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Although I have been prevented by outward cir-cumstances from observing a strictly vegetarian diet, I have long been an adherent to the cause in principle. Besides agreeing with the aims of vegetarianism for aesthetic and moral reason, It is my view that the vegetarian manner of living by its purely physical effect on the human temperament would most beneficially influence the lot of mankind.
Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.
À³ºÉ¤@¤Á§V¤Oªý¤î¹ï°Êª«¸vµL§Ò¼ª©M´Ý»Åªº±O±þ¡A¦]¬°³o¥²µM·|±ÑÃa§Ú̪º¹D¼w¡C¯À¹¥D¸q¬O¹ï¬J©wªº³¥ÆZ²ßºDȱoºÙÃÙªºIÂ÷¡A§ÚÌn¦b¹ª«¹ï©Ê®æªº¼vÅT¤W¶i¦æ¤@³õ¿E¶iªº§ï²¡C——¥§¥j©Ô·¯S´µ©Ô¡mThe Problem of Increasing Human Energy¡n
Should be made to stop the wanton and cruel slaughter of animals, which must be destructive to our morals. That vegetarianism is a commendable departure from the established barbarious habit. We should effect a radical reform in the character of the food.
Ãø¹D¤j¦ÛµM¤£¯à´£¨Ñ¨¬°÷²³æªº¹ª«¨Óº¡¨¬§A¶Ü¡H¦pªG§A¶û¥¦Ì¹L©ó²³æ¡A§A´N¤£¯à±N¥¦Ì·f°t¦¨¼Ë¦¡Ác¦hªº²V¦X¶Ü¡H´N¹³´¶©Ô¸¦¥§µ¥§@®a¼g¨ìªº¨ººØ¶¼¹¡H——¹F¤å¦è¡mFrammenti letterari e filosofici¡n
Or non produce la natura tanti semplici che tu ti possa saziare? e se non ti contenti de semplici, non puoi tu con le mistione di quelli fare infiniti composti, come scrisse il Platina e li altri autore di gola?
I believe if a slaughter house have glass wall, everyone will be vegetarian.
So long as we are unconscious of our cruelty we may not be to blame. But if, after our pity is aroused, we persist in throttling our feelings simply in order to join others in their preying upon life, we insult all that is good in us.
³o¯u¬O¥i©È¡I¤£¶È¬O°Êª«ªºµhW©M¦º¤`¡A§ó¦b©ó¤@Ó¤H¨S¦³¥²nÀ£§í¥L¦Û¤v³Ì°ª©|ªººë¯«¤O¶q——¥Î¦P±¡©M¼¦¼§¨Ó¹ï«Ý¹³¥L¤@¼Ëªº¥ÍÆF¡A¨S¦³¥²n¹HI¥L¦Û¤vªº·P±¡¦ÓÅܱo´Ý§Ô¡C——¦«º¸´µ®õ¡mThe First Step¡n
This is dreadful! Not the suffering and death of the animals, but that a man suppresses in himself, unnecessarily, the highest spiritual capacity — that of sympathy and pity towards living creatures like himself — and by violating his own feelings becomes cruel.
³o³õ¯À¹¹B°ÊÀ³¸Ó·|¤Þ°_¨º¨Ç§V¤O±N¤Ñ°ê±a¨ì¦a¤Wªº¤H¯S§Oªº³ß®®¡A¦Ó¥B¯À¹¥D¸q¥»¨´N¬O³q©¹¤Ñ°êªº«n³ü¨B¡]¨C¤@¨B³£¦P¼Ë«n¡A©ÎªÌ¦P¼ËµL¨¬»´«¡^¡A¥¦¤]¶H©º¤F¤H̹ï¹D¼w§¹µ½ªº´÷±æ¬O«ÜÄYµÂ©M¯u¤Áªº¡A¦]¬°¥¦¿í´`¤F¤£Åܪº¦ÛµM¶¶§Ç¡A¦Ê¥Q¤§°ª©l©ó¨¬¤U¡C ——¦«º¸´µ®õ¡mThe First Step¡n
Движение это должно быть особенно радостно для людей, живущих стремлением к осуществлению царства божия на земле, не потому, что само вегетарианство ость важный шаг к этому царству (все истинные шаги и важны, и не важны), а потому, что оно служит признаком того, что стремление к нравственному совершенствованию человека серьезно и искренно, так как оно приняло свойственный ему неизменный порядок, начинающийся с первой ступени.
