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主題:NASA 氣象專家韓森博士說 : 石油公司的老闆都應為他們對 含原文總篇數 1
原       文
作者: paramhansa
發表日期:2008/06/24 9:23:43
文章編號:201974   推文人氣指標: (6)

暖化的定時炸彈已在倒數計時, 發展替代能源, 吃素, 種樹, 祈禱, 刻不容緩 !

> NASA 氣象專家韓森博士今天生氣的說 :
> 石油公司的老闆都應為他們對人類與自然所做的罪判重刑
> 因為他們刻意散佈對全球暖化的不實傳聞
> 就像煙草公司刻意模糊吸煙與癌症的關係一樣 !
> ..... the chief executives of large fossil fuel companies to be put
> on trial for high crimes against humanity and nature, accusing them of
> actively spreading doubt about global warming in the same way that tobacco
> companies blurred the links between smoking and cancer.

> PS. 布希總統由於與產油集團利益掛勾, 近日要求美國國會開放戰備儲油田產油,
> 以期在下台前大撈一筆 !!!!!  由於布希拒絕簽署京都議定書, 美國今年遭遇空前
> 的大洪水以及龍捲風, 災民已上萬 !!!!  中國長江沿岸的洪災災民更高達上千萬
> !!!!!

> =====================================================================
> His angry words.........
>     "Democracy is not working
>      the way it's intended to work."
>      James Hanson, NASA Climate Scientist
>      Put Oil Firm Chiefs on Trial, Says Leading Climate Change Scientist
>      Ed Pinkington     The Guardian (UK)     June 23, 2008
>          James Hansen, one of the world's leading climate scientists, will
> today call for the chief executives of large fossil fuel companies to be put
> on trial for high crimes against humanity and nature, accusing them of
> actively spreading doubt about global warming in the same way that tobacco
> companies blurred the links between smoking and cancer.
>          ...He will accuse the chief executive officers of companies such
> as ExxonMobil and Peabody Energy of being fully aware of the disinformation
> about climate change they are spreading.
>          ...He is also considering personally targeting members of Congress
> who have a poor track record on climate change in the coming November
> elections. He will campaign to have several of them unseated.
>          He will tell the House select committee on energy independence and
> global warming this afternoon that he is now 99% certain that the
> concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere has already risen beyond the safe
> level.
>          ...He wants to see a moratorium on new coal-fired power plants,
> coupled with the creation of a huge grid of low-loss electric power lines
> buried under ground and spread across America, in order to give wind and
> solar power a chance of competing. "The new US president would have to take
> the initiative analogous to Kennedy's decision to go to the moon."
>      Dr. James Hansen on 60 Minutes
>      Dr. James Hansen on the melting of ice sheets
>      Censoring Science -Inside the Political Attack on Dr. James Hansen
>      Democracy Now!     Part 1     Part 2     Part 3     Part 4
>      Committee Examines Political Interference with Climate Science
>      Video of the Hearing
>      House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform   March 19, 2007
> =============================================================
>      "I don't think we've had a situation like this since Richard Nixon was
> president; where the president of the United States may have been involved
> in acting contrary to law, and the evidence that would determine that
> question for Congress in exercising our oversight is being blocked by an
> assertion of executive privilege."
>      Henry Waxman, Chairman
>      U.S. House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform
>      White House Asserts Executive Privilege in EPA Investigation
>      Erica Werner     AP     June 20, 2008
>      Waxman contends the White House intervened with EPA to produce more
> industry-friendly outcomes in setting new smog standards and denying
> California and more than a dozen other states permission to cut greenhouse
> gas emissions from cars and trucks.

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paramhansa造化也不是省油的燈!這些地獄上來太囂張,就來個小掃除,喚醒一些感染不深的、再直迷不悟,就只好大掃除。2008/06/27 9:01:47
itchy【羅一極】有很多人相信歷史上發動戰爭或大屠殺的人死後會入地獄,我也相信他們可能只是回到當初來的地方而已--他們是從地獄被派到人間走一遭來顯現地獄之象...(可能地獄太擠要開分院了?)2008/06/26 14:26:33
墨水心因為受苦的不是自己本身,當局者迷很難去體會受苦人的心路歷程,最好的方式就是「他」也是受害人之一。2008/06/25 6:54:48
隨風飄..沒錯,很多戰亂米國都佔有重要負面角色;只是他們從不認為自己有錯,因為一切的一切都是以米國最大利益為優先啦。2008/06/24 22:05:50
卉卉~會有那麼大的災難,跟布希政府發動戰爭也有很大的關係!2008/06/24 10:09:59
itchy【羅一極】謝謝您的分享! 歷史就是會自我重覆,不過這一次人類再學不會很可能就是「最後」一次了...2008/06/24 9:47:57
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