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世界級環保團體的連署行動 -- Climate in cri |
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第 201737 篇 |
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2008/06/17 10:54:13 |
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838 |
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這是一個世界級環保團體的連署行動, 將遞交給日本 G8 氣候高峰會議代表,
以下有中文的連署網址, 大家點進去填一填資料送出即可 !
下文摘要是, 去年這個環保團體已在巴里島高峰會談時取得各國代表加強減碳
的環保承諾, 好不容易有一點進展, 但今年似乎那些富國又開始不願承擔責任,
因此最近在日本的 G8 高峰會議, 這個環保團體又會再去抗議並遞交連署書對各國代表施壓,
大家可以再多多寫信到這個網站, 請他們將蔬食抗暖化的資訊加入網頁中,
他們全世界有上百萬的會員 !!!!! (他們的頁面右上角支援各國語言, 可直接點選中文看中文頁面)
我們已經投入了這世界的糧食危機--農作物的降格向上暴漲及通貨膨脹讓世界各地的家庭縮衣節食, 從埃及到孟加拉共和國一億多人正在面臨飢荒和激烈的糧食暴動.單單再獅子篩山米價就上漲了一倍,導致國家中百分之九十的人口無法向家庭供應糧食—所以我們正加入他們外交部長扎伊纳布班古拉(右方)的行列來向世界領導們施壓來要求他們做出行動.
Dear friends,
On Wednesday, we'll hand our climate petition to the prime minister of Japan -- the chair of the powerful G8 summit. Join the call for climate action now!
Last year, the world seemed to wake up to climate change.
This year, it's falling back asleep.
Two weeks of global climate negotiations have just wrapped up -- with no real progress. The rich nations are the culprits, refusing to take the lead and commit to emissions cuts that will bring the rest of the world onboard.[1]
Our best hope: within weeks, those rich country leaders will gather at the G8 summit chaired by Japan. If Japan's Prime Minister offers bold leadership, the G8 summit could be a breakthrough. But, so far, he is pushing in the wrong direction.[2]
So it's up to us. Next Wednesday, June 18, we will hand-deliver our new climate petition to Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda. If we can muster 250,000 voices in a few short days, we can sound a global alarm on climate that Fukuda and the other G8 leaders cannot ignore. Sign the petition and forward this message to friends:
We've already shown that a global public outcry on climate change can move Fukuda's policy. Asahi Shimbun, Japan's second-largest newspaper, told the story in a lengthy article this January. At a critical, high-level meeting on global warming after the UN negotiations in Bali, the Environment Minister reportedly held up Avaaz's "Titanic" newspaper ad -- showing Japanese Prime Minister Fukuda, with Bush, steering towards climate disaster... along with a call for tough 2020 emissions targets, signed by 90,000 Avaaz members.
"The world sees Japan as a force resisting change! Are we okay with this?" the minister reportedly asked. The Chief Cabinet Minister suggested setting a target. Days later, after having steadfastly resisted the idea at Bali, Prime Minister Fukuda announced his decision: Japan would, indeed set a 2020 emissions target.[3]
Now, five months on, Fukuda has indeed laid out a target -- but it falls far short of what scientists say is necessary to avert a climate catastrophe.
This year's G8 summit will begin on the same day as the Tanabata festival, when citizens write their wishes on pieces of paper and hang them from bamboo trees. [4] This Wednesday, let's send the biggest-ever Tanabata wish: for a climate change treaty strong enough to save the planet.
Sign the petition here, and spread the word:
People created the climate crisis. If we join together, people power can end it.
With hope,
Ben, Ricken, Iain, Graziela, Galit, Paul, Pascal, Veronique, Mark, and Milena -- the Avaaz.org team
[1] Reuters: "Rich nations fail to take lead at climate talk: UN." 12 June 2008. http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/Developmental_Issues/Rich_nations_fail_to_take_lead_at_climate_talk_UN/articleshow/3122651.cms
[2] AFP: "Japan's move on climate "doesn't go far enough": UN climate boss"
[3] For more on Avaaz's campaigning in Bali, see the Asahi Shimbun piece linked off the petition page, or click here: http://www.avaaz.org/en/bali_report_back
[4] Tanabata festival. http://www.japan-guide.com/e/e2283.html
Avaaz.org is an independent, not-for-profit global campaigning organization that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people inform global decision-making. (Avaaz means "voice" in many languages.) Avaaz receives no money from governments or corporations, and is staffed by a global team based in London, Rio de Janeiro, New York, Paris, Washington DC, and Geneva.
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推文內容: | 手套~☆:推~~~加油~~推動素食不落人後~減少動物的傷害,避免生靈塗炭。 | 2008/06/17 10:58:16 |
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