¤@Ó¤H¤£¥Î±þ®`°Êª«§@¬°¹ª«¡A¤]¥i¥H°·±d¦a¥Í¬¡¡F©Ò¥H¡A¦pªG¥L¦Y¦×¡A¥L°Ñ»P¿Ñ±þ¶È¶È¬O¬°¤Fº¡¨¬¥Lªº¹±ý¡C³oºØ¦æ¬°¬O¤£¹D¼wªº¡C——¦«º¸´µ®õ¡mThe Works of Lyof N. Tolstoi¡n
A man can live and be healthy without killing animals for food; therefore, if he eats meat, he participates in taking animal life merely for the sake of his appetite. And to act so is immoral.
The animals you eat are not those who devour others; you do not eat the carnivorous beasts, you take them as your pattern. You only hunger for the sweet and gentle creatures who harm no one, who follow you, serve you, and are devoured by you as the reward of their service.
¹ï°Êª«ªº¦P±¡»Pµ½¨}ªº©Ê®æÃö¨t±K¤Á¡A¦Ó¥L¥i¥HªÖ©w¦aÂ_¨¥¡A´Ý¼É¦a¹ï«Ý¥ÍÆFªº¤H¡A¤£·|¬O¤@Ó¦n¤H¡C——¨û¥»µØ¡mThe Basis of Morality¡n
Compassion for animals is intimately connected with goodness of character, and it may be confidently asserted that he, who is cruel to living creatures, cannot be a good man.
¤@Ó¦³«ä·Qªº¤H¥²¶·¤Ï¹ï¤@¤Á´Ý§Ôªº²ß«U¡AµL½×¥¦¬O¦h麽®Ú²`¸¦©Tªº¶Ç²Î¥H¤Î³Q¥úÀô©Ò¥]³ò¡C·í§Ú̦³¿ï¾Üªº®ÉÔ¡A§ÚÌ´N¥²¶·ÁקKµ¹¥L¤Hªº¥Í¬¡±a¨Ó¶Ëµh¡A§Y¨Ï¬O³Ì§C¯Åªº¥ÍÆF¡C——¥vÃhõ¡mAn anthology¡n
The thinking man must oppose all cruel customs, no matter how deeply rooted in tradition and surrounded by a halo. When we have a choice, we must avoid bringing torment and injury into the life of another, even the lowliest creature.
§ÚÌ¥²¶·¤Ï¹ïµ¹°Êª«Ì¬I¥[µL·NÃѪº´Ý¼É¡C°Êª«ÌªºWÃø©M§Ṳ́@¼Ë¡C¯u¥¿ªº¤H©Ê¤£¤¹³\§Ú̹復̬I¥[³o¼ËªºµhW¡C——¥vÃhõ¡mPhilosophy of Civilisation¡n
We must fight against the spirit of unconscious cruelty with which we treat the animals. Animals suffer as much as we do. True humanity does not allow us to impose such sufferings on them.
§Y¨Ï±O®_³õÁô±K¦aÂæb´X^ùØ¥~ªº¦a¤è¡A§A¥un¦Y¤F¦×¤]µ¥©ó¬O¦@¥Ç¡C——·RÀq¥Í¡mThe Conduct of Life¡n
You have just dined, and however scrupulously the slaughter-house is concealed in the graceful distance of miles, there is complicity.
