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作者: 珠善
發表日期:2012/10/23 8:54:32
文章編號:223989   推文人氣指標: (0)




獻給你們∼符致逸-Love you more than anyone,婚姻的經營要兩個人共同努力,幸福一輩子!  





符致逸-Love you more than anyone


作詞 / 作曲:符致逸 (Adrian Fu) / 編曲:劉志遠

See the life before me, look inside my weary eyes.
看看我之前的生活 從我的雙眼中能看見疲憊

The grasses always greener, has our love beyond the sky
草地總是那麼的鮮綠 而我們的愛越過天空

Everyone is looking and the pieces of my heart
每個人都在尋找 尋找我心中的一小塊

You're the only one who makes it all okay, and everythings alright.
而妳卻是唯一一個會讓甚麼事情都變好 甚麼事情都沒問題的人

See the look inside my eyes, I could feel it in your mind
從我眼裡 能感覺到些甚麼 在妳心裡

And you, I love you more than anyone
而妳 我愛妳勝過任何人

And you, I love you more than anyone
而妳 我愛妳勝過任何人

You've been on my mind, cause when I seek thing I will find
妳一直住在我心裡 所以讓我事事順心

This is just a simple song and everyone is listening to me
這只是一首很簡單的歌 而每個人正在聽我唱著

See the look inside my eyes, I could feel it in your mind
從我眼裡 能感覺到些甚麼 在妳心裡

And you, I love you more than anyone
而妳 我愛妳勝過任何人

And you, I love you more than anything
而妳 我愛妳勝過任何事

cause I love you more than anyone
因為 我愛妳勝過任何人

love you more than anyone

love you more than anyone

And you, I love you more than anyone
而妳 我愛妳勝過任何人

And you, I love you more than anything than everything
而妳 我愛妳勝過任何事 每件事

And you, I love you more than anyone anyone
而妳 我愛妳勝過任何人 任何人

And you, I love you more than anything than everything than anyone
而妳 我愛妳勝過任何事 每件事 還有任何人


符致逸-Love you more than anyone



祝福大家 平安幸福


珠善 感恩合十



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