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主題: 2016世界無肉日愛環境的你該吃素的理由vs吃素正夯餐桌上的
作者: 做個素食英雄吧
文 章 編 號: 第 231103 篇
發 表 日 期: 2016/06/17 11:43:04
閱 讀 次 數: 781
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末學恆定十三年前 就認可 素食明星是未來的時尚潮流^_^
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盧心怡 2016-01-25 


  就連影視名人紛紛也開始加入吃素行列。前些時日天王巨星劉德華,剛獲選為亞洲善待動物組織(PETA Asia)2015年「最性感素食男藝人」,近日,剛逝世的典範企業家長榮集團總裁張榮發,有著20年全素紀錄,在60歲後毅然決然改吃素,成為堅定的素食主義者。 

「宗教信仰」 千百年傳統歷史背景,多數素食主義者,因宗教信仰選擇吃素,如佛教、一貫道等信徒。此外,基督復臨安息日、道教齋食、印度教等皆受到宗教影響不吃肉食。 



「基於道德」 保護動物人士,基於道德感,尊重生命與平等對待動物,主張動物與人類一樣,在地球上享有生存權,人類不應為了滿足口腹之慾犧牲動物性命。畢竟我們並不樂見與自己有情感的寵物,最後被烹煮成一道佳餚。 

「我要還願」 當我們基於個人理由,或希望家人平安向神明祈求,願望達成或危機解除會以吃素還願。
「減重成功」 吃素是最便利的減肥方式,攝取植物性食物熱量低,不容易讓熱量堆積在人體而發胖,蔬果纖維多能促進新陳代謝,將體內的脂肪與糖份消耗掉。 吃素的理由無論是否為宗教因素,餐桌上的蔬食主義,確實已成為全球各國食尚潮流,新興飲食的流行趨勢。從過去的宗教飲食規範,到今日基於對生命的尊重、愛護地球、健康考量等因素。吃素正夯?!是的,不僅是新時代的生活主張,還是一件很酷的事!============================================
2016世界無肉日 愛環境的你該吃素的理由

從環境角度來看,人們可能要考慮長期不吃肉了。圖片來源:世界銀行World Bank Photo Collection(CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)。
2014年,英國「好食聯盟」(Eating Better Alliance)調查發現,超過1/3英國人(35%)表示願意減少肉食,1/5的英國人(20%)表示去年曾減少肉食。

World Meat Free Day 2016: Why vegetarianism could be our futureAccording to the FAO the UK consumed on average 85.8 kilogrammes per person in 2012
 According to the FAO, 40 per cent of the food grown in the world today is feed for animals Getty ImagesToday is World Meat Free Day, and people all over the world are trying to go meat free for one day – but environmental concerns may mean we should all be considering the choice permanently.
According to the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), in 2012 the United Kingdom ranked 22nd for meat consumption per person. We consumed on average 85.8 kilogrammes per person per year.
Of this amount 22 kg was estimated to be beef, 27.9kg was pork, 29.2kg was poultry and 6.1kg was mutton and goat.

According to the FAO, 40 per cent of the food grown in the world today is feed for animals, and it says that figure is likely to increase to 60 per cent in the next 20 years with the emergence of an expanding global middle class who can afford to eat more meat and dairy.
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development estimates that we are at a low point in our consumption of meat globally, following the financial crisis of 2007.

However, the cost of meat may not be the only reason we should consider taming our carnivorous taste buds.
Our meat consumption also affects the environment, as government targets for methane reduction are burdened by the agriculture sectors need to cater to demand for methane producing animals.
The United States' Environmental Protection Agency says that methane is the second most prevalent greenhouse gas and that globally, over 60% of total CH4 emissions come from human activities.
Celebrity vegan and vegetarians Global efforts to reduce methane have been prioritised more and more in recent years as our issue with consumption becomes more apparent.
In January of last year the White House announced targets to cut methane emisisons from the oil and gas sector by 40-45 per cent, and encouraged farmers to use biodigesters to capture and use methane emissions from agricultural waste.

Methane emissions are dropping on the whole - this year we will produce 47.86 million metric tons of methane equivalent to carbon dioxide - but our passion for meat means that agriculture is still the slowest sector in terms of methane reductions.
23 per cent of the planet’s arable land is taken up with beef cattle.

In 2010, the UKs Department of Energy and Climate Change reported that agriculture had surpassed waste management as the sector producing the highest amounts of methane, due to slower reductions than any other sector.

Meanwhile in 2015, the agriculture sector dominates more and more of the methane emissions pie – nearly half of our total emissions.
In 2014, a YouGov survey for Eating Better Alliance revealed that over a third of people in the UK (35 per cent) report they are willing to eat less meat, with one-in-five (20 per cent) saying they had cut back in the last year.
This is not simply to do with environmental or monetary concerns either, as there are health benefits to lowering meat intake.
Red and processed meat consumption are associated with colon cancer. Evidence compiled in hundreds of studies suggest that diets with high fruits and vegetable intakes may reduce cancer risk.
Consumption of these meats is also associated with increases in total mortality, cancer mortality and cardiovascular disease mortality.
Sue Dibb, Coordinator of the Eating Better Alliance, said "Eating less meat is a simple way to eat healthily and it’s better for the environment too. World Meat Free Day is a fantastic campaign that can really make a difference to the world we live in.
"As an alliance, we are encouraging changes in the attitudes of businesses, governments and consumers, but we cannot do this alone.
"Every individual has the power to make change happen and we urge everyone to pledge to join this growing movement."
Joyce D’Silva, Ambassador at Compassion in World Farming, said "Pledging not to eat meat for a day is a simple, positive solution that we can all be a part of. Eating too much meat is devastating for our health, the environment and causes suffering to animals."

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