期正在籌備一個非營利慈善基金會《Genesis for Animals》,希望可以支援幫助動物的人士。
🇫 吉恩希斯的粉專: A Vegan Child's Journey
🎬 吉恩希斯於記錄片中的精彩片段 (被分享逾五千次):goo.gl/lSKhZr
🎬 YouTube 觀看本片:goo.gl/RLQ9H0
🔎 本台影片列表(值得收藏): goo.gl/gpHLil
🌱 多些芽 | 純素生活指南:dodoshare.org
💪 21天健康挑戰 | 純素營養:21dayhealthychallenge.net
💡 Suiis素易 素食超容易 | 包羅萬象:suiis.com
💍 全植食尚 Vegeholic | 純素食譜:https://vegeholic.asia
🔑 純素問答集(定期增修): goo.gl/ss7Zsy
☮️ 理性討論為何要蔬食(含環境議題):goo.gl/9lEzoa
"We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors;
we borrow it from our children." -Native American proverb
Genesis Butler, a 10-year-old animal rights activist, recently gave a TEDx talk about the link between consuming animal products and harming the environment. One of the youngest TEDx speakers in history, she schooled the audience on how veganism can save the world.
🎬 Watch on YouTube (Description for more into): goo.gl/9cYMja
Join Genesis and the millions of people who are taking a stand for animals, the environment and their health by transitioning to a plant-based diet. Click here to get started!
👉 http://www.chooseveg.com/vsg
🇫 Genesis's Facebook fan page: goo.gl/B63VTg
🎬 Genesis in the film Vegan Movie : goo.gl/lSKhZr
💚 Learn more about veganism at freefromharm.org
🔎 #FindingVegan | findingvegan.com
🎉 Order Your FREE Vegan Starter Kit! goo.gl/ggGqcU
📖 To save a list of our videos: goo.gl/gpHLil
【Environmental Impact of Animal Production】
ヾ COWSPIRACY: The Sustainability Secret (13 min.)
● FB: goo.gl/NSQzo2 ●YouTube: goo.gl/6cFStF
🎬 COWSPIRACY (Full film | Free): goo.gl/GfKz9N
ゝ Animal Agriculture Kills Everything | Bite Size Vegan
● FB: goo.gl/9sD8xd ●YouTube: goo.gl/07Ul6x
ゞ Must Watch Documentary "HOME" (19 min.)
● FB: goo.gl/pkXQnO ●YouTube: goo.gl/6hdKp2
🎬 HOME (Full film | Free): goo.gl/lfeoOb
via Billie Decker https://goo.gl/FZRDRQ
70 Percent of Consumers Worldwide Are Cutting Back on Meat and Embracing Veggies!
Meat is quickly losing favor with consumers. In the United States, the annual per capita consumption of red meat has dropped by 15 percent within the past 10 years. Today, about 30 percent of consumers identify as flexitarian, or people who choose to leave meat off their plate more frequently. But this change is happening in more than just the United States. According to a recent study by data and insights firm GlobalData, 70 percent of global consumers are cutting back on meat or avoiding it altogether.
GlobalData’s study revealed more than just the fact that people are consciously avoiding meat — the way they view vegetables and protein are changing, too. According to Nicole Peranick, the director of culinary thought leadership at global retail strategy and service company Daymon, “Thanks to a new focus on flavor, innovative, and exotic vegetable dishes are emerging to dial up craveability.”
What does this mean? Peranick highlights prepackaged cauliflower steak and vegetable noodles, as examples of new, unique ways that retailers are showing consumers how these vegetables, that have often been pushed to the side of our plate, can, in fact, be the focus of our meals. On top of that, more retailers now offer prepackaged plant-based meals that make leaving meat off one’s plate more convenient.
Peranick also highlights how the way we view protein is changing, with increased offerings for plant-based proteins such as pea, hemp, chia, and flax as a cleaner alternative to whey in the space.
GlobalData’s report is just another study that shows the future of food is plant-based. As a result of the growing consumer concern for their health, the health of the planet, and animal welfare, we are seeing a steady decline in the consumption of meat and dairy. As more people choose to leave meat off their plate, consumers are seeking out healthier plant-based meat alternatives and vegetable-centric dishes and retailers are catching on to those trends with innovative, prepackaged options that present vegetables as more than just a side dish.
It’s exciting to hear a global retail strategy and service company encourage retailers to consider expanding their plant-based options, but if you love to cook from home, we highly recommend checking out the Food Monster App. The app is available for both Android and iPhone. With over 8,000 vegan recipes (and over 10 new recipes added daily), you’re going to find something you love!
