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上一篇:澳善待動物組織呼籲停止供應囚犯肉食    下一篇:素食具有強壯肌肉的功效食物
主題:植物為基礎的超越肉素肉 含原文總篇數 2
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作者: 做個素食英雄吧
發表日期:2014/02/20 19:25:55
文章編號:227156   推文人氣指標: (0)

短評:人造素蛋成功,以植物為基礎的超越肉素肉也成功造出。衷心恭賀 祝福全球純素浪潮狂襲。
February 13, 2014
在快速公司雜誌三月的問題,除了肉被命名為一體的“ 2014年全球50家最創新的公司。 ”
“當我們來看看如何重建動物蛋白是把重點放在質地。因為你可以香精,動物性蛋白和肉在這麼多不同的方式,但如果你沒有紋理對你有沒有帆布一起工作, ”布朗說。
Meet the man behind "Beyond Meat" plant-based protein substitute
When Ethan Brown founded Beyond Meat five years ago, his concept was to bring plant-based products that replicated meat to the masses.  
In March's issue of Fast Company magazine, Beyond Meat is named as one "World's 50 Most Innovative Companies of 2014."  
Based in Columbia Missouri, Beyond Meat's mission is to produce plant-based meat substitute products that look like meat, feels like meat and taste like meat.  Brown believes the recipe to a good 
piece of meatless substitute is the texture.  
"When we look at how to recreate animal protein is to focus on the texture. Because you can flavor, animal protein and meat in so many different ways but if you don't have the texture right you 
have no canvas to work with," said Brown.
Where’s the beef? Company creates plant-based meat substitutes
 The secret to producing a perfect meat-like product is the fiber.  Brown said, "It's all around the fiber it's the Holy Grail, we have products today called chicken 2.0 and beef 2.0 where we're 
narrowing the gap between animal proteins around texture."
Consumers may be wondering why Beyond Meat is trying so hard to mimic meat. Why not just eat real meat then? Brown said "there's nothing wrong with enjoying the taste and the texture of meat."  
The company is trying to "eliminate some of the downsides of meat." Data show eating less meat can improve your health.  
"What we're doing is for people to separate animal protein and meat so we can recreate meat entirely so at the end of the day if you're having beef and chicken entirely with no saturated fat or 
trans-fat it's better for you and better for the environment," explained Brown.
Even Bill Gates and Twitter Co-Founder Biz Stone are buying into the idea of plant-based protein innovation. Both were early investors of Beyond Meat.   
Brown is looking to expand his business in China, a big market for them. The company currently does not have any plans to go public.  
Beyond Meat CEO Ethan Brown on the importance of texture
 Brown said "we're thinking about changing the world. And you know if, if I could give this product away I would. Everyone at the company feels that strongly about our mission, the direction of the 
company, you just see growth, that's it."  
At least that's it for now. Brown admitted part of the motivation for starting Beyond Meat was for selfish reasons.  
As a vegan himself, dining options on business meals, sports events and other occasions are often limited.  
"In the last five years, there's been a shift, so more and more alternatives are becoming available. But in the ballparks it's insulting. You know, it's the fact the Dodger dog is massive and the 
veggie dog is super small but that's something we have to change," said Brown.

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作者: 做個素食英雄吧
發表日期:2014/02/21 19:33:20
文章編號:227166 篇  此篇回應:第 227156 篇 推文人氣指標: (0)

除了肉類首席執行官布朗  加入“CBS今晨”共同主辦,討論如何在一個農場長大的影響,他的肉類替代品,以及他的投資人比爾·蓋茨。
Beyond Meat CEO & Vegan Ethan Brown's recent interview on CBS news!
Beyond Meat CEO Ethan Brown joins the "CBS This Morning" co-hosts to discuss how growing up on a farm impacted his meat substitute products as well as his investor Bill Gates.

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