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Direct Action Everywhere
Campaign video:
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Violence against animals is everywhere: from our clothing to our food, animals are routinely hurt 
and killed simply because they are not human. To challenge this discriminatory system of violence, 
DxE activists disrupted speciesism in stores selling animals' skin and flesh around San Francisco.
Join us in January to speak up for animals: https://www.facebook.com/events/329720813882638/
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Victory! Mexico Moves to Ban Wild Animals in Circuses
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Wild animals in entertainment are winning big this month with an announcement that
Mexico’s Congress has passed legislation banning their use in circuses throughout the country.
The move comes just months after lawmakers in the nation’s capital, Mexico City,
passed a ban that will go into effect next year. According to the AP,
circuses will now be required to report the animals they have and make them available
to zoos interested in taking them in, while violators will be subject to large fines.
In a statement, lawmakers noted that “the use of animals in circuses provides no
educational value to viewers” and has no value to conservation.
The bill, which now just needs the signature of President Enrique Peña Nieto
to become a law, was passed by a sweeping majority and makes Mexico the 29th
country to act to end circus animal suffering with a nationwide ban.
While the president hasn’t said anything about signing it yet, reports add
a promising note that the bill was introduced by an allied party.
Mexico, however, isn’t the only nation to act. Right on the heels of this victory,
officials in the Netherlands finalized a ban put in place in 2012 that will go into force
in September 2015 bringing the number of nations to act to 30.
Animal advocates and organizations including Animal Defenders International (ADI),
which has long been working on ending circus animal suffering, are applauding
the recent changes and hope more countries will follow.
“The ban is Mexico is a landmark in ending the suffering abuse of animals in the
name of entertainment. The world is changing and we are seeing progressive
legislation to end the use of wild animals in circuses sweeping the world.
Surely it is time for countries like Britain and United States to catch up and do the same,”
said Jan Creamer, President of ADI.
Two years ago the UK announced a bill that would ban the use of wild animals in
circuses, but despite widespread public support it’s been continuously blocked
with the fourth attempt to shut it down made earlier this month.
In the U.S., Rep. Jim Moran reintroduced the Traveling Exotic Animal Protection Act (TEAPA)
this past summer, which would end the use of wild and exotic animals in traveling
circuses over concerns about their welfare and the safety risks they pose to us.
While a number of cities and states in the U.S. have already taken action
and passed ordinances prohibiting wild animals and cruel training tools,
including another recent victory in Oakland banning bullhooks,
supporters argue the issue needs to be addressed on a federal level
because the mobile nature of circusesmakes it difficult for law enforcement
and inspectors to follow up on incidents and violations of the Animal Welfare Act, 
of which there have been many.
For us, entertainment shouldn’t mean causing wild animals to endure a restricted life
of confinement and abuse at the hands of those who want to continue to profit from
their suffering. We know far too much now about what these animals need and how
life in a circus can never be humane to let their exploitation continue.
How to Help Wild Animals in Circuses in the U.S. and UK
Please sign and share ADI’s petition urging the Prime Minister to ensure that the UK
makes good on its promise to ban wild animals in circuses.
Please also sign and share the petition urging Congress to act to end circus animal suffering
in the U.S. by passing TEAPA.

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