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主題: Re:美調查:吃素民眾 8成回籠吃肉(美國16億人現在全素)
作者: 做個素食英雄吧
文 章 編 號: 第 228851 篇
發 表 日 期: 2014/12/10 19:52:56
閱 讀 次 數: 1353
此篇文章 回應: 228833 (陳某)
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恆定分享~~關於美國的最新素食者新聞 這樣表示如下,
後學的第一專長是財稅金融 商業本科 國際貿易和成本會計學 財政學等等
偏偏   新聞上的素食者不多~都很少新聞提過肉食者罹癌的數據更多
希望大家一起如同人間福報來提倡說好話 做好事 發好願
(TRFW News) In 2009, a tiny one percent of the US population reported 
eating vegetarian or vegan. Now, 5% of the United States population is 
vegetarian and half of those people are vegan. 
The rates have skyrocketed over the last five years and studies show 
the rates are climbing. 
So why are people continuing to go veg? 
The reason seems to involve a mix of various factors, 
with the largest impact coming from how much
we have learned about commercial farming 
and animal treatment over the last five years. 
16 Million People in the US are Now Vegan or Vegetarian!
Posted in: Health, Lifestyle, News by Heather McClees on 05 Oct, 2014
Why the United States is Going Veg…
To think that 16 million people in this country
eat absolutely no animal products is pretty amazing,
considering the degree to which meat has an impact on
most of our culture.
Approximately 42% of those who do not eat animal
products say that they went vegan after they saw an
educational film. Sixty-nine percent said they chose to
eat a vegan diet to support the ethical treatment of animals.
Forty-five percent say they transitioned into veganism
over time and of all those who are vegan,
52% say they have been eating vegan for less than 10 years.
This could be an indicator of the way the country
has become more knowledgeable about our food
supply over the last five years. (2)
Which Other Factors Are Involved?
Of all these vegetarians and vegans, the vast majority are women.
(2) In fact, in 2009 when only 1 million people were vegan,
a whopping 79% of those were women at the time. Now,
out of 5% of the population, one million people report
eating vegan and the rest vegetarian. Women still make up
79% percent of the vegan group and 59% of the vegetarian group. (2)
But veganism isn’t just for women. Many men have made the
change as well and as of 2012, meat consumption was
down a massive 12.2% from 2007. In fact, people aren’t
just eating vegan, they’re also more curious about
this way of life too. Google reported a three-fold increase
in vegan searches from 2007 to 2014!
A search for “vegan 2007〃 showed over 1,600 results while
a search for “vegan 2014〃 showed over 24,000 results! (3)
Celebrities also make up a significant portion of those
who are vegan or vegetarian.  Athletes, talk show hosts,
millionaires, and even political figures are now turning
to a veggie-based diet or a completely vegan diet.
Restaurants are also changing by either offering a vegan
or vegetarian entree and many new exclusive vegan
restaurants are open now that weren’t around five years ago.
Supermarkets now cater to vegans and offer more vegan
or vegetarian products and the online raw vegan food
industry has been thriving the last five years and only
continues to grow. In fact, it’s now estimated that by 2050,
America may be a “vegan country”, at least by a large
percentage! (3,4)
No longer is veganism the diet for hippies and
health nuts; according to statistics, it’s now
just a smart way to live that can help decrease
our ecological footprint and works our compassion muscles. Kale, anyone?
Sources for this article include: 
Heather McClees is a professional freelance writer, nutritionist, 
and health and wellness blogger from SC. She received her B.S. 
Degree in Nutrition Science and Dietetics and is a health and diet writer 
and editor for various websites including: The Raw Food World, 
One Green Planet and Health Digest 360. She started her
own health and wellness blog, 
The Soulful Spoon in 2011 and has previously written for
All Women Stalk and The Herald Journal Ne...

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cathy107美國人口大約3億。2014/12/12 18:16:50
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