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主題: Re:許多美國明星都吃素^_^視訊會議的英文翻譯
作者: 做個素食英雄吧
文 章 編 號: 第 228712 篇
發 表 日 期: 2014/11/24 10:27:41
閱 讀 次 數: 1834
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Conference Part 5 script (English & Aulacese)
Celebrities Going Veg
Q: Master, we’ve been seeing also a lot of very encouraging
vegan news around the world. For example, a study in
Sweden found that one in ten Swedish people are vegetarian or vegan. 
SM: Wow! Bless the country Sweden. Bless Swedish people. Oh, wow. 
Q: So that’s very encouraging. (SM: Encouraging, yes.)
And also Master, yes, also many big celebrity superstars
have converted to the vegan diet. (SM: Yes!)
For example, we have actress Michelle Pfeiffer and Kate Mara.
(SM: Michelle Pfeiffer?) Yes, Master. Has converted to the vegan diet.
(SM: And who?) Kate Mara. Also, singer Ariana Grande,
and the very famous actor Samuel L. Jackson, Master,
who has converted to vegan, as well. And he said that he lost 40 pounds
(18 kilograms) after going vegan. 
SM: Wow. Tell you. 
Q: And singer Ellie Goulding she said that her voice
improved  after going vegan. (SM: Yeah, of course.)
And also, Master, former US Vice President Al Gore
has also recently became a vegan in November last year, Master. 
SM: Wow. And Clinton. President Clinton, right? 
Q: Yes, Master. So that makes the two of them,
and Al Gore as well more recently.
SM: Wow, two presidents already vegan. And I think
President Obama and his wife also are kind of vegan or something?
Because they sent… 
Q: Yes, Master. They promote the healthy diet and gardening as well
, organic.  Very much into organic food, Master. 
SM: Yes. They sent their cook to a Korean temple to
learn cooking Korean style. A Korean temple means vegetarian
at least, vegan. The Korean monks, they don’t eat meat.
They are vegetarian, vegan. Yes. Something like that.
There are more people who are vegetarian or vegan in Sweden.
It’s just they do not always tell.
So the number, the 10% is not always correct.
Many people nowadays are vegan. They just don’t say. Okay? 
SM: Mr… The Virgin Airlines, Richard Branson?
Q: Yes, that’s right, Master. Sir Richard Branson. 
SM: You didn’t know? He also wrote in his blog that he’s going…
he said he forgoes red meat because, because, because.
But I think behind that, he’s going vegan or gone vegan already.
Sometimes people in a higher position,
they are more cautious about telling what they do.
Because they think they have a… name to keep.
But being vegan is precious. It’s glorious.  
Should be open to everyone to follow, you know, good example.
If you are in the leading position,
more so you have to tell when you do good things.
Being vegan is compassionate. It’s environmentally friendly,
and it’s wise, it’s healthy, it’s an intelligent choice.
According to research, any intelligent people are vegetarian or vegan.
So just join the club. I don’t know why people are hiding.
They should come out and tell that they are vegan. Anyone. Soon! 
Q: Yes, definitely, Master. Well actually,
the big Hollywood movie “Noah” had an all vegan premiere party,
and the media was abuzz about the main character Noah being a vegan,
and the film’s director Darren Aronofsky possibly being a veg. 
And there was also coverage of celebrity vegan weddings,
(SM: Yeah, I know.) for example, Anne Hathaway’s,
Natalie Portman’s, Persia White’s, and Sara Gilbert’s.
(SM: Yes.) They’ve had big celebrity vegan weddings,
Master, and it seems to have become quite a trend in Hollywood,
so that’s also encouraging. 
SM: Yes, many more! They just didn’t want to say because they
think it’s their private things. But if they are celebrities,
then they are people of the public. They’re not private people.
So they should all go out and tell. My opinion. Okay.
Q: It spread all over the news, Master, so that’s very hopeful.
SM: Wonderful, wonderful! I’m so happy!
Q: Also some very famous movie directors are also vegan now,
Master. For example Lasse Hallstrom, who is the director
of “Chocolat” and “The Cider House Rules,” and a few other
very famous movies. (SM: Wow.) And he also introduces
himself on his Twitter profile that he’s a vegan.
(SM: Wow. Wonderful. Yeah.)
So he is coming out into the public,
Master, which is good. 
