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主題:蘋果日報-植物性食物可有效的降血壓 含原文總篇數 1
原       文
作者: small fly elephant
發表日期:2006/01/21 16:41:54
文章編號:164258   推文人氣指標: (2)



Plant foods linked to better blood pressure.


People who fill up on vegetables, whole grains and fruit tend to have healthier blood pressure levels than their more carnivorous peers, according to an international study published.


The findings say researcher, bolster recommendations that adults eat more plant-basted food for the sake of their cardiovascular health.


The study found that among nearly 4700 middle-aged adults in four countries, those who ate more vegetable protein-from grains, vegetables, beans and fruit-tended to have lower blood pressure.

研究發現了在四個國家約4700 個中年成人之中, 攝取全穀類食物、蔬菜、豆類和水果等含植物性蛋白質的人,血壓較低。

Even a small increase in the proportion of calories derived from vegetable protein translated into a dip in blood pressure; according to findings publish in the Archives of Internal Medicine.


The study included 4680 adults ages 40 to59 from the UK, US, China and Japan.


Over roughly 6 weeks, participants had their blood pressure measured repeatedly, and on four separate occasions they told the researchers what they'd eaten over the past 24 hours. The subjects also completed questionnaires on other health and lifestyle factors.

在大致6 個星期, 參加者安排他們的血壓一再被測量, 參加者在四個不同場合及過去24 小時期間。研究員會未參加者不定期量血壓並詢問在這段期間參加者的飲食及其它健康和生活方式因素。並完成調查表。

Overall, the study found, average blood pressure levels dipped as vegetable protein intake increased. The opposite was true of animal protein intake, but that relationship appeared to be explained by the heavier weights of people who ate more meat and dairy.

總之,研究發現了, 平均血壓水平跟蔬菜蛋白值攝取量的增加有關。相對的動物蛋白質攝取量增加, 卻解釋出平均體重以上的人比一般人吃更多肉和牛奶的

It's difficult to pinpoint why vegetable proteins are linked to lower blood pressure, according to Elliott and his colleagues. For instance, they note, by eating a lot of vegetable protein, people tend to take in high amounts of fiber and magnesium, which may account for at least some of the blood pressure effects.

目前很難精確定位為什麼蔬菜蛋白質與降低血壓有關, 根據Elliott 和他的同事的舉例, 他們注意, 攝取大量蔬菜蛋白質的人們多攝取在纖維和鎂上, 也許這對降血壓有些作用。

Vegetable proteins also contain specific amino acids -- the "building blocks" of protein -- that research suggests help control blood pressure.

蔬菜蛋白質包含具體氨基酸基礎蛋白質-- 研究顯示可幫助控制血壓。

In this study, Elliott pointed out, people whose diets favored vegetable protein over animal protein consumed a very different "amino acid mix" than those with diets rich in animal products. This raises the possibility, he said, that the blood pressure benefits are related to certain amino acids found in high amounts in plant foods.

在這項研究中, Elliott 指出, 飲食傾向於蔬菜蛋白質的人們。在動物蛋白質上另外消耗一個非常不同的"氨基酸混合" 比那些以飲食多攝取在畜產品超過。這提高可能性, 他說, 在多數的植物被發現某些氨基酸是對血壓有好處的。

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