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主題: 被衛生署誤解的善意傳播
文 章 編 號: 第 78768 篇
發 表 日 期: 2003/10/01 23:29:38
閱 讀 次 數: 817
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用井號(####) 分隔開的是村民 安 所發表

今天在 ettoday



裡 竟然由衛生署回答說是網路謠言

FBI抓扒仔 就發揮 FBI 調查精神 驗證一番

果然發現 衛生署 差矣! 證據在後面




很多人喜歡吃半生不熟的蛋, 覺得這樣比較營養,也比較鮮嫩,事實上沒有煮熟的蛋,是




美國Whilenall-Rodins Health大藥廠最近在一個對蛋的養分的研究中發現, 沒有煮熟


日前, NSF (National Science Foundation), WHO (World Health

Organization, http://www.who.int/ ) 及National Institutes of

Health (http://www.nih.gov) 已經證實這項消息, 而美國FDA (Food & Drug

Administration食品藥物管理局http://www.fda.gov/ )也已經委託U.C.L.A進 行相關

研究.希望能夠在最快的時間內發展出新藥. 更詳細的

內容可以在Reuters Medical News

(http://www.reutershealth.com/news/) , CNN health

(http://www.cnn.com/HEALTH/) ,USA Today-Health


所以, 一定要把蛋黃煮熟再吃

Ann Chuang


我在who的網頁查到的 病例文獻 如網址 裡面case 2 的病例應該是年輕人 但有老弱 兩人死亡 (因蛋裡繁衍細菌)

說的是生蛋 或未完全煮熟的蛋會 被 沙門氏菌污染


但 下面的文件卻形容沙門氏菌為劇毒致命的病原體 而且說絕不可吃生蛋

Healthy Villages - A Guide for Communities and Community Health Workers,

© 2003, WHO

Chapter 8. Personal, domestic and community hygiene

8.3.1 Food preparation in the home

As most food is likely to be prepared in the home, it is important that families understand the principles of basic hygiene and know how to prepare food safely. Before preparing food, hands should be washed with soap or ash. Raw fruit and vegetables should not be eaten unless they are first peeled or washed with clean water. It is also important to cook food properly, particularly meat. Both cattle and pigs host tapeworms that can be transferred to humans through improperly cooked meat; for this reason, raw meat should never be eaten. Eggs, too, must be cooked properly before eating, since they may contain salmonella, a virulent pathogen. The kitchen itself should be kept clean and waste food disposed of carefully to avoid attracting vermin, such as rats and mice, that may transmit disease. Keeping food preparation surfaces clean is critical, because harmful organisms can grow on these surfaces and contaminate food.

藥廠名稱 Whilenall-Rodins Health 部份 依我的經驗是打錯字 通常是Robin

果然在www.drugstore.com 裡有 Whitehall-Robin Healthcare 藥廠 產品



另外大陸有 fda批准該藥廠新藥的資料








申请公司:美国家用产品公司WHITEHALL ROBIN保健分公司



Whitehall-Robins Healthcare 其實就是惠氏大藥廠



The following changes took effect on March 11, 2002:

Our corporate name is now Wyeth, and the Company's shares trade on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol WYE.

Wyeth-Ayerst Laboratories is now Wyeth Pharmaceuticals.

Whitehall-Robins Healthcare is now Wyeth Consumer Healthcare.

Fort Dodge Animal Health retains its name.


我第一次進下面網頁看到FDA 委託UCLA 研究計畫是真的

FDA/CFSAN Food Safety Initiative Three-Year Research Plan - ...

... on-farm indicators for predicting whether eggs are contaminated with S. Enteritidis ... Fruits

and Vegetables Organization: UCLA Principal Investigator: Linda Jones ...

http://www.cfsan.fda.gov/~dms/3fs3apxb.html - Cached

可是第二次進入就UPDATED 成下面的樣子

Project Title: Effect of Previously S. Enteritidis Contaminated Environment . . . A Prospective Study

Organization: California Department of Food Agriculture, Animal Health and Food Safety Services

Principal Investigator: David Mario Castellan

Research Grant #: FD-U-00-1963-01 Duration-3 years

2000 Award Amount: $40,657

The goals are to ensure egg safety by developing improved sampling and detection methods for detection of low-levels of and enumeration of Salmonella Enteritidis (S. Enteritidis) in eggs. A longitudinal study is proposed which addresses the need to develop better on-farm indicators for predicting whether eggs are contaminated with S. Enteritidis.

最後 進http://www.cfsan.fda.gov/~dms/3fs2apx.html 查出 給UCLA 的PROJECT變成

8. Research Grant #FD-U-001629-01: Consumer Handling and Washing of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Principal Investigator: Linda Joan Harris, Ph.D., UCLA

The objectives of this proposal include:

a) identification of consumer handling practices

b) evaluation of the effectiveness of washing methods commonly used by consumers

c) evaluation of the effectiveness of modified washing procedures that incorporate antimicrobial agents (e.g., chlorine, organic acids, etc.; Salmonella, L. monocytogenes, and E. coli O157:H7 will be the test pathogens)

d) evaluation of consumer understanding and likelihood of following recommended washing procedures.

反正FDA 有委託研究此事是真的

所以我就發信給ETTODAY 請他們注意 他們也回答會處理

我想衛生署應多方查證 或直接寫MAIL給FDA 才對 畢竟他們有能力做這件事


我想 安 應該得到平反!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re:FBI查證回報--竟然台北也有用眼睛看的自助餐 (作者:POUEE)
內湖陽光街附近有沒有素食店? (作者:Lina^_^)


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