SM: Wonderful! Wonderful! 
Q: And also James Cameron, the famous movie director,
his wife has a school in Malibu in California.
And they are at the moment transitioning the school to
become completely vegan. 
SM: Wow, bless them! Bless all these people and
celebrities who are so wise. Wise choice. Bless them.
May Heaven bless them many fold. And I bless them.
If I have any blessing, I’ll give them blessing. Yes, tell me, love. 
Q: Also Sir Paul McCartney, he has recently had a big concert
in August and he ordered it to be completely vegan, (SM: Yes.)
and even the audience weren’t allowed to bring their own
meat inside the stadium.
SM: Wow. That is what I call real action. Bravo! Bless him.
Q: Actually to follow up on what you said about the people
who were vegan for a long time but didn’t dare to go public,
actually Master, a few of them are saying publicly that they
are vegan now. Like the actors
Billy Bob Thornton and Peter Sarsgaard, they have been vegan
for a long time, but only recently they have made it public.
(SM: Oh, really!)
So it’s becoming more trendy and it’s even like they are proud of it. 
SM: Wow. You know, it’s maybe not because they don’t dare.
It’s just because they didn’t think it’s important.
They think it’s just their choice, and a private choice.
You understand me? Not because they don’t dare,
but probably they didn’t give any thought about going public.
You see what I mean? They’re just maybe shy,
or maybe they just do what they do and they don’t think to tell people,
that’s all.  
Just like before. Before, I didn’t go out to meet people.
I didn’t go out to lecture, or we didn’t have the Supreme Master Television.
I have always been, but I never told anybody around me.
I just didn’t think about it. If they ask,
if they ask me or if the occasion arises, I say,
“Yeah, I don’t eat meat.” You know? “I don’t eat animals.”
And then they will ask me why, then I continue to tell them.
Otherwise, also if I go out on the bus or something,
nobody would know that… You know what I mean? Yeah.
Not because I don’t dare, it just didn’t occur that I have to. 
Also, movie stars, mostly they are very private people.
They give all they have when they do the acting,
to please the world. And when they don’t act,
they feel they need to repose, they need to recover,
so they withdraw into their own private life,
and they just stay there. Understand me? To repose,
to recover and just to enjoy a little bit of their life.
So they didn’t think of telling people. 
And now, I guess because of climate change
and all this publicity about meat harms to the health
and to the planet, so I guess that’s why they think,
“Oh, then we should come out and tell everyone.”
You see what I mean? Before that, they thought it’s okay,
just… that’s their private thing.  
Q: And the cool thing about Peter Sarsgaard is that
he said that when he’s recording a movie in Hollywood,
on the movie set, he said that there are so many people eating
vegan food on the movie set that he’s wondering
where have all the meat eaters gone. 
SM: Yeah, they’ve gone away. They disappeared.
Q: Yes, it’s like, whether it’s the cast or the crew,
it’s like everybody is eating vegan food and it’s amazing. 
SM: I told you, there are more celebrities and
more people everywhere who are vegetarian or vegan.
It’s just they don’t think of telling or they didn’t have a chance to tell.
Whom should I tell? Should I go to all the newspapers,
every one of them and say, “Hey, I’m vegan.”
And the newspaper may not even print it. Nobody’s interested.
Maybe not, so… But it is getting more and more interesting now.
Nowadays, many on television are reporting more about climate change,
about the meat harms, and about the benefits of vegetarian food,
vegetable diet. Good.
Q: Yes, and even like you said, the media also.
Moby is a very, very famous vegan musician,
and he recently wrote an essay on why he’s vegan.
And Master, that was published in the Rolling Stone Magazine.
It’s a very, very famous pop culture magazine and the article,
Master, was shared 45,000 times. 
SM: Wow! Just in a short while. Wow, wonderful!
Q: Yes. And it’s not only the film and music industries that
are getting more vegan, Master. In sports also.
The athletes are also going vegan.
(SM: Ah, wonderful!) 
Last winter during the Olympics, the ice skating champion
Meagan Duhamel from Canada and the gold medalist Alexey Voevoda
from Russia, they both made a splash in the news for 
being vegan athletes, Master. (SM: Wow, bravo!)  
They won medals and…
SM: And champions, oh bless them, bless them.
Bless them for being such an example. Bless them. Bless them.
Thank you. Thank you, Heaven, for blessing us so much. 