¦b¥ô¦ó®É¥N¾Ö¦³²`Âã¤ßÆFªº¤H¡A³£·|¹ï°Êª«Ãh¦³¼¦¼§¤§±¡¡C——¥§ªö¡mThoughts out of Season¡n
The deeper minds of all ages have had pity for animals.
I have no doubt that it is a part of the destiny of the human race, in its gradual improvement, to leave off eating animals, as surely as the savage tribes have left off eating each other when they came in contact with the more civilized.
¦¨¤d¤W¸Uªº¤H»¡¥LÌ“·R”°Êª«¡AµM«á¨C¤Ñ¤@¨â¦¸§¤¤U¨Ó¨É¨ü°Êª«ªº¦×¡A¨º¨Ç°Êª«¤w³Q§¹¥þé¹Ü¤F¤@¤ÁȱoÅý¥¦ÌÄ~Äò¬¡¤U¥hªº²z¥Ñ¡A¥¦Ì¦b±O®_³õùظg¾úµÛ¥i©ÈªºWÃø©M®£Äß¡C——¬Ã·¥j¼w¡mThe Ten Trusts¡n
Thousands of people who say they 'love' animals sit down once or twice a day to enjoy the flesh of creatures who have been utterly deprived of everything that could make their lives worth living and who endured the awful suffering and the terror of the abattoirs.
§Ú¬Û«H«Ü¤Ö¦³¨k¤H©M¤k¤HÄ@·N¥h®·®»¨Ã«ö¦í¨ä¤¤¤@ÀY¦Ï©Î¤û¡A¨Ã¥Ñ¥L̿˦ۥh®_±þ°Êª«¡A±q¦Ó¨Ï¥LÌ¥i¥H¦Y¨ì¦×¡C——¦w©g·¨©ÃÙ¯S¡mVegetarianism in the Light of Theosophy¡n
I presume that very few men and very few women would be willing to go and catch hold either sheep or of oxen and themselves slaughter the creatures in order that they may eat.
§Ú¤§©Ò¥H¦¨¬°¤@Ó¯À¹ªÌ¬O¦]¬°§Ú¬Û«H°Êª«©M¤HÃþ³£¾Ö¦³¥Í¦sÅv¡C§Ú¤£»Ýn¾a°Êª«ªº¦º«Í¨ÓÅý§Ú¥Í¦s¡B±j§§»P°·±d¡C©Ò¥H¡A§Ú¤£·|¬°¤F¹ª«¦Ó®_±þ°Êª«¡C——´µ¬ì¯S·Â¿º¸¹ç¡mThe Making of a Radical¡n
I became a vegetarian because I was persuaded that life is as valid for other creatures as it is for humans. I do not need dead animal bodies to keep me alive, strong and healthy. Therefore, I will not kill for food.
¯u¥¿ªº¤HÃþ¬ü¼w¡A´J§t¦b¥¦©Ò¦³ªº¯ÂÐä©M¦Û¥Ñ¤§¤¤¡A¥u¦³·í¥¦ªº±µ¨üªÌ²@µLÅv¤Oªº®ÉÔ¤~·|®i²{¥X¨Ó¡C¤HÃþ¯u¥¿ªº¹D¼w´ú¸Õ¡A¨ä°ò¥»ªº´ú¸Õ¡]¥¦Âño²`²`ªº¤£©ö¬Ý¨£¡^¡A¥]¬A¤F¹ï¨º¨Ç¨ü¤H¤ä°t¤§ª«ªººA«×¡A¤ñ¦p°Êª«¡C¦b³o¤@¤è±¡A¤HÃþ¾D¨ü¤F®Ú¥»ªº¼ìµõ¡A¼ìµõ¬O¦p¦¹¨ã¦³®Ú¥»©Ê¥H¦Ü©ó¨ä¥¦¤@¤Áµõ¯¾³£®Ú·½©ó¦¹¡C ——¦ÌÄõ·©ø¼w©Ô¡m¤£¯à©Ó¨üªº¥Í©R¤§»´¡n
True human goodness, in all its purity and freedom, can come to the fore only when its recipient has no power. Mankind's true moral test, its fundamental test (which lies deeply buried from view), consists of its attitude towards those who are at its mercy: animals. And in this respect mankind has suffered a fundamental debacle, a debacle so fundamental that all others stem from it.
