在PETA 的網站上看到這則好消息 ~超級興奮所以趕緊跟大家說~~~
原文大概是這樣 :
動保組織PETA 和加拿大的肯德基KFC 達成動物福利計劃 將在加拿大半數的連鎖KFC的供餐增加
素食雞肉口味的三明治漢堡 在包裝時可以要求不加美乃滋(蛋黃醬料) 等 讓她變成 VEGAN 的∼∼
為慶祝上市 現在還可以網路下載折價卷 九月買一送一!!! (加拿大真是幸福~~)
原文也呼籲大家 CLICK 文中 boycott the chain 聯署簽名給各地的KFC ∼∼∼
素食漢堡 !!YEA~~~~
KFC Canada Offers New Classic Vegetarian Sandwich—Get One Free Now!
Following months of closed-door negotiations between PETA and KFC Canada, the company agreed to a historic new animal welfare plan that will dramatically improve the lives and deaths of the chickens killed for its restaurants. One part of the agreement that will warm hearts—and stomachs—is the addition of a vegetarian chicken sandwich to the chain's menu!
KFC is adding the Classic Vegetarian Sandwich to the menu of more than half the locations in Canada. The sandwich features a crispy vegan faux-chicken patty, and you can easily make the delicious treat totally vegan by asking for it in a wrap and without mayo.

To celebrate the groundbreaking new sandwich, KFC Canada is offering a buy-one-get-one-free coupon for a limited time only! Now through September 2008, present this coupon at participating KFC Canada restaurants when purchasing a Classic Vegetarian Sandwich and you'll receive a second sandwich absolutely free! (Click here for the English version of the coupon, and click here for the French version.)
The sandwich will be offered at more than half the stores in Canada, and the coupon will be valid at participating locations. Visit the KFC Canada Web site to find a location near you.
KFC Canada's new animal welfare plan and the vegetarian sandwich are enormous victories for PETA and animals. Outside Canada, KFC has not acted to stop the worst abuses of chickens. Please contact KFC and demand that it adopt the same animal welfare plan as its Canadian counterpart—tell the company that until it does, you will boycott the chain. You can contact KFC by using this online form or calling 1-800-225-5532.
※此文原作者於2008/07/29 13:00:51修改過。