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討論區/素食甘苦談 文章

主題: Re:wedding feast
作者: 湛藍海..
文 章 編 號: 第 111442 篇
發 表 日 期: 2004/06/14 13:36:26
閱 讀 次 數: 1017
此篇文章 回應: 111262 (小三子)
回應此篇的文章: 111468
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派謝哦~~~~~看不太懂~~我男朋友吃素,也常碰到這種問題 ^^!

>【 在 小三子 的大作中提到: 】










>>【 在 Kevin Liu 的大作中提到: 】

>> Every time when we, vegetarins, think whether we should

>>attend a wedding feast or the like, what comes form your mind first? Vegetarian feast cannot be a main condition which you consider if you wanna go. The friendship between you and your friends are the most important reason which you decide to. A congenial friend will tell you that you are my close friend and you must attend my feast, though you are the only vegetarian friend of mine, but I still happy to set a vegetarian food for you, just for you. A congenial friend will think about all your unconveniece when they call you his/her wedding banquet.

>> so a nomal friend might just look their yearbook up and ask you to come. Meanwhile you should rethink about your friendship and choose to go or not to go. Belive it or not, such a friend's feast you shall not go , no matter if they set a vegetarian banquet. Therefore if you are really good friend, you can talk about anything even help your friend set a vegeatrian bqnquet if they do how to prepare. How do you think??

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Re:想學素食麵包~~ (作者:慈心)
Re:我可以吃素可是我對宗教沒興趣 怎麼辦..... (作者:願效蒼舒)


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