請連署「星期一無肉日」的全球性請願活動,以降低溫室氣體排放量及避免進一步氣候變遷。 請在下列台灣欄中文網址簽名,鼓勵政府在全台灣推行「星期一無肉日」。 http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/meat-free-monday-taiwan.html
PS. 我想選星期一的原因可能是週日可能隨親友已經吃太多肉了,正好清一下腸,禁屠「公休」一天。
----------- We are currently facing unprecedented global warming. Climate Change threatens us all, as an individuals and as a society .Taiwan is ranked 22nd in the world as far as contributing greenhouse gasses (ghg) , that’s a significant 1 % of total global ghg emissions. According to a 2006 report by the Food and Agriculture Organization of The United Nations (FAO), entitled Livestock's Long Shadow: The FAO report found that livestock production causes 18 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions, including nine percent of all carbon dioxide emissions, 37 percent of methane, and 65 percent of nitrous oxide which is approximately 296 times more potent as CO2 as a global warming gas. A study in 2008 concluded that the production of 2.2 lbs of beef would cause the same amount of carbon emissions as an average European car would traveling 155 miles. The amount of energy burnt was enough to light a 100watt bulb for almost 20 days. Nobel Laureate, Dr. Rajendra Pachauri, head of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has stated, “Please eat less meat; meat is a very carbon intensive commodity ...” and “The single action that a person can take to reduce carbon emissions is vegetarianism.” In recent headlines, the city of Ghent in Belgium has taken steps to reduce its carbon footprint and has made the brave decision to ask its citizens to go meatless one day a week. Every Thursday will be veggie day. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/8046970.stm Due to the impact that meat has on the environment, we need to reduce our consumption of this carbon intensive product as an effective solution to the climate change crisis. This petition calls for Taiwanese officials to take action now that will show Taiwan’s commitment to tackling Climate Change. We urge the government to promote every Monday as a day when the citizens of Taiwan will abstain from meat products in an effort to protect the environment and halt global warming. We call on everyone’s support in expressing to Taiwanese officials the need for Taiwan to adopt and promote a meat free Monday. So please sign this petition and forward it to you friends and family!
※此文原作者於2009/07/18 3:43:02修改過。
一般素食百分比的統計,可能以主觀意識形態(或世俗)的葷素二分法多些,但「蔬食抗暖化者」或「經濟牲畜」關心耗肉量(或「宇宙愛力」)多些。 譬如印度近年成為金磚四國之一後,素食人口下降,但耗肉量40年來從一人一年3.7公斤約增至5.2公斤(而美國125公斤約印度的24倍, 最素國如孟加拉約3公斤),馬上可成為世界人口20幾%第一大國的印度人在美國人眼中1/24的耗肉量恐怕都不能歸類成「肉食者」。 台灣「蔬食抗暖化」的確非常火紅,不過全世界各地也在大力推行,就以我居住車程約2小時方圓的舊金山灣區,座談、訪問、投書、連署、串連、園遊、試吃、文宣( 機場、高速公路大型看板﹔巴士、報紙廣告﹔散發傳單英、西、中、越共計數十萬份等)活動也不斷。 了解真相的環保民眾大部份會說她/他們會立即「儘量」降低耗肉量(就像換開低耗油的車一樣)。我想她/他們有些也根本還沒想也不在乎「素食者」的「頭銜」或「名份」。 昨天披頭四之一的保羅麥卡尼爵士(Sir Paul McCartney)和他的家人及40多名知名人士在英國聖詹姆斯公園(St. James’s Park) 慶祝正式推出週一無肉日︰ 「星期一無肉日將推及廣大市民並打動更多的心,而不是採取「素食或非素食」的意識形態,要求人們必須是100%的素食主義者」 若所有人一周一天素,也好比多了1/7人口棄葷茹素。 但無論素食百分比要如何估量,站在高點,其實重點還是在於人心的整體改變。
上一篇:人類真的開始注重工業污染減炭嗎 下一篇:世界村落缺水,黃金紀元吃素