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現在位置:討論區 / 素食的疑惑與定義 / Re:請問有人知道"卡夫芝士粉是否有動物的renn

討論區/素食的疑惑與定義 文章

主題: Re:請問有人知道"卡夫芝士粉是否有動物的renn
作者: kissmint
文 章 編 號: 第 173415 篇
發 表 日 期: 2006/06/09 13:41:18
閱 讀 次 數: 1346
此篇文章 回應: 172854 (CHACHAGIRL)
回應此篇的文章: 173434
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From: "Kraft - Online Team2" <OnlineTeam2@Casupport.com>

To: "'kissmint24@yahoo.com'" <kissmint24@yahoo.com>

Subject: Kraft Foods

Date: Thu, 8 Jun 2006 15:31:12 -0600

Hi Vicky,

Thank you for visiting http://www.kraftfoods.com/.

With the product information that you provided us for our product; we are able to provide you with the following information.

Kraft Grated Parmesan utilize microbial rennet which is NOT made with enzymes extracted from animal tissue.

Please check ingredient line on the product packaging to determine if this ingredient is present on the product that you purchased.

If you haven't done so already, please add our site to your favorites and visit us again soon!

Cynthia Boychuk

Executive Representative




Enquiring Minds Want To Know About Kraft Cheese

by Tracy Z. written to Kraft Foods, Inc.

Posted Tue June 6, 2006


I have a question about one of your products that I recently read about in the newsletter I get from the website http://www.vegetarian-restaurants.net/

It was about your cheese products and it stated: "When I contacted Kraft about animal rennet in their cheese, they told me that the only cheeses that do not contain animal rennet are Kraft Swiss Cheese and Philadelphia Brand Cream Cheeses."

I am a vegetarian and but not a vegan. I eat dairy products like milk and cheese because a cow does not need to die to give milk. At least that is what I thought about cheese too. Is it true that an animal dies when cheese is made? For some reason I always thought that cheese was made in a factory and not in an animal stomach.

I do hope I am right and can go on eating cheese especially your american cheese because and an animal didn't have to die for cheese to be made.

Please let me know what is true. Thank you.


Tracy Zamost


Subj: RE: Your Comment/Question

Date: 6/6/2006 11:53:31 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time

From: OnlineTeam2@Casupport.com

To: tszaj@aol.com

Hi Tracy,

Thank you for visiting http://www.kraftfoods.com/.

Most of the cheeses we manufacture contain a microbiologically

produced coagulating enzyme called chymosin. The process of

converting milk into cheese is dependent on the use of this enzyme.

Our Sharp, Extra Sharp Cheddar and Romano cheeses may contain animal

derived enzymes which assist in their flavor and texture development.

Other products utilize a microbial rennet which is derived from the

growth of pure cultures of bacteria or mold. KRAFT Natural Swiss

Cheese and KRAFT Grated Parmesan Cheese are example of products that

contain this type of enzyme.

Soft cheeses utilize another method of coagulating milk by the growth

of pure cultures of bacteria in the milk and the development of lactic

acid. Our cream cheese products such as PHILADELPHIA BRAND Cream

Cheese and Light PHILADELPHIA BRAND Neufchatel Cheese fall into this


I hope that this has given you some useful information.

Again, thanks for contacting us, and I hope you'll continue to enjoy

our products.

Kim McMiller

Assoc Director, GCR Consumer Services


信中有關那罐卡夫綠色芝士粉的製作相關為 ”Other products utilize a microbial rennet which is derived from the

growth of pure cultures of bacteria or mold. KRAFT Natural Swiss

Cheese and KRAFT Grated Parmesan Cheese are example of products that

contain this type of enzyme."

"utilize a microbial rennet which is derived from the

growth of pure cultures of bacteria or mold" 翻譯應該為"利用由單純細菌或霉菌所培養的微生物凝乳酵素" (如果有錯請更正)

如果照以上卡夫美國原廠所回覆的,卡夫芝士粉應該是素食者可使用的。 不過就像我之前所說的,這種東西眾說紛紜,而且吃素的人又分好多種程度(吃蛋、吃奶、只要不傷害動物的就可以吃、只要不是我殺的就可以吃、只要不是為我死的就可以吃.....etc)



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