英國環境大臣Kerry McCarthy說,雖然取得了一些進展,
UK PoliticsMeat-eaters should be treated like smokers, says
the vegan shadow environment secretary Kerry McCarthyLabour's
spokeswoman for the farming industry wants meat eaters to be
targeted with public ad campaigns encouraging them to go
vegetarianMatt Dathan @matt_dathan Thursday 24 September
2015 11:57 BST588 comments Kerry McCarthy, shadow
Environment Secretary (BBC) BBCMeat eaters should be treated i
n the same way as smokers and targeted with ad campaigns
urging them to become vegetarians, according to Labour's new
spokeswoman for the farming industry.
Kerry McCarthy, shadow Environment Secretary (BBC) BBC
Meat eaters should be treated in the same way as smokers
and targeted with ad campaigns urging them to become vegetarians,
according to Labour's new spokeswoman for
the farming industry.
Kerry McCarthy, who has admitted she is a "militant" vegan,
was appointed shadow environment secretary in Jeremy Corbyn's
front-bench team, alarming countryside
campaigners who warned that her veganism and strong
opposition to hunting and the badger cull would harm Britain's
farming industry.
She said that although progress had been made to improve animal welfare,
ultimately people needed to give up meat or dairy
if they really wanted to protect animals.
A graphic image from the 2007 Department of Health anti-smoking
campaign. Kerry McCarthy wants similar ads directed at meat-eaters
to warn of the impact to animal welfare Public campaigns,
such as those warning of the dangers of smoking, should
be used to encourage people to give up meat, Ms McCarthy said.
But her views were dismissed as "verging on the cranky"
by the Countryside Alliance, who have warned Mr Corbyn that
Ms McCarthy's appointment has made distanced
farmers even further from the Labour party.