The Warning
Q: Yes, Master. And Master,
a good reason for being vegan is,
actually there’s been a bug that’s spreading in the southeast of the USA.
It’s called the Lone Star tick, and when it bites people it
makes them allergic to meat and dairy. So far, Master,
thousands of people got bitten and had serious allergic reactions.
They are unable to eat red meat again because it will worsen
their allergies. And Master, some people were reacting to milk too,
even in very just small amounts. (SM: Yes.)
Of course we feel sorry, Master, for the people,
but we do hope they will avoid all kinds of animal products
to best take care of their health, and both physical and spiritual. 
SM: Yeah. That’s a warning that they should turn their
life around and don’t eat animals, don’t drink animals’ milk.
Contradictory to all the advertisements, milk really makes
the bone more brittle, not make more calcium for the bones at all.
So we should take calcium from the vegetables.
Better than the calcium from animals’ milk. It’s bad, bad.
It’s bad. It’s been researched and proved that it makes the
bones brittle if you drink milk a lot as an adult.
And a baby, maybe okay, but an adult, no good.
No, no, no. Even babies nowadays they have many formulas,
from rice milk, from soya milk, all kinds of…
You don’t have to even take cow’s milk. It’s risky for the babies. Okay. Good. Wonderful. 
A Huge Victory
Q: Master, here’s also good news for the animals.
The United Nations International Court, they ordered
Japan to stop whaling in Antarctica. And it’s such a
huge victory that a Sea Shepherd representative said
that they never expected such a strong ruling from the court. 
SM: Yeah, wonderful. Congratulations. The Sea Shepherd,
they have been doing a good job. We have always been supporting them.
Maybe you don’t know, but sometimes…
If I see a Sea Shepherd (member) on the street,
I always give a donation, whatever money I have in my purse
at that time. And they don’t even know who I am.
And of course I instruct Hsihu to give them donations now and then. And also Greenpeace. 
Yeah, we support all these wonderful people,
wonderful organizations that are good for the world and
good for the compassionate energy of this planet.
Bravo. Applause to them. I love them. I love these people.
I love these organizations like Sea Shepherd, Greenpeace,
and World Wildlife Fund, right? Many other, unknown,
less famous organizations. If I know of, I always support.
And financially or otherwise, and/or otherwise. Any more good news?
Wonderful, thank you so much.
The Seventh Day Adventists
Q: There’s also good news about human longevity from the USA.
A study found that there’s one long living group in the USA,
and they’re called the Seventh Day Adventists.
SM: Yeah, they are vegetarian people. 
Q: Yes, Master, yes. It’s said they live about 10
years longer than the average American life expectancy of 79 years.
And the researchers found that the reason is their plant-based
diet and having a community that reinforces moral living.
SM: Support. Yeah, wonderful, wonderful. Wow. You know,
when I had to be in the United States, I didn’t have a visa to stay long,
so I had to go to Grand Cayman, and then come back and forth.
In Grand Cayman, most native people there are vegetarian or vegan.
So I was feeling so surprised because they’re all Seventh Day
Adventists there. 
They’re very religious and very, very kindhearted. Very simple people,
very pure. Very nice people. Cayman Islands.
If I go to the supermarket in Grand Cayman, I’ll find the vegan sausage,
vegetarian sausage, vegan sausage and all that kind of thing.
In that small island. (Amazing!) Amazing.
The Shadows of Reality! 
Q: Master, another piece of good news is that,
last time when we had a conference with Master,
you explained that our universe was created when the OU’s energy
collided with a coarse energy at the Seam and
exploded into our Shadow Universe, which is amazing because
all this time, scientists didn’t know what was behind
the explosion that the Big Bang theory was founded upon.
On the front cover of last month’s major science magazine,
“Scientific American,” they publicized a new cosmological
theory that has come out that our universe came from another,
higher-dimensional universe. And three researchers in Canada,
they proposed that our universe burst into being when a star
in a 4-dimensional universe collapsed into a black hole.
So they say our universe is just a 3D mirage of a collapsing
star from a 4D universe. 
SM: Okay. More or less, can put it that way. Okay, it’s good.
Q: And Master, they described our universe as a quote unquote
“holographic mirage from another dimension” and compared
it to being only the shadows of reality! 
SM: Okay, Good! They’re getting there. 

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