Lead image source: Spicy Coconut Milk Cauliflower Steaks

Vegan Bodybuilders Win 32 Medals at 2017 Fit Games
By Anna Starostinetskaya | ?? 7, 2017
PlantBuilt vegan bodybuilders break a world record at the 2017 Naturally Fit Games in Austin, TX.
Vegan nonprofit bodybuilding organization PlantBuilt collectively won 32 medals during the 2017 Naturally Fit Games in Austin, TX last Saturday. The games welcomed 1000 total participants—39 of whom included PlantBuilt’s entrants—who were challenged in various fitness events including kettlebell, powerlifting, bodybuilding, Olympic weightlifting, and CrossFit. In addition to winning 32 medals—22 of which were for first place—the vegan team’s own Sara Lee set both the world and American records for kettlebell. PlantBuilt was founded by husband-and-wife team Dani Taylor and Giacomo Marchese in 2013 for the purpose of proving that consuming animal products is not necessary for building muscle. “As long the meat and potatoes crowd exists in strength-based sports,” Marchese tells VegNews, “we will continue to educate and dispel the myths that you need to eat meat to build muscle and strength.” Marchese hopes to add new members to the team in 2019 and compete in a wider variety of sports including Strongman events and Jiu Jitsu. “People may chuckle at the little vegan team in the morning,” Marchese says, “but by the evening, when we have shown what we can do, we have many people asking more about veganism and plant-based lifestyles.” To date, more than 100 athletes—from countries around the world including Singapore, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, Great Britain, and Germany—have competed with the PlantBuilt team and have raised $20,000 to support vegan outreach organizations, non-profits, and farmed animal sanctuaries.
🌿,澳洲的Cruelty Free Shop
☘️, 英國的GreenBay
🌴, 美國的Food Fight
🐾, Orchard Grocer
🌻, Riverdel
🌷和Haymaker’s Corner Store
🍏等超商,瑞士的超商龍頭 Coop Cooperative也跟進開設素食超商的風潮。Karma素食超商
A Brand New Meat-Free Supermarket Chain to Open in Switzerland!
In the past decade, the grocery store landscape has undergone a dramatic transformation. While premade meatless burgers, plant-based meats, and dairy-free options for milks, yogurt, and ice cream were once scarce, thanks to rising consumer demand they have started to take over grocery store aisles. Large-scale grocery store chains such as Whole Foods, Target, and others now have entire shelves and freezers dedicated to their plant-based options — and in one case, a plant-based burger is infiltrating the meat aisle in some grocery stores.
In that light, it’s no wonder why we’re also witnessing what seems to be an increase in the number of grocery stores that only focus on stocking plant-based options. Just last week, one of Switzerland’s largest wholesale and retail companies, Coop Cooperative, opened the first location of their vegetarian and vegan supermarket chain, Karma!
According to VegNews, the shop will feature options for plant-based meats and milks released under their house brand as well as options from other European brands. In addition to that, the supermarket will feature a cafe, grab-and-go options for food, cosmetics, and more.
Karma is joining other completely vegan and vegetarian markets out there, such as Cruelty Free Shop, the world’s largest vegan grocery store, in Australia; GreenBay, London’s first all-vegan grocery store; Food Fight! in Portland, Oregon; as well as Orchard Grocer, Riverdel, andHaymaker’s Corner Store, in NYC.
While grocery stores overall are starting to carry more vegan options, the increase in the number of all-vegan or vegetarian grocery stores is just another sign that the future of food is plant-based!
Lead image source: Karma
#Vegan #蔬食
聖人樂活公益素食天空ForeverVeganLohasSkyUnion ♥聖人樂活公益素食天空祈禱永遠純素世界:素食者所產生性情上的改變和淨化,對人類都有相當好的利益, 素食對人類很吉祥。觀音網站「美饌佳餚」 網頁設計師 祝您新的一年廚藝進步,生活吉祥^_^ ♥印度勝雄甘地說:如果你希望世界發生改變,就先改變自己吧!我們應該給我們的下一代做出傳播以愛、 同情心以及對我們的“家園”的尊重、感恩和愛護的榜樣。修改自己就是修改世界∼ ♥ "請加入我們一起來打坐祈求純素世界,世界和平" 請您盡量多打坐 祈禱以正面能量保護地球 全球共修時間一起打坐祈禱以愛心全心向天堂祈求 純素生活,創造和平 .願神聖恩典與幸福充滿您的心靈 ♥佛讚 ♥無上正等正覺利益世界所有眾生,分享是一種無我修行、布施貢獻是不求回報、 無私使知識長進、善念共存共享之、謝謝尊敬鈞長∼您無條件的大愛∼發揚純樸良善民風∼ 光福佑全球亮起來 不印紙本出版環保 愛素 拯救雨林和樹木