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主題:8萬人連署 盼麥當勞推素漢堡 含原文總篇數 2
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作者: 做個素食英雄吧
發表日期:2014/01/31 21:18:32
文章編號:226998   推文人氣指標: (2)


8萬人連署 盼麥當勞推素漢堡     
時間:2014/1/31   新聞引據: 中央社
  健康飲食作家佛斯頓(Kathy Freston)透露,她已經收集逾8萬人的連署,希望麥當勞能重新推出素食漢堡,讓大家能在速食店裡也能享有健康取向。
  佛斯頓向「華爾街日報」表示,她已經收集超過8萬人的連署,希望麥當勞能重新推出素食漢堡,包括美國知名脫口秀主持人艾倫狄珍妮(Ellen DeGeneres)、嘻哈教父賽門斯(Russell Simmons)、演員潘蜜拉安德森(Pamela Anderson)與艾莉西亞席佛史東(Alicia Silverstone)都在連署之列。
2素食健康年菜 過年慢性病友安心吃日期:2014.01.26
◎ uho新聞部
● 「醬爆猴頭菇」/準備猴頭菇1大碗、老薑片3∼5片、乾辣椒1條切薄片、九層塔1把、枸杞1匙、黑麻油、醬油膏1大匙、冰糖1小匙。首先將猴頭菇剝小塊備用;冷鍋中倒入黑麻油,以小火燒熱後下薑片、辣椒,煸至香味出來,再放入猴頭菇煎至微金黃;接著下醬油、冰糖、胡椒粉拌勻,加入少許水,燒至湯汁收乾、猴頭菇入味,最後放九層塔及枸杞,拌勻後即可起鍋享用。
● 「素干貝芥心」/準備芥菜心1大顆(約800g)、素干貝4顆、(勾芡)太白粉1大匙+水2大匙 。首先將素干貝洗淨、蒸軟;再將芥菜心洗淨,川燙後泡冷水備用;接著油鍋中加少許油,放入芥菜心拌炒,再放入芶芡的太白粉水煮熟,最後將芥菜心排盤後,放上蒸熟的素干貝即可。
January 30, 2014  
大政素食表示,純素食品所採用的材料和品質相當重要,該公司設於台灣樹林的直營素食工廠,通過嚴格管控,更經FDA檢驗外銷到美國。大政素食近日推出暑期大特價,除特價品外,全部商品一律八五折,或買滿$50免費送貨(只限紐約市),另享九折,詳情和產品圖片可上該公司官網:www.vegestar.us查詢產品超過百種,紐約分公司地址 74-16 Grand Ave Elmhurst, NY11373電話Tel:718-360-8688洛杉磯總公司電:626-444-4980。

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~~~這招不會管用 浪費資源子彈 做這種夢真的是著魔2014/02/04 18:15:48
morning-glory麥當勞早就有素食漢堡了! N年前就有了.大驚小怪!2014/02/01 0:32:58
回 應 文 章
超模Kathy Freston發起請願讓麥當勞提供健康無肉的

作者: 做個素食英雄吧
發表日期:2014/02/04 11:58:02
文章編號:227025 篇  此篇回應:第 226998 篇 推文人氣指標: (0)


超模Kathy Freston發起請願讓麥當勞提供健康無肉的選項。
Petitioning Don Thompson, McDonald's CEO 
It's Time For A Healthy, Meatless Option (Please!)
Petition by
Kathy Freston
Studio City, CA
Multiply Your Impact
Turn your signature into dozens more by sharing this petition and recruiting people you know to sign.
My name is Kathy Freston. I'm an author of books like Quantum Wellness: A Practical and Spiritual Guide to Health and Happiness, and some of you may have seen me talking about healthy living and conscious eating with Ellen Degeneres, Oprah Winfrey, Dr. Oz, or others on television or in print. I've been fortunate enough to reach millions of people with a positive message, and with this petition I’m hoping to bring a positive change to America with a mainstream meatless option at McDonald’s!
Adding plant-based protein options at McDonald's will appeal to workers out for a quick lunch, families with health-conscious members out to dinner, children on field trips, and anyone looking for something different than the current menu at McDonald’s where even the french fries contain beef flavoring (they don't in Europe, incidentally)! According to a recent survey, more than one-third of Americans already buy meat substitutes for reasons that range from health to ethics! So why not make a meatless option available at one of America’s favorite restaurant chains for everyone to enjoy? Healthy living should be about progress, not perfection, and this is an easy step that McDonald’s could be taking.
Sales of meat substitutes in the U.S. bring in over $553 million a year and visionaries like Bill Gates of Microsoft and Evan Williams and Biz Stone of Twitter are helping fund some of the many meatless options in development for mass markets. Meanwhile competitors like Chipotle have new braised tofu Sofritas, Tropical Smoothie added vegan chicken strips, and Burger King has a veggie burger! That's not even getting into the fact that KFC has vegan chicken in Canada (really, try it!), Subway already has a veggie patty, and McDonald's Canada has veggie wraps!  We Americans love a protein center to our meal, so veggies and salads alone (or even in a wrap) won’t do the trick; we want something hearty and protein-centric just like the burgers and sandwiches you already have, only with something plant-based instead.
In September, McDonald's partnered with President Bill Clinton (who improved his own health by eating plant-based foods) and the Alliance for a Healthier Generation to make some youth marketing improvements, but still left me and many members of the public wondering about people of all ages looking to lower cholesterol, reduce saturated fat intake, and cut calories. Offering an option that is completely without animal products is ideal, not only for those who don’t eat animal products for ethical reasons, but for those who are lactose intolerant or have egg allergies.
Like many Americans, I’m over this "all or nothing" way of thinking by powerful decision makers in the government and in the corporate world. We need to work together to find positive ways to work towards common goals like eating healthier, farming sustainably, and treating animals with respect. In that spirit, one very simple step can come from fast food giant McDonald's adding a healthy, plant-based item to the menu in the United States. Truly, there can be something for everyone!
Please sign my petition to support adding a healthy, meatless option at McDonald's.
Don Thompson, McDonald's CEO 
Jeff Stratton, McDonald's President 
Tim Fenton, McDonald's COO 
J.C. Gonzalez-Mendez, McDonald's Senior Vice President, Global CSR, Sustainability and Philanthropy 
Greg Watson, McDonald's Senior Vice President, Menu Innovation 
Cindy Goody, PhD, MBA, RD, LDN, McDonald's Senior Director of Nutrition 
Julia Braun, McDonald's Director of Nutrition, Menu Innovation Team 
Dan Coudreaut, McDonald's Vice President, Culinary Innovation 
It's Time For A Healthy, Meatless Option (Please!) 
Consumer demand for plant-based foods continues to rise. I urge you to add a meatless protein-centric option to the menu. You have veggie wraps in Canada and Europe, Tropical Smoothie has vegan chicken wraps, and Burger King has a veggie burger. Why not offer “something for everyone” here in America, too? 
While you’re at it, might you take the...

該廠一女員工出來嗆: 你們這樣很過份,這是我們公司前面耶~ !! 老娘回嗆: 這是公有人行道 , 你們殺動物更過份耶~~~!!!!

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