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主題:The Vegan of the Year Awards 2 含原文總篇數 1
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作者: 做個素食英雄吧
發表日期:2015/10/19 14:18:50
文章編號:230142   推文人氣指標: (0)

恆定覺得這個頒獎的Vegans Are Cool  單位應該是美國朋友??
後學   只有在臉書上和他聊過一次天而已
Interviews with cool vegans from around the planet. Showcasing
everything that is awesome and wonderful about living the vegan way.
Congratulations! You have won a Vegan of the Year Award. 
Please send us a message with your email address so we can
send you your certificate. Details about the Awards are here:

Here is your winner's badge. Feel free to use it in whichever way suits you.
恆定  非常感謝他們的奉獻精神有
他們是, 2015年度素食  獎獲獎者的:

Very cool!
The Vegan of the Year Awards 2015: Winners Announced! | Vegans Are Cool

Posted on September 28, 2015 by VEGANS ARE COOL

Welcome to the Vegan of the Year Awards 2015 winners announcement.
A huge congratulations to everyone on the list below.
This year was a really tough one because of the high calibre and large number of nominees.

A huge, sincere thank you to everyone who sent in nominations and please know

if your nominee was not successful this year, that it was a highly-contested year.

The increasing interest in the Awards across all categories is a great sign that veganism

is on the rise and spreading to all corners of the globe.
It’s the year for the grassroots activist, as the top award (category one) goes to two

people who work non-stop to be a voice for animals and both independently doing so

via their own projects and initiative. They have both made a big impact through their

dedication to vegan advocacy.
The Vegan of the Year Awards has evolved into being specifically for recognising ethical

vegan individuals, businesses and organisations, which is why you might not see your

favourite celebrity or YouTubers on the list. As veganism is fast tracking into the mainstream,

we want to make a clear distinction between plant-based eating and ethical veganism,

awarding the latter for their full commitment to the vegan lifestyle.
All winners are welcome to use the winner’s badge above in whichever way they choose.

Many use it in their shop windows, on their websites and on social media pages and in

their media pitches. Indeed, your award win is a great reason to contact your local media

to increase your profile and that of veganism in general. Certificates will be sent out to

all winners in the coming week.
Where there is more than one winner in a category, winners are listed in alphabetical

order using their surname.
So, here they are, the Vegan of the Year Award winners for 2015:

1. Vegan of the Year 2015
James Aspey  http://www.jamesaspey.com.au/
M Butterflies Katz  http://thevegantruth.blogspot.com.au/

2. Young Vegan of the Year 2015
India Taylor  https://letusgoandflyakite.wordpress.com/
3. Outstanding Vegan Website
TheGentleChef.com http://thegentlechef.com/
OneGreenPlanet.org  http://onegreenplanet.org/

4. Outstanding Animal Rescue/Animal Rights Organisation (must have a vegan and no-kill philosophy)
Animals In Need, Little Irchester, U.K.  http://www.animals-in-need.org/

5. Outstanding Vegan Business
Dobby’s Donuts  https://www.facebook.com/dobbysdonuts?fref=ts
Fry’s Family Foods  http://www.frysvegetarian.com.au/
MuLondon  http://www.mulondon.com/
Prana ON  http://www.pranaon.com/
James&Co  http://jamesandco.boutique/

6. Outstanding Vegan Restaurant
Leafy Greens Cafe (Johannesburg, South Africa)  http://www.leafygreens.co.za/
Mianto (Taiwan)  http://www.mianto.tw/  米愛多
Bio AtPeace Cafe (Taiwan)
 https://www.facebook.com/bio.atpeace.cafe  Bio AtPeace Cafe 愛在蔬食

Oops! Via Bergamo 56, Roma (at Corsa Del Italia), Rome, 00198, Italy

Oceania (Australia/New Zealand and Islands)

Smith and Deli (Melbourne, Australia)

Earth to Table (Sydney, Australia)

Oceania (Australia/New Zealand and Islands)

Smith and Deli (Melbourne, Australia)

Earth to Table (Sydney, Australia)

North and South America

Vedge Philadelphia (USA)

7. Outstanding Vegan Athlete

David Carter

Plant Built Team 2015 at the Naturally Fit Super Show

Tim Shieff

8. Outstanding Vegan Innovator

Cruelty Free Shop (for the Vegan Day Out initiative)

Impossible Foods

Kinda Bacon

Goose Wohlt (for aquafaba vegan egg replacer)

9. Outstanding Vegan Volunteer

Angela Banovic

Michelle Bliss

Chelsea Davis

Andrew Einspruch

Andy Faulkner

Jess Ferry and Living Green Festival team

Alex Green

Anna Hall

Phillip Hall

Vanessa Hudson

Michael McNally

Matt Rota

Carol Slater

Vanessa Stanley

Veronica Rios

Corey Thompson

10. Outstanding Vegan Creative

Ellie Bedford and Sabrina Bedford for How To Eat A Rainbow

Nick Cooney for How To Be Great At Doing Good

Holly Feral for Driftwood magazine and Vegan Faces

Katrina Fox for Vegan Ventures

Jack Francis – photography

Jo Frederiks – artist

Malin Frick – artist

Delikate Rayne – ethical fashion

Gypsy Wulff and Fran Chambers for Turning Points in Compassion

11. Outstanding Vegan Media Outlet

Barefoot Vegan

Vegan Life magazine (UK)

Veg News magazine (USA)


Main Street Vegan with Victoria Moran on Unity Radio

Vegan Mash Up (TV)

12. Outstanding Vegan Food Blogger

Skye Michael Conroy

One Arab Vegan

13. Outstanding Vegan Social Media Outreach

James Aspey

Intersectional Vegan

Cooking with Plants

Bob Linden

Vegan Publishers

Black Vegan Love

14. Outstanding Vegan Professional

Jonathan Balcombe

Clare Mann

Mariann Sullivan

Colleen Holland

15. Outstanding Intersectional Approach to Veganism

Katrina Fox

Institute for Critical Animal Studies (ICAS)

Vegans of Sydney (Facebook group)

Christopher Sebastian

The Vegan Teahouse

The Personal Vegan Shop

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