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主題: 體育健身新聞~素食者強大的生活方式
作者: 做個素食英雄吧
文 章 編 號: 第 228858 篇
發 表 日 期: 2014/12/11 0:17:14
閱 讀 次 數: 1328
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Holistic Holiday at Sea - Vegan Cruise
Building muscle mass the vegan way....some helpful tips!!
Get stronger on a plant-based, vegan lifestyle by following this method
Posted in: Fitness, Food, Health, News by Heather Suhr, Staff Reporter/Editor on 29 Nov, 2014
(TRFW News) So, you’ve adopted a plant-based vegan lifestyle and are already experiencing the amazing benefits of eating foods that are packed with nutrition, which keep you thriving on a daily basis. Maybe you’re that person that wants to pack on some healthy pounds – muscle weight, that is.
There are plenty of plant-based vegan athletes out there who know how to manipulate exercise and diet to transform into the physique they desire to obtain. (1) So, if you’re looking for ways to get stronger or leaner, here are some things to consider.
Protein is vital for muscle growth
While the Standard American Diet chows down with heavy amounts of meat-sourced proteins and refined, processed foods, and dairy protein, you do not need to. It is possible to gain muscle mass solely relying on whole-foods because plant based foods have a complete amino acid composition. (2)
The key is to eat protein with every meal and to incorporate foods together that make up a complete protein, such as rice and beans. Foods such as quinoa, amaranth, soybeans, buckwheat, hemp seed, chia, and spirulina are actually considered complete proteins, so make that a staple. (3)
Don’t forget to include vegetables and complex carbohydrates
Consuming vegetables should be a no-brainer, however, carbohydrates can be quite tricky. Not all carbs are created equal. Complex carbohydrates provide energy that will keep you going and are generally lower in glycemic index, which helps stabilize your blood sugar levels. (4)
Good sources of complex carbohydrates can be found in beans, peas, brown rice, sweet potatoes, oats, fruits, and whole grain (unrefined) sources. (5)
Lift weights and do bodyweight exercises
Weight lifting should be an obvious solution to gaining muscle size since they stimulate your muscles to change, which leads to growth. In fact, lifting weight is a natural method of increasing the growth hormones in the body. The human growth hormone is naturally derived from activities such as lifting weights and getting ample amounts of sleep, which feeds muscle growth, slows down aging, and aid in weight loss. (6)
Bodyweight exercises are another great way to build muscle. It’s easy and convenient, which includes activities such as crunches, leg raises, push-ups, pull-ups, to name a few. (7) Additionally, consider walking, yoga, Pilates, running, kickboxing, and high intensity interval training as well!
So, now you’re on your way to building muscle, but don’t forget this final important thing: sleep! We need sleep to rest, recover, and allow the body to restore/build itself. Get plenty of sleep during the night!
Sources for this article include:




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