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現在位置:討論區 / 素食的疑惑與定義 / Re:關於今天報紙與電視報導的素食缺乏營養

討論區/素食的疑惑與定義 文章

主題: Re:關於今天報紙與電視報導的素食缺乏營養
作者: ohmagic
文 章 編 號: 第 137952 篇
發 表 日 期: 2005/02/24 10:40:49
閱 讀 次 數: 1651
此篇文章 回應: 137900 (鹿童師兄)
推文人氣: (0)

這個問題, 現在全球所有的素食者似乎都已在關切中



(1)Was this based on carefully conducted research?


(2)Was it based on structured study with control groups

and meticulous monitoring of what children ate?


(3)Was it perhaps based on a large number of children

eating a normal vegan diet who were found to have a

greater than usual risk for illness?


Her basis for this bizarre and completely unfounded declaration was her experience in Africa. Children who had been eating nothing but corn and beans were given a little meat and their health improved. Not children on a normal, healthy vegan diet - children who had been eating nothing but corn and beans. Adding almost anything to their diet would have caused improvement.

在VegSource的特別加發的Newsletter中特別說到該研究是美國牛肉組織付費的, 其動機還蠻令人懷疑的.....:

What you may not have heard is that the "study" was paid for by the National Cattlemen's Beef Association.

相信過不久, 其他素食團體一定會有其他的反擊

只是在台灣, 身為一個素食者如何在這個時候做出最正確的反應


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Re:贊成小孩吃素嗎??yes (作者:藍山嵐煙)
多吃蔬菜水果會更年輕喔 (作者:小辰)


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