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討論區/名人與素食 文章

主題: 純素的健美運動員吉姆·莫里斯
作者: 做個素食英雄吧
文 章 編 號: 第 230107 篇
發 表 日 期: 2015/10/13 10:20:55
閱 讀 次 數: 1124
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We are always inspired by vegan bodybuilder Jim Morris, the former

Mr. America and Mr. Universe. Even at 80, he's in great shape and spirits!

POSTED ON APRIL 24, 2015 IN SUCCESS STORIESMeet Vegan Bodybuilder

Jim Morris, Former Mr. Universe
Jim Morris: Lifelong Fitness, a documentary short by director Ryan Vance,

features the story of vegan bodybuilder Jim Morris, the former Mr. America,

Mr. USA, Mr. Universe, and Mr. International. This is a beautifully shot film

of an inspirational competitor and all-around barrier breaker. Jim won the

Mr. America competition by the widest margin in history, and he won the

Mr. Olympic masters at age 61 as a vegetarian.
Jim was a professional bodybuilder for over 30 years, and is a soft-spoken

and humble man who lights up the screen. At 78 years old, he’s still one

of the fittest guys around and works as a personal trainer in Venice, California.

In 2000, Jim became a vegan for health and ethical reasons. He credits his diet

for his age-defying physique and fitness level.

Jim Morris: Lifelong Fitness was a 2014 Slamdance Film Festival official selection

and has been screened at festivals all over the world.
For more information on Jim or the film, please visit the film’s Facebook page or

Jim’s own site.
You can also view more interviews with Jim Morris on Ryan Vance’s channel here.

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