建議你去 "剛果非犬貓動物醫院" 檢查一下哦
02-2931-8223 北市羅斯福路6段306號 邱醫生==>採預約制
即使,小動物,看起來是健康的, 建議...去做一下健康檢查,
小動物,也是一條生命呢, 即然決定要養他們, 就要好好照顧愛護他哦!!!
>【 在 sherrylin 的大作中提到: 】
>前幾天, 我到一家寵物店買魚的水草, 而他們有一隻黃金鼠要送出, 原因是主人出國而沒空照顧. 我就帶回家了, 我先生覺得這隻黃金鼠的尾部太腫大. 他認為可能有腫瘤.
>沒想到第一次養黃金鼠, 是已經生病的.
>基於照顧生命, 我想是否有人是專家或你們有養黃金鼠的經驗, I really need some help. Thank you.
Thank you anyway. We fed our hamster a piece of apple a while ago. It enjoyed new food. We were having fun.
>【 在 Bi~Li~Ba~La~Bom!! 的大作中提到: 】
>yeah~that's right~ XD
>bai tien{day}愛睡覺~wain shun(night)愛play~jumping~running~eatting~ crazy ALL-night.hahahah~ :D
>don't worry about that. i think =)
>and 黃金鼠 very likes [nan-gua-子/sunflower seed]
>>【 在 sherrylin 的大作中提到: 】
>>>Hi , new friend.
>>Thanks to you. But My husband said this is not normal
>>Because its balls really big. And not really normal.
>>它很愛睡覺, 常常很類的樣子.
>>So, I'm truly worry about it.
>>【 在 Bi~Li~Ba~La~Bom!! 的大作中提到: 】
>>>that is not 腫瘤. :P
>>>尾部腫<--that's his "ball" :*P
>>>黃金鼠尾部 VERY SHORT.
>>>when 黃金鼠 in warm weather(or he feel hot) .. his balls 腫腫的
>>>usually, his balls 腫腫的 all the time!! :P
>>>我有養黃金鼠的經驗 :)
yeah~that's right~ XD
bai tien{day}愛睡覺~wain shun(night)愛play~jumping~running~eatting~ crazy ALL-night.hahahah~ :D
don't worry about that. i think =)
and 黃金鼠 very likes [nan-gua-子/sunflower seed]
>【 在 sherrylin 的大作中提到: 】
>>Hi , new friend.
>Thanks to you. But My husband said this is not normal
>Because its balls really big. And not really normal.
>它很愛睡覺, 常常很類的樣子.
>So, I'm truly worry about it.
>【 在 Bi~Li~Ba~La~Bom!! 的大作中提到: 】
>>that is not 腫瘤. :P
>>尾部腫<--that's his "ball" :*P
>>黃金鼠尾部 VERY SHORT.
>>when 黃金鼠 in warm weather(or he feel hot) .. his balls 腫腫的
>>usually, his balls 腫腫的 all the time!! :P
>>我有養黃金鼠的經驗 :)
>Hi , new friend.
Thanks to you. But My husband said this is not normal
Because its balls really big. And not really normal.
它很愛睡覺, 常常很類的樣子.
So, I'm truly worry about it.
【 在 Bi~Li~Ba~La~Bom!! 的大作中提到: 】
>that is not 腫瘤. :P
>尾部腫<--that's his "ball" :*P
>黃金鼠尾部 VERY SHORT.
>when 黃金鼠 in warm weather(or he feel hot) .. his balls 腫腫的
>usually, his balls 腫腫的 all the time!! :P
>我有養黃金鼠的經驗 :)
that is not 腫瘤. :P
尾部腫<--that's his "ball" :*P
when 黃金鼠 in warm weather(or he feel hot) .. his balls 腫腫的
usually, his balls 腫腫的 all the time!! :P
我有養黃金鼠的經驗 :)