¦pªG³s§Ú̦ۤv³£¯Ê¥F¼¦¼§¡A§Ṳ́S¦³¤°麽¸ê®æ¬è¨D¤W«Òªº¼¦¼§¡H¦pªG§Ú̹ܨ«¤@¥uµL¶d°Êª«ªº¥Í©R¨Ã¨Ï¥¦¦å¬y¦pµù¡A§Ṳ́S¦³¤°麽¸ê®æ½Í½×Åv§Q»P¥¿¸q¡H§ÚÓ¤H»{¬°¡A¥un¤HÃþÄ~Äò¬y°Êª«ªºÂA¦å¡A´Nµ´¤£·|¦³¥ô¦óªº©M¥¡C——¦ãÂħJ·¨¯®æ¡mVegetarianism: A Way of Life¡n
How can we pray to God for mercy if we ourselves have no mercy? How can we speak of right and justice if we take an innocent creature and shed its blood? I personally believe that as long as human beings will go shedding the blood of animals, there will never be any peace.
·í§A¬Ý¨ì°Êª«³Q±a©¹±O®_³õ®É¨ººØµL§Uªº¼Ë¤l¡A§A¬°¤°麽·|·P¨ìµhW©O¡H¨º¬O¦]¬°§Aªº¤º¤ß²`³B·Pı¨ì³o¬O¿ù»~ªº¡A±þ®`µL§U¥BµL¶dªº°Êª«¬O¦h麽¤£¸q°Ú¡I——¥j´µ¹F¤Ò·¥q®{¿c«Â¡mMandaras Wanderungen¡n
Why did it cause you anguish, when you saw a defenceless animal driven to slaughter? Because you felt, in your inmost soul, that it is wrong, that it is unjust to kill a defenceless and innocent being!
Since we are not only things of flesh but winged souls as well, we may be doomed to enter into beasts as our abode; and even to be hidden in the breasts of cattle. Therefore, should we not allow these bodies to be safe which may contain the souls of parents, brothers, or of those allied to us by kinship or of men at least, who should be saved from every harm? Who with the knife cuts the calf's throat and offers a deaf ear to its death-longings! who can kill the kid while it is sending forth heart rending cries like those of a dear child; or who can feed upon the bird which he has given food.
§Úµo»}¡A³o¨Ç°Êª«¦ü¥G¬O¤j¦ÛµM¬°¤F¦Û¤vªº¬üÄR©MÀu¶®¦Ó³Ð³yªº¡CµM¦Ó¡A°Êª«ÌÂAªá¯ë¦â±mªº¦Ù½§¡BÀu¬ü©M¿Óªº°Ê¤HÁnµ¡A¥H¤Î¦UºØ¼äÐ䪺²ßºD¡A©Î¬O¦b³o¨Ç¥i¼¦ÂΨºùصo²{ªº¤£¦P´M±`ªº´¼¤O¡A³£¤£¯àÅý§ÚÌ·P¨ì²Û·\¡C——´¶¾|¶ð§J¡mPlutarch's Moralia¡n
I swear, nature appears to have produced for the sake of their beauty and grace. But nothing abashed us, not the flower-like tinting of the flesh, not the persuasiveness of the harmonious voice, not the cleanliness of their habits or the unusual intelligence that may be found in the poor wretches.
The soul is the same thing in all living creatures, although the body of each is different.
