That's Good...
Though I'm bad at making new friends, knowing people who had same interests is great~ :)
I like making new friends who had different talents.
Coz you can always learn from each other.
Recently I just got my own site done.
So come and be my friend...
Also I joined a club called "An English Club"
That's FREE and get-togethers were held in Kaohsiung.
Anyone who's also interested in that, come and join us.
The link is in my page.
>【 在 sherrylin 的大作中提到: 】
>Can You believe it?
>Yahoo is so big. You can meet different people.
>I met one American actor through Yahoo. He is young still.
>He likes to be saint. Ask me about spiritual life.
>I shared my meditation life with him.
>We felt connection. This is a good feeling. This is friendship too.
>We learned from each other.