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主題: 美國男演員強尼·戴普開始吃素Johnny Depp Gone
作者: 做個素食英雄吧
文 章 編 號: 第 230026 篇
發 表 日 期: 2015/09/29 20:02:55
閱 讀 次 數: 1141
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美國男演員強尼·戴普開始吃素Johnny Depp Gone Vegan 

  Looks like Johnny Depp has gone vegan.
he just starting to be vegetarian lets see and then next step vegan.
The animals need all the help they can get, so be sure to spread the word to family and friends so we can one day have a vegan world. 
Has Johnny Depp Gone Vegan? Source Says Yes
Think of the coolest, nicest, most talented, handsome and famous guy around. Are you picturing Johnny Depp? Me too. That’s why we hope this news is true.
A source is saying that Depp has eliminated meat and dairy from his diet (as well as booze) for his new girlfriend Amber Heard.
The annonymous source said, “He’s also taken up a vegan diet and Pilates after she told him about the benefits and now he’s raving about losing his paunch.”
Weight loss after going vegan? Sounds about right. Plenty of cool celebs have gone vegan making the diet and lifestyle a part of the mainstream. But Depp is one of the 
coolest. Having him on team vegan would surely inspire a great many people to give it a go.
The actor isn’t the most vocal about his private life, but hopefully we’ll hear more on this story to be able to report. Just imagine if Depp sat next to you at your 
favorite vegan restaurant. Could you finish your seitan piccata?
恆定  分享
 強尼·戴普  維基百科,自由的百科全書分享
(英語:John Christopher "Johnny" Depp II,1963年6月9日-)是一位美國男演員

  Looks like Johnny Depp has gone vegan.
he just starting to be vegetarian lets see and then next step vegan.
The animals need all the help they can get, so be sure to spread

the word to family and friends so we can one day have a vegan world. 

Has Johnny Depp Gone Vegan? 
Source Says YesBY ALI BERMAN JUNE 6, 2013 

Think of the coolest, nicest, most talented, handsome and famous guy around.

Are you picturing Johnny Depp? Me too. That’s why we hope this news is true.
A source is saying that Depp has eliminated meat and dairy from his diet

(as well as booze) for his new girlfriend Amber Heard.
The annonymous source said, “He’s also taken up a vegan diet and Pilates

after she told him about the benefits and now he’s raving about losing his paunch.”
Weight loss after going vegan? Sounds about right. Plenty of cool celebs have

gone vegan making the diet and lifestyle a part of the mainstream. But Depp is one of the 
coolest. Having him on team vegan would surely inspire a great many people to give it a go.
The actor isn’t the most vocal about his private life, but hopefully

we’ll hear more on this story to be able to report. Just imagine if

Depp sat next to you at your favorite vegan restaurant. Could you finish your seitan piccata?

恆定  分享   :感謝越來越多的藝人與明星開始吃素~~多保護我們的地球環境^_^


強尼·戴普  維基百科,自由的百科全書分享


(英語:John Christopher "Johnny" Depp II,1963年6月9日-)







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