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A Brute is an animal no less sensible of pain than a Man. He has similar nerves and organs of sensation; and his cries and groans, in case of violent impressions upon his body, though he cannot utter his complaints by speech, or human voice, are as strong indications tous to us of his sensibility of pain, as the cries and groans of a human being, whose language we do not understand. Now, as pain is what we are all averse to, our own sensibility of pain should teach us to commiserate it in others, to alleviate it if possible, but never wantonly or unmeritedly to inflict it.
I'm healthier, I've got more energy, my cardio endurance has about doubled… It's amazing, but setting aside the health benefits, how often do you get that kind of incredible win-win, where you can really transform the planet, and it's actually possible.
I'm a vegetarian now and I'm so much thinner. I've been on a strict diet for years. I feel better than I ever have, healthier and more energetic.
I find in animals the same thing I find so wonderful in children. That purity, that honesty, where they don't judge you, they just want to be your friend. I think that is so sweet.
I am a very sensitive person. A person with very vulnerable feelings. My best friends in the whole world are children and animals. They're the ones who tell the truth and love you openly and without reservation. Adults have learned how to hide their feeling and their emotions. They can lie. They will smile to your face and say bad things behind your back. Children haven't learned those things yet, and they can't hurt you.
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Animaux comme nos frères, parcequ'ils sont animés comme nous, qu'ils ont les mêmes principes de vie, qu'ils ont ainsi que nous des idées, du sentiment, de la mémoire, de l'industrie. Il ne leur manque que la parole; s'ils l'avaient, oserions-nous les tuer et les manger? oserions-nous commettre ces fratricides?
¤HÃþ¦³¤@ºØ¥»¯àªº©Ê®æ——¦P±¡¹³¥L¤@¼Ëªº°Êª«¡A¤û¹y°ö¨|¤F³oºØ±¡Ãh¡A¥L±N¥¦©µ¦ù¨ì¤F§Cµ¥°Êª«¨¤W¡C¥L¬Û«H¤W«Ò¬JµM½ç¤©¤F°Êª«¥Î¨Ó·P¨üªº¾¹©x¡A´NÃÒ©ú°Êª«¾Ö¦³©M¤HÃþ¦P¼Ëªº¦UºØ·P¨ü¡C¤£À³¸Ó¶È¶È¬°¤FÅý¹ª«§ó¬ü¨ý¦ÓÅý¥¦Ì¨üW¡C——¥ñº¸®õ¡mElements de la Philosophie de Newton¡n
Il y a sur-tout dans l'homme une disposition à la compassion, aussi généralement répandue que nos autres instincts. Newton avait cultive ce sentiment d'humanisé, il l'étendait jusqu'aux animaux. que Dieu a donné aux animaux une mesure d'idées, les mêmes sentimens qu'à nous. Il ne pouvait penser que Dieu, qui ne fait rien en vain, eût donné aux bêtes des organes de sentiment, afin qu'elles n'eussent point de sentiment. et il ne permit jamais dans sa maison qu'on les fît mourir par des morts lentes et recherchées pour en rendre la nourriture plus délicieuse.
¤@¤Çµo¨|§¹¥þªº°¨©Îª¯¤ñ¤@Ó¤@¤Ñ¤j©Î¤@Ó¬P´Á¤j¡B¬Æ¦Ü¤@Ó¤ë¤jªºÀ¦¨à§ó¥[²z©Ê¡B§ó¬°°·½Í¡CµM¦Ó¡A°²¦p¨Æ±¡¤£¬O¨º¼Ë¡A¤S·|¬O¦p¦ó©O¡H°ÝÃD¤£¦b©ó¥¦Ì¯à¤£¯à±À²z¡A¤]¤£¦b©ó¥¦Ì¯à¤£¯à»¡¸Ü¡A¦Ó¦b©ó¥¦Ì¯à¤£¯à·P¨ü¨ìµhW¡C——³Çùئ̷Ãä¨G¡mThe Principles of Morals and Legislation¡n
A full-grown horse or dog is beyond comparison a more rational, as well as a more conversable animal, than an infant of a day, or a week, or even a month, old. But suppose the case were otherwise, what would it avail? the question is not, can they reason? nor, can they talk? but, can they suffer?
