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上一篇:國際素食日 研究顯示吃素比吃肉更長命    下一篇:超級蔬菜預防癌症、心臟病和素食者可治愈糖尿病
主題:白色的水果和蔬菜可降低中風風險 含原文總篇數 1
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作者: 做個素食英雄吧
發表日期:2014/11/26 11:07:01
文章編號:228730   推文人氣指標: (0)


雖然電腦 自動化英文翻譯中文軟體不怎樣高明流暢^^
他們是怎麼做到的呢? 一個卒中發表荷蘭一項研究:雜誌美國心臟阿索的...發現,水果和蔬菜的白色果肉可以預防中風。 
之前的研究表明高消費的水果和蔬菜,一般用較低的中風的風險。 但是,這是第一次研究人員在水果和蔬菜的顏色。 它似乎無關緊要。 
在所進行的研究, 荷蘭瓦赫寧根大學在荷蘭,在白色類等食物都是香蕉,菜花,菊苣和黃瓜 。 沒有包括土豆。
蘋果和梨是高的膳食纖維,和類黃酮稱為槲皮素這被認為是在許多條件,包括關節炎,心臟疾病,焦慮,抑鬱,疲勞和具有潛在的作用哮喘 。
沒有相關性中風和綠色,橙色/黃色或紅色/紫色水果和蔬菜之間找到。 然而,中風發病率的風險是較低的52%的人攝入量高的白色水果和蔬菜的人相比,具有低攝入量。
吃白水果或蔬菜的作用是劑量依賴性的-更多的人吃了,下面是他們的風險。 每天增加每個25克白色水果和蔬菜的攝入量與較低百分之九風險中風 。 一個普通的蘋果為120克。
大多數研究對水果和蔬菜都集中在食品的獨特的營養價值和特徵,如植物,植物家族及其提供能力的可食部分的抗氧化劑 ,而不是顏色。
據伴隨研究的社論,隔離補充形式的抗氧化劑的臨床試驗都未能表現出中風的風險任何降低。 這印證理論,這是在整個食物賦予的益處,而不是孤立的營養素營養素的組合。
來源: GreenMedInfo
White Fruits and Vegetables May Lower Stroke Risk
Posted by Xiao Kang on October 25, 2014 
Apples of course have a reputation for keeping the doctor away and now research finds that both apples and pears may keep strokes away.
How do they do it? A Dutch study published in Stroke: Journal of the American Heart Asso...found that the white flesh of fruits and vegetables may protect against stroke. Previous studies had linked high consumption of fruits and vegetables in general with lower stroke risk.  But this was the first time researchers looked at the color of fruits and vegetables.  And it seems to matter.
Over a 10 year period, researchers examined the link between the color of fruits and vegetable consumed with stroke incidence in a population-based study of 20,069 adults, with an average age of 41.
Fruits and vegetables were classified in four color groups:
Green, including dark leafy vegetables, cabbages and lettuces
Orange/Yellow, which were mostly citrus fruits
Red/Purple, which were mostly red vegetables
White, of which 55 percent were apples and pears
In the study conducted at Wageningen University in the Netherlands, other foods in the white category were bananas, cauliflower, chicory and cucumber.  Potatoes were not included.
Apples and pears are high in dietary fiber and a flavonoid called quercetin which is believed to have a potential role in numerous conditions including arthritis, heart disease, anxiety, depression, fatigue and asthma.
No association was found between strokes and green, orange/yellow or red/purple fruits and vegetables. However, the risk of stroke incidence was 52 percent lower for people with a high intake of white fruits and vegetables compared to people with a low intake.
The effect of eating white fruits or vegetables was dose dependent – the more people ate, the lower was their risk.  Each 25 gram per day increase in white fruits and vegetable consumption was associated with a nine percent lower risk of stroke. An average apple is 120 grams.
The lead author of the study, Linda M. Oude Griep, M.Sc., a postdoctoral fellow in human nutrition noted that while white fruits and vegetables may have a role in stroke prevention, other color groups may protect against other chronic diseases.
Most research on fruits and vegetables has focused on the food's unique nutritional value and characteristics, such as the edible part of the plant, botanical family and its ability to provide antioxidants, rather than color.
According to an editorial accompanying the study, clinical trials isolating antioxidants in supplement form have failed to show any reduction in stroke risk.  This lends credence to the theory that it is the combination of nutrients in the whole food that bestows the benefit rather than isolated nutrients.
The bottom line is that we should be getting a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables in our diet and especially the white ones if we're concerned about stroke. 
Source: GreenMedInfo




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