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上一篇:揚州素食博覽會台灣夜市素食小吃登場    下一篇:聯合國報告說小規模的有機耕作是唯一可餵飽全球的解決之道
主題:紐約公立小學全校吃素,孩子們各方表現都更好! 含原文總篇數 1
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作者: 做個素食英雄吧
發表日期:2014/03/03 21:57:18
文章編號:227266   推文人氣指標: (0)

恆定短評~祈禱 台灣的教育界也能感恩慈訓~小孩從小吃素~聰明又健康
NYC School Sees Student Gains After Going All Veg!
Erin Trauth 
February 27, 2014   
Need more proof that veggie kids can and do thrive? The first U.S. public school to begin serving only meatless meals in its cafeteria has noticed gains in student attendance, test scores, and energy.
P.S. 244 in Flushing, NY began serving strictly vegetarian meals after finding that “the plant-based choices were better than the carnivorous ones offered by the city,” reports New York Daily News.
“We believe that [students] achieve better when they have healthier food choices and are educated about those food choices,” said the school’s principal Bob Groff.
The school, which serves children from pre-K to grade 3, also offers up weekly nutrition classes and allows children with lagging energy to take “energy breaks” with activities.
Students at the school are still allowed to bring their own lunches containing meat, but nearly 90 percent of the students are opting in to the full-veg school lunches still.
So far, Groff  has also noted that “after one semester, the number of students at the school who were classified as overweight and obese dropped 2%.”
What a great change for these children! A veg-only lunch promotes more of the good stuff, and allows students to see that a meal does not need to equal meat. We hope to see more of this kind of move at schools all over the country soon!

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