¥ô¦ó½T¹êªº¹êÅç³£ÃÒ©ú¡A¥ô¦ó¤@ºØ¥Í²z©Î¤ß²z¤Wªº¯e¯f³£¯à¨Ì¾aªö¥Î¯À¹©M¯ÂÐä¤ô¦Ó´î»´¯f±¡¡C——³·µÜ¡mThe Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley¡n
There is no disease, bodily or mental, which adoption of vegetable diet and pure water has not infallibly mitigated, wherever the experiment has been fairly tried.
§Ú·Q°_¤Fù§B¯S·¿Õ»ô§JÃÙ¦¨¯À¹¥D¸qªººë¹@½×ÂI¡A¥L«ü¥X¡A¤HÌ»{¬°¦Y¦×¬O²z©Ò·íµMªº¡A¦]¬°³Q±þªº°Êª«¦b±¡·P©M´¼¤O¤W³£»·»·¤£¦p§Ṳ́HÃþ¡A¤£¯à»P¤§¬Û¤ñ¡A³o´N·N¨ýµÛ¡A¦pªG¤@ºØ¤ñ¤HÃþ¯u¥¿Àu¶Vªº¥~¬Pª«ºØªº¥Nªí̳X°Ý¦a²y¡A¤]¹B¥Î¦P¼Ëªº¼Ð·Ç¡A¥L̤]´N¥i¥H¤ß¦w²z±o¦a¦Y§Ṳ́F¡C——·R¼wµØ·«Âº¸»¹¡mOn Human Nature¡n¡]½×¤H©Ê¡^
I am reminded of the clever way Robert Nozick makes this point when he constructs an argument in favour of vegetarianism. Human beings, he notes, justify the eating of meat on the grounds that the animals we kill are too far below us in sensitivity and intelligence to bear comparison. It follows that if representatives of a truly superior extra-terrestrial species were to visit Earth and apply the same criterion, they could proceed to eat us in good conscience.
§Ú¤@ª½¦b¬ì¾Ç¦a¬ã¨s“§Cµ¥°Êª«”¡]©Ò¿×ªº¡^ªº¯S©º©M©Ê®æ¡A¨Ã±N¥¦Ì©M¤Hªº¯S©º©M©Ê®æ¶i¦æ¹ï¤ñ¡C§Úµo²{³oÓµ²ªG¹ï§Ú¨Ó»¡¬O²`¨èªº®¢°d¡C——°¨§J·¦R·Å¡mMark Twain's Book of Animals¡n
I have been scientifically studying the traits and dispositions of the "lower animals" (so-called) and contrasting them with the traits and dispositions of man. I find the result profoundly humiliating to me.
ÃÒ¾Ú¶V¨Ó¶V¦h——¦P±¡¤ß¡B§Ú̪º°·±d¡BÀô¹Ò¡B¤ô¦Ã¬V¡B¤ä«ùµo®i¤¤°ê®a¡B¹«~¦w¥þ¡B¤H¤f¼Wªø¡B¥i«ùÄòµo®i¡B¼ö±a«BªL——·í¤HÌ°Ý°_¡A“§A¬°¤°麽¬O¯Â¯À¹ªÌ¡H”¤]³\À³¸Ó¤Ï°Ý¡G“§A¬°¤°麽¤£¬O¡H”——¥»³Ç©ú·¿A¤Z¥§¡]Benjamin Zephaniah¡^¡mMaking The Connection¡n¡]¬ö¿ý¤ù¡^
With the mounting evidence - compassion, our health, the environment, water pollution, supporting developing countries, food security, rising population, sustainability, the rainforest - when people ask, "Why are you vegan?" perhaps the question should be, "Why aren't you?"