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討論區/醫療保健 文章

主題: Re:蘋果今天報素食(完整版)
作者: play
文 章 編 號: 第 164269 篇
發 表 日 期: 2006/01/21 18:24:09
閱 讀 次 數: 858
此篇文章 回應: 164250 (small fly elephant)
推文人氣: (1)

文章裡面的素食,是植物性食物 Plant foods




>【 在 small fly elephant 的大作中提到: 】



>這是蘋果日報的原本的文章 我翻譯的不好怕誤導大家,所以想說既然是蘋果日報應該有網路版,就找到了蘋果日報的原文 希望大家不要被我的翻譯誤解原意




>素食 血壓較健康

>Plant foods linked to better blood pressure


>People who fill up on vegetables, whole grains and fruit tend to have healthier blood pressure levels than their more carnivorous peers, according to an international study published.




> The findings, say researchers, bolster recommendations that adults eat more plant-based foods for the sake of their cardiovascular health.




>The study found that among nearly 4,700 middle-aged adults in four countries, those who ate more vegetable protein -- from grains, vegetables, beans and fruit -- tended to have lower blood pressure.




> Even a small increase in the proportion of calories derived from vegetable protein translated into a dip in blood pressure, according to findings published in the Archives of Internal Medicine.




>The study included 4,680 adults ages 40 to 59 from the UK, US, China and Japan. Reuters






> 此網址是整篇的內容 供大家參考



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vegoshoDear play:說得好哦! ^____________^2006/01/21 22:32:11
Re:請問大家市面上販售的素食狗飼料哪一個牌子的是大家家裡 (作者:瑪琪)
Re:好吃的大阪燒 (作者:subkd)


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