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現在位置:討論區 / 素食好書/影片 / 《像動物一樣健身,而不要吃動物》美國華府報紙主流談 吃純素

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主題: 《像動物一樣健身,而不要吃動物》美國華府報紙主流談 吃純素
作者: 做個素食英雄吧
文 章 編 號: 第 231012 篇
發 表 日 期: 2016/05/29 21:26:16
閱 讀 次 數: 879
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殘忍ing~~恆定短評、天地有好生之德,人心無不轉之時。 竭誠化導, 力挽而更張(改變)之,滋愧實甚。、不信江山喚不回、努力筆耕中



天啊! 請幫助這些可憐的小雞!!! 停止這種慘無人道的行為!!!它們只是被無情商人包裝過的殘忍罷了
我憐憫眾生   我努力在網路上~~無條件奉獻 餘力推廣素食


還覺得蛋是素食嗎?小公雞(鴨)不能下蛋一出生即被活活狡死做為母雞(鴨)的飼料,天倫悲歌,活地獄,因為吃,要承擔這些可怕的業障,戒除所有動物性飲食,懇請 善信大德能戒除肉蛋奶蜂蜜,讓他們自在

吃純素的訊息在美國首府華盛頓的報紙漸成主流。標題:《像動物一樣健身,而不要吃動物》而且還教育了重要觀念,要練身材不是補充蛋白粉,而是要吃夠多的複雜碳水化合物!我們身體需要複雜碳水化合物作為能量來源,不要再怕澱粉,而狂補充蛋白質了。Dr. Garth Davis

Torre Washington in GQ. Vegan message is becoming mainstream. And checkOut his recs: chill on the protein powders and come back to the carbs. Love it!





轉載分享~~~ 豬肉中殘留的抗生素增加致癌的風險 ~~很重要!







U.S. Food and Drug Administration. FDA takes steps to withdraw approval of the swine drug carbadox due to safety concerns. U.S. Food and Drug Administration website. Available at:






FDA takes steps to withdraw approval of the swine drug carbadox due to safety concerns



For Immediate Release

April 8, 2016


Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM) took the first step toward rescinding its approval of the use of carbadox to treat swine because the drug may leave trace amounts of a carcinogenic residue.

CVM’s action comes after the center recently reexamined the safety profile of the drug and conducted a preliminary risk characterization that indicated there could be potential risk to human health from ingesting pork, especially pork liver, derived from carbadox-treated pigs.


“The manufacturer of carbadox has failed to provide sufficient scientific data to demonstrate the safety of this drug given evidence that carbadox may result in carcinogenic residues,” said Michael R. Taylor, FDA deputy commissioner for foods and veterinary medicine. “As a result, FDA’s Center for Veterinary Medicine is taking legal action to remove this product from the marketplace.”


The FDA is not recommending that people make changes in their food choices while the agency is working to remove carbadox from the market. Potential cancer risks are based on an assumed lifetime of consuming pork liver or other pork products containing carbadox residues, and short-term changes in diet are unlikely to affect a person's lifetime risk. However, removal of the product from the market will reduce the lifetime risk to consumers, which is why CVM is taking this action. Pork liver is used to make liverwurst, hot dogs, lunchmeat and some types of sausage. In general, eating a varied diet may reduce the potential negative effects of eating too much of any one food.


FDA-approved alternative antibiotics are available to pork producers to treat swine.


CVM is committed to working with pork producers to minimize impacts on the swine industry.


Carbadox was first approved in the early 1970s for use in swine to control swine dysentery and bacterial swine enteritis. It has also been used for weight gain and feed efficiency. 


In July 2014, the Codex Alimentarius Commission determined there is no safe level of residues of carbadox or its metabolites in food that represents an acceptable risk to consumers. This was based on the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations/World Health Organization Codex Committee on Residues of Veterinary Drugs in Foods’ conclusions on the available scientific information.


To remove its approval, CVM must first file a Notice of Opportunity for Hearing, which it issued today. The notice provides the manufacturer of carbadox with an opportunity to request a hearing on whether the approval should be withdrawn.


The company has 30 days to request a hearing. If the company does not request a hearing, the agency can proceed with removing the animal drug from the market.


The manufacturer of all of the drug applications for carbadox is Phibro Animal Health, based out of Teaneck, New Jersey.


The FDA, an agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, protects the public health by assuring the safety, effectiveness, security of human and veterinary drugs, vaccines and other biological products for human use, and medical devices. The agency is also responsible for the safety and security of our nation’s food supply, cosmetics, dietary supplements, products that give off electronic radiation, and for regulating tobacco products.

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