PAY IT FORWARD (為愛預付 / 待用餐 )
Observing the free meals that we were serving to the homeless, more people have contributed by paying it forward. Now the total meals to be served exceed the initial of 2000 meals. If you wish to join us in this humble cause of feeding prepaid meals to the homeless by paying it forward, then please come in person to the restaurant and contact the owner.
這幾天我們為遊民服務提供的免費餐點時,有些朋友也跟我們聯繫希望也能提供金額加入我們這個活動。現在這個餐點的總數量已經超過了最初的 2000 份。如果您也希望提供待用餐給遊民的這個活動,請您親自到店聯繫老闆。
This year the Pay It Forward event is dedicated to serve 2000 meals within a span of 30 days to the homeless. We are very happy to cooperate with Vegan Model Mia Sabathy for the 3rd time to serve the community, the 1st & 2nd being at the Peak of Covid to serve the overworked hospital staff (no matter their position) as long as they had a valid hospital ID card. It included a free meal, a free dessert and a free drink of the choice.
今年這個活動是在一個月內每天提供免費(晚)餐點給遊民,最初總計數量為 2000 份。我們非常高興能再度跟純素美模 Mia Sabathy 第三年度的合作來為社會盡一點點心力。第一跟第二年因為是疫情的高峰時,所以我們特地針對所有辛苦工作的醫護人員們,不論他們的職位是什麼,只要有醫院的工作證就可以來我們店內領取一份餐點;包括一份主餐,一杯飲料及一片誕糕。
Thank you all for supporting us in the past and hope to have your